Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Happy Everything *01-01-2018)

Dec 31st 2017 is the best moment 4 my bestie Martina. Finally, she's getting married and I hope she will get happily ever after.. I really excited to come in  her wedding party. It was happened in Club House Regency 21 at 7.00 am. I followed untill akad and I mus went to Jogja soon.

I need to runaway the plane and ready in Juanda at 8.45 am. Thank's Gos it was not late. I can bought souvenir in Silva and ate in Bakso Petra untill 10.45. The flight was not delay and I arrived in Adisutjipto in the right time.. Woohoooo... Welcome to Jogja..

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