Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Meremajakan Diri (27-06-2020)

Ternyata lockdown ad hikmahnya juga. Walopun pemasukan sedikit berkurang tpi Tuhan slalu melimpahlan rahmatnya melalui bnyk hal. Salah satunya dg memberikan waktu yg bnyk utk meremajakan diri.

Hari itu akirnya bs mani pedi plus nail polish di d salon taman dayu pandaan. Selain itu, bs nambah perawatan foot spa n puji Tuhan g mahal nyalon dsni. Smuanya cuman hbs 115rb. Seneng de.. pdhl terakir meni pedi kyknu setaun yg lalu. Puji Tuhan akirnya bs ngrasain juga.

Hbs meni pedi lanjut makan2 d kafe ala2 sosialita ya.. asik banget bs nongki d goldrn cafe.. makan spagheti bolognaise n boba bubblegum.. wkwk.. dtemani debo smbl ngalor ngidul crt g jls.. smg ae qta smua mendpt masa dpn terbaek guys.

Trus bsknya suami ngajak bbqan patin.. mantap de.. cucok marucok.. bumbu buatan sndiri makin mantap n suami juga sukak.. hahaha.. endes banget hdp gw.. jgn lupa mnmnu juga istimewa. Cana wedding wine... hahahaha... dah kayak sosialita bingit pokoknya

Kamis, 25 Juni 2020

Thanks To God (25-06-2020)

Thank to God, we can celebrated our daugther graduation in rabbit garden restaurant. We chose ote2 and fried banana. We enjoyed the moment with great fish pool and garden. Then we drank the juice and felt really bless.

Then we ate rabbit satay. The taste was good otherwise the meat rare hard. The peanut sauce was really fave. The portion was really big and we felt full.

The fortune from God was not end. We still want enjoyed the forest view in sumilir. Then we went to sumilir. Sketsa was really happh because she can played in the playground and i can enjoyed the angsle.. hmmm... really great life with thjs really great fortune from God..

Rabu, 24 Juni 2020

Pesta Wisuda TK (24-06-2020)

Waktu cpt berlalu n ank makin gede. Sdh wktnya dya lulus tk. Seneng banget meskipun perpisahanny g drayakan. Qta bikin sendiri aj pesta kecil2an. Cuman ber5.

Qta langsung menuju k taman kelinci trawas. Dsna seneng banget ad banyak kelinci. Tiket masukny 10rb. Dpt wortel n pakan ikan krn dsna g hanya kelinci tpi juga ad ikan. Slain qta bs memberi makan kelinci n bermain, qta jh bs memanfaatkan spot2 foto yg instagramable banget. Cocok banget buat foto2 wisuda ank wedok. Tema alam n kekinian. Aq sng banget liat dya bajagia bawa ijasah n hadiahny. Skses terus y nak.. smg terus jadi no 1 dimana pun kmi berada. Amiiiinnn...

G hanya d pelajaran tpi jg d balet. Meskipun skrg bljr baletnya d rmh tpi smgvtetep aktif yaaa...

Selasa, 23 Juni 2020

Stay At Home Again (23-06-2020)

Thx God, You give me the best fortune. I can stay at home again when my project has been lockdown.

I can enjoyed the ice cream with my lovely husband and i can teached my daugther with drawing lesson. Now, i can cooked vegetables and briyani rice. I really like it and my husband too. I can enjoyed the garden and love my life.

Hopefully i got another job again. Please God, help me again after this your greatful..

Senin, 22 Juni 2020

Bahagia Banget (23-06-2020)

Duh.. bahagianya liat ank lulus tk meskipun lulus tknya gr2 lulusan corona. Tpi hrs tetep move on ya nak.. terus belajar n smg cita2mh jd dokter tercapai. Amiiinnn... kok y pas foto wiauda makmu n kmu g dandan toh yaa.. tapi gakpapalah.. qta kan vantik natural. Wkwkwkwk

Hbs itu, krnnproyek lockdown, qta buat acara seneng2 sblm tutup. Jdi qta bikin acr bakar2 gurami n patin. Cucoklah utk open bisnis lesehan kalo proyek g lanjut. Wkwkwk.. mantul ini mah, bakaran n sambelnya. Apalagi skrg makin ahli bebakar ria n nambah ad lalapan nya.. beuh.. mantep cin...

Kebahagiaan masih bergulir, hbs dr proyek pun, aq n sketsa menuju oase citraland utk pijet n ear candle. Seneng banget dah.. nglemesin badan n yg pasti lgsg fresh utk menyambut kehidupan baru. Yeah...

Minggu, 21 Juni 2020

Fam In Green (22-06-2020)

Last week, i and my fam weared fam green costumes and walked around in pandaan. Frist, we went to fahri"s house. Sketsa gave him birthday present. Fahri look so happy and i took their picture..

Second, i accompanied my husband cut his hair. He cutted in dsalon taman dayu. He look so handsome and i like his style.

Third, we ate in kfc. This is what my daugther wanted. She ate crispy chicken and i ate practice combo burger. Hmm.. yummy... she played with her friends and i enjoyed that moment. Thanks God, we still feel your fortune everyday.

Menyederhanakan Hidup (20-06-2020)

Slalu bersyukur guys.. masih dgaji walo g penuh krn proyek lockdown n jualan donatnya laku keras.. puji Tuhan bangetlah.. uang d dompet jg g pernah berkurang krn rahmatnya..

Hari itu malming tipis2 aja d toko mainan beli kado buat tetangga n of course ank sndiri. Sng banget dianya dpt mainan baru. Belii aj lego n grobak es krim. Hehehe.. sngny liat mrk bahagia.

Trus krn kelaperan lanjut ngafe d zaco bangil. Seneng banget bs ngafe ala2 alam. Cukup kentang goreng n jus tape udah bs nyeskan hdp yg lagi kalut. Semangat guys.. u never walk alone..

Jumat, 19 Juni 2020

A Day In TP (19-06-2020)

Finally guys... i can enjoyed tp after long time because of covid 19. I can enjoyed this moment otherwise we must follow the healthy protocol. Wkwkwk..

I bought johny andrean gel for my husband then i bought holly soap in century. Now we must shop only one way in mall. And i must walked around for looking something.

After that i ate in food court. I bought beef crepes in dcrepes. I and my bestie talked with healthy protocol eith acrylic layer. We laugh each other because this protocol. We can not enjoyed this. Wkwkwk.. but the food was good. Really delicious.

We was so bored and looked for another place to talk something great. We saw koi and i bought honey ice. I like this beverage and the taste was delicious. Very fresh and great. The best taste i think. Wkwkwk

Semua di Proyek (19-06-2020)

Sedih banget proyek lockdown.. aplgi pas blm dpt kerjaan baru d pandaan.. yah untung 2 bln ni msh dbyr.. lgsg siap2 jualan donat.

Malah sempet jg bantu tmn yg kehilangan pekerjàan gr2 pandemi. Skrg istrinya jualan pudding.. eee g lama aq yg dpt berita buruk.. smg aj 1 juli dah dpt kerjaan baru.

Di proyek juga seneng banget.. grupnya solid.. jdi qta ngehabisin sore itu utk foto2 di lantai paling atas. Semangat y guys.. smg smuanya sht2.. yg blm dpt tuntunan cuma bayu.. yg lainnya sdh ad pegangan. Termasuk aq ad uang invest n jualan donat.

And then terakir aq beliin ankq piyama.. meskipun proyek lockdown, ank hrs tetep hepi d hari wisudany. Semoga makin verdas ya sa pas sd juara 1. Amiiiinnn...

Kamis, 18 Juni 2020

Me Time (18-06-2020)

I just met my me time after a while.. I can got body massage in oase citraland. Finally they open and i can enjoyed the treatment. Hehehe.. this place has good helathy protocol and i really like it.

Then i was so hungry and bought sandwich and choco sponge cake in bon ami. The taste really great. It was equal with the price. Hmmm.... yummy...

I got fortune from mr beqi. He bought us donut. The taste was good and there were cute donut from mojokerto. Hehehe

Rabu, 17 Juni 2020

Sehari Menikmati Hidup (17-06-2020)

Rasanya sangat nikmat kala itu.. tak ad beban pekerjaan.. sangat ayem suasananya. Hari itu aq cuman k alfamart pandaan utk isi etoll dan makan siang.

Pengen suasana baru.. qta menuju rumah makan masakan makassar yg konsepnya d tengah sawah. Namany warung igbal. Dsni masakannya endes punya. Apalagi sop konro dan es pisang ijonya.. hmmm muaknyus poll...

Makan endes ditambah suasana endes pula.. ad d tgh2 sawah n aq sukak banget guys.. lgsg ilang pusing2 n slalu optimis buat usaja k dpnnya.. amin..

Selasa, 16 Juni 2020

New Normal ( 16-06-2020)

Actually i was so happy because the new normal life is coming. We can went to mall safely. I tried ate pig satay in ptc. The mall had already crowded and i was really happy. We can enjoyed this moment after long lockdown.

But, my daugther still can"t go to school and ballet course. She still learn from tv and zoom. She tried her first zoom ballet with her friends. She was confused but she tried harder. I appreciated her want. Hehehe

Then finally we got saturday night. We took the money from mandiri and went to mbonk backo bangil. We enjoyed the night and ate french fries. I drank milo ice and i really like it.. yeah.. really nice moment. Hihihi

Senin, 15 Juni 2020

Hari Terakhir di Traeas (16-06-2020)

Senengnya hari terakir d trawas. Qta bs berkuda dg membayar k grand whizz hanya 30rb sdh bs berkeliling bersama kuda sambil melihat pemandangan yg indah n udara yg sejuk. Hehehe

Habis lelah berkuda qta bs menyantap makanan lezat dg suasana menyegarkan d sumilir. Pisang kipasny hajuek punya. Manis kriuk n yg pasti murah meriah. Jgn lp cobain jg sate kulitnya. Endes punya.. wkwkwk..

Hbs seger liburan trus back to normal biar tetep kerasa segernya lgsg ngemil salad aja. Djamin puas n menjalani lehidupan kantor lebih cucok..

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2020

Selasa, 09 Juni 2020

Lanjutan Liburan (09-06-2020)

Habis puas belanja n kuliner, malemnya qta nyobain side pool dinner n main billyard. Udaranya d grand whizz trawas adem ayem endes banget. Trus olah raga dikit ma ank wedok maen bilyard. Seru bingit. Yang namanya perut pengen terus keisi n oengen nyobain resto nya. Ad live cooking makan sepuasnya. Endes banget dah.

Paginya qta renang ditemani pemandangan gunung yg indah. Ad mini bar juga. Pokoknya seru banget buat olah raga renang n foto2. Sarapannya pun mewah banget di kafenya. Masakannya juga endes2.. asek2 jos.. hehehe... meskipun g bs k ln bs liburan dsni lanjutannya oke punya guys..

Minggu, 07 Juni 2020

Great Holiday (07-06-2020)

Last week was great holiday. Otherwise i can't go to thailand but i still can went to trawas. I stayed at grand whizz hotel. It is 4 star hotel but i got promo price. Then i spent my money in this art gallery. I bought everything what i want. Shoes, troussers, bross, key chain, etc. What beauhiful stuffs i think..

The room is very great. I can view a mountain from my room. Really great holiday and we can enjoyed the eat counter. The place was really good with forest concept. I chose angsle and red fried rice. Hmmm... yummy..

Then i visited ghanjaran garden. It still closed but we can enjoyed the culinary. Grill meatball and wader were really good taste here. My daugther can enjoyed the playground too.. we can enjoyex the scenery and cool air.. hmmmm... i really like it.. really great holiday..

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020

Sukuran Lagi (06-05-2020)

Aseeekkk bulan ni penuh berkah banget krn uang masih buanyaakkk.. makasi Tuhan sudah memberikan banyak rejeki.

Pagi2 d perum sdh menikmati keindahan alam gng arjuno yg syahdu. Ditambah lagi sng bs bantu tetangga beli jualan tikar sponsnya.

Hbs tu bsknya ma dsi. Qta makan pizza keju phd yg endes stlh ambl uang d atm mandiri. Seneng jg liat ortu bahagia. Smg rejeki ini bs jadi berkah.

Bskny lanjut ma klrg. Qta dinner d upnormal pandaan. Makan telur crispy n es susu coklat. Endes mah suasananya smbl wifian beli huxley gel face wash plus maen ular tangga. Sueneng pol.. smg Tuhan slalu memberikan rejeki jni n qta bs sukuran terusss... amiiiiinnnn

Kamis, 04 Juni 2020

Happy In The Work Life (04-06-2020)

I just tried new meatball culinary in Surabaya. Buka Baju. Wkwkkwk… The name is so unique. I bought it with grab food and ate in the office. I bought fried meatball, cheese meatball and chili meatball. I thinked the meatballs were big but actually was small.. wakakakakak,, But, it's okay because the taste is very good and I really like it. I'm still hungry with that price.

Then, in my office held twice halal bihalal. First, with the contractor. I was really happy because I can ate chicken opor and another ied mubarraq food.. Hmmm yummy

Second, we hels halal bihalal for management construction people. we grilled gurameh and I really really satisfied with ths event, I was so so happy in the work life. Otherwise we can't went to Solo, but my office friends were so greatful. Thank's everybody. We keep this together. Everybody look happy too, right ?

Senin, 01 Juni 2020

Sederhana (01-06-2020)

Kemarin senin sebelum mulai masuk kerja lagi stlh lbr pjg.. aq n suami cari makan mumer yg endes. Slain itu jg cari yg dkt rmh. Pilihan jatuh k paketan ayam hisana. Rasanya endes juga. Mgkn krn kelaparan banget n sederhana tpi menyenangkan kayak pacaran berdua.

Trus bsknya, sbenernya penhen banget pijet tpi ternyata msh pada tutup. Akirnya nyelesaiin aj urusan yg blm slsi kayak k bank shinhan. Lmyn jg uangq dsna masih banyak. Cucok dbuat byr utang k mnc bank. Thx God.. emang berkatmu tal berkesudahan shg aq bs mendapat banyak rejeki darimu.. amin..