Senin, 29 April 2019

Libur Tlah Usai (29-04-2019)

Akirnya libur tlah usai. Pamungkas terakir ya cari oleh2. Ad bakpia kukus bwat bos n lempeng sekilo bwat tmn2. Baju batuk dah bnyk jdi gak perlu. Then makan mlm terakir d jogja malah d bakmi suroboyo n sate kambing maknyus d klaten. Wenak wes. Nice holiday guys..

Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Finally, Hello Bilik Kayu (27-04-2019)

As a long day from 2 years ago I wanted bring family to bilik kayu. Finally, they can tasted it. This place is really romantic with java signature. The food was rare good but the price was so expensive. But, my family liked it. wkwkwkwk,,, I ate lumpia and reflection mineral water. Additional menu was gurami, ice cappuccino etc
Then, finally I met with my nephew. He really cute.. wkwkwkwk.. I hope I have a boy soon. Amiiieeeennn.....
Really nice pic right ?

Rabu, 24 April 2019

MTMA (24-04-2019)

Aq seneng banget, akirnya waktu utk berwisata datang.. aq jalan2 k bukit klangon. Slh satu tmpt wisata gratis di sleman. Di sana as spot keren dgn background gng merapi. Sambil naik2 k puncak bukit. Wkwkwk.. tmptny lumayan instagramable juga kok.

Hbs dr sana lanjut kuliner d wedang sawah.. spotnya jg keren suasana pedesaan. Makananny prasmanan. Aq milih lele mangut n es coklat. Mantaplah pokoke.. harga lumayan n rasa cucoklah... aq seneng sma suasananya..

Pokoknya.. my trip my adventure

Senin, 22 April 2019

Nu Place (22-04-2019)

Kopi panggang was great place to take a rest and see the scenery. Than, we tried another nu culinary. Tengkleng gajah. It's really big for dinner and great taste. I tried tongseng and i liked it. I drink dawet ayu. The place not really good and it's expensive too.

Sabtu, 20 April 2019

Otw Jogja (21-04-2019)

Habis coblosan, aq n klrg lgsg otw jogja. My mom's hometown. Sblm brgkt, kmi isi perut dlu d pojok kuliner dsi sda. Aq pilih mkn udang smbl bwg. Enak kok.. aplgi jrg2 mkn udang.
Perjalanan lancar lwt tol. Puji Tuhan msh ns plg, transport brgkt dbayari papa. Perjalanan cuman 4 jam.. jm y sore dah sampek sleman, diy. Lgsg cus prambanan bwat mkn mi godog jogja. Uenak.. anget2..

Bsknya nonton pemandangan gng kidul d kopi panggang. Tmptnu instagramable.. makanannya jg enk n relatif murah. Jgn lp nyobain kopinya yg lgsg bikin melek. Wkwkwk

Jumat, 19 April 2019

Election Day (20-04-2019)

I'm sorry I can't choose the president for election this year. But i still choose for goverment. Actually, i forget to upload my cousin's wedding. The  we must went to jogja. Before it, we ate i  pojok kuliner sidoarjo. I ate sambal.. wkwkwk

Sketsa Libur (19-04-2019)

Sketsa seminggu lebih libur n pembantuq kg blm plg. Jdi dya nginep d rmh grandpa. Hbs nganter sketsa k sda, aq mkn mlm bebek grg d wrg ijo. Lumayanlah.. tombo luwe. Sketsa sng banget nginep d sidoarjo cos dya bs main spuasnya d giant. Pokoknya sng banget.

Kamis, 18 April 2019

My Thesis (19-04-2019)

I was so busy to finish my thesis. But i still want enjoy my lige with accompany my husband looked for his new uniform in sandang ayu pandaan and had lunch in nasi campur tambak bayan gwalk sby. After that, i must work hard and survey again in mayjen yono suwoyo.

My fam supported me and they waited me in chatime lenmarc. While waited me, they drink and play at trans studio mini. I enjoyed my roasted milk tea. How great my sunday..

Seperti Biasa (18-04-2019)

Aq mengantarkan suamiq k rsi masyitoh.. seperti biasa, dya kontrol jahitan usus buntunya. Gak lama hbs itu aq nganterin ankq balet n msh spt biasa.. wkwkwk.. aq maksi d ale resto.. sbnrnya bln april ini peringatan hri lamaranq. Tapi krn kelupaan y sudlah.. kami baru aj merayakannya dsni smbl mkn nasgor daging. Wkwkwkwk

Lasalle Final Week (18-04-2019)

I'm little bit proud with lasalle that they finally held final presentation. I've tested in script proposal and they finish with good idea. I feel so stress with the deadline and thesis. But i will little bit enjoy with ovaltine koi. Then finally grad show evaluation done and we celebrated it with sahid catering. Nice right ?

Rabu, 17 April 2019

Dari Tuban K Sidoarjo (17-04-2019)

Berkelana k tuban nyari pembantu yg bw uang 50jt.. akirnya ktmu juga d tgh hjn drs n lampu mati.. dya khlgan hp n  sakit jantung.. amazing right ? Aq hny bs doa smg uangq bs mbalek. D tuban kuliner gratis iwak nyambek n kotokan lele. Mantep pokoke. Hbs dr tuban, nginep d gresik. Bsknya lgsg balek sidoarjo.. bdn dah remek smua. Blanja blnan d transmart n maen d trans studio. Mlmnya makan prawn meatballs d solaria. Capek tpi sng.. wkwk

Minggu, 14 April 2019

Time To Relax (14-04-2019)

After the peak week, I'm so tired n really exhausted. I just want to sleep n sleep.. the thesis just flow with jj.. wkwk.. Now, i just want to eat snack and realx in cafe. I bought pentol gila with takoyaki style. It's really nice little meatballs. Then I enjoyed za co with mie and tomato juice. It really nice. Time to really2 relax.

Tepar (14-04-2018)

Akhirnya acara hasarita yg menguras emosi selesai juga meskipun bnyk keburukan yg menyisakan mangkel.. wkwkwk.. habis acara baru inhet kalo g bw bju buat nginep. Akirnya belanja cantik.. untung the exevutive n metro lgi diskonan.. habis itu an n lala ist d dbest homestay smbl menikmati jamu iboe.. hahaha..

Sabtu, 13 April 2019

Hasarutha creative show lcs 2019 (14-04-2019)

It's cool right ? Don't miss it for next year.. that great fashion show and graduation ceremony in lcs. This year has hasarita theme. And i just enjoy cw to get some tobleron d crepes. Nice

Rabu, 10 April 2019

Gara2 Pembantu (10-04-2019)

Pembantuq sdh hampir 2mgg g balik. Katany skt jantung n drh tgg. Akhirnya aq hrs k dsi utk jmpt papa. Tak suruh njagain sketsa. Krn kelaparan.. qta mlipir k pujasera n mkn cumi item.. enk coy.. pds2 gmn gitu. Hbs itu mampir patata juga. Beli black patata. Mumpung tggl muda.. wkwkwk

Busy Sunday (10-04-2019)

We was so busy from night. We had dinner in angkringan ibis. Then.. we had breakfast in ibis and then i must finish my thesis. I finish my analyze in lenmarc mall and then drink original thai tea in cha time. Finally.. dinner had come and i finish it in mcd puri surya sidoarjo. What a busy monday. Great

Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Sabtu Coy (06-04-2019)

Sabtu yg lalu, aq n klrg nginep d ibis. Sarapan wenak n dlanjut mkn siang enk jg d ale resto sby. Malemnya ist d ibis juga. Suamiq lahi ujian naik jbtn smg aj taun ni lls. Ug enk d ibis cuman sereal n omelet. D ale psnnya mi goreng n es teh. Wkwk

Jumat, 05 April 2019

Prepare For Short Holiday (05-04-2019)

My husband got test for his job. So, I and my fam went to sby and stayed in ibis hotel basuki rahmat. I picked up them in my parent's home. In dsi.. before leave, we ate fettucini n pizza. Arrived in ibis, we got 322 room. That's start good holiday right ?