Rabu, 29 April 2020

Sunday Needs (29-04-2020)

I just get out to fill my needs. I top up flazz but i still look cool in alfamart gempol. Wkwkwk

Then i went to sidoarjo. We looked for food. Thanks god, burger king still open but we cam take away. We bought cheeseburger.

For the beverage, we bought coconut ice and blewah ice.. hmmm yummy... i really like it. Thanks for this fortune God. We still feel bless for this. Yeah..

Selasa, 28 April 2020

Nak Kanak (28-04-2020)

Yah.. namanya nak kanak, malming kalo g bs klr rmh ya maen terus d rmh.. adaaa aja kegiatannya.. sore2 dya udah naik spd ontel, main sma tmnnya trus tmbh unik lagi fya nerkhayal naik motor nggonceng boneka2nya. Katanya mau mudik k jogja. Wkwkwkwk.. dasar nak kanak.. blm tau dya kalo g blh mudik.

Hbs itu lanjut ala2 jd ra kartini meskipun g ad lomba kartinian d skulnya dya. Yg penting ikt menyukseskan yaaa..

Nah.. stlh itu lanjut melukis bersama. Hasilnya cucok banget. Smg makin berkembang hobinya.. amiiiinnn

Minggu, 26 April 2020

Yeah.. Many Snacks (26-04-2020)

I was so happy because my husband already got salary. But he didn't tell me and he just bought me snacks. But i really happy brcause that were so many snacks for my family.

We can enjoyed in home and told everything what will happened to us. He bought me van houten chocolate too and i really liked it. My ill was heal now.. wkwkwk..

Thx.. i wait for the next.fortune. hehehe

Sabtu, 25 April 2020

Oriflame (26-04-2020)

Akirnya lipstick pesenan dateng ya guys.. meskipun pas dcoba d bibir warnanya agk mengecewakan cos g cocok ma bibirq ternyata. Wkwkwk.. gakpapa dr penting pernah punya lipstick wrn ungu. Bwat koleksi warna aja.. hehehe..

Trus dpt banyak gratisan lagi dr agen oriflamenya. Dpt masker anak n wedang uwuh.. biar bebas corona.. wkwkwk.. jd tetep sehat n cantik ya guys.. makasi bwat agen yg sdh ngasi gratisan n peduli dg keshtan pelanggan. Hehehe..

Quality Time (25-04-2020)

Yeah.. we must take the positive ambience in this situation. I have many time with my daugther and we have quality time.

For another situation, she look very stress and really want get holiday. She dressed up and took her glasses. She played her umbrella and felt like holiday in beach. Wkwkwk.. it's okey girl.. just wait may 1st 20..

Then she drew very great family picture. She drew ladybug as her. She called it lalebai.. wkwkwk.. then she drew me as wonder woman. She called he super wondem. She feel i just a super woman for her. And she drew her father as batman because his father really like accompany her in night. Wkwkwk..

She looked creative now. I like she look happy..

Empty Sunday (25-04-2020)

Hari minggu emang enkny g ngapa2in n rebahan aj d rmh. Hbs itu makan trus tdr lagi.. wkwkwk..

Tapi lama2 g ad keg trnyt jg g enk n cuma foto2 ank. Akhirnya klr kandang jg k alfamidi bangil to bought flazz.. then shop everything we need.

I little bit tired and need medicine. I went to apotec and tried to found my medicine. Thx God, there was still open.

It was so empty road on sunday. Hopefully it will be end soon this pandemic.

Jumat, 24 April 2020

Ngomah (24-04-2020)

Yah.. krn uang sdh hbs ya guys.. n hati lagi g enk.. rasanya pgn klr krj tpi g bs lrn utang.. y dah d rmh aj

Kmrn mampir rmh ortu dkasi gorengan kesukaan n makanan lawas ug dah jrg dtemukan warung atopun resto yaitu brongkos. Benernya g terlalu suka sayurnya.. yg penting kuah ma lauknya. Udah bs ngobatin kangen.

Ihh.. rasanyaaaaa ya ampun pengen deh pergi. Tpi y dah timbang makin suntuk bikin kemah aja d garasi rmh trus bbq an jagung plus bakso. Wes endes.. smg rasa mangkelq ni cpt ilang. Amiiiinnn

Kamis, 23 April 2020

Kembali Ke Kehidupan Nyata (23-04-2020)

Habis keluar dari pintu DIY, rasanya masih kurang puas, semoga taun dpn terpuaskan.. ya weslah, yg penting hepi. sampek ngawi dah kelaperan. akirnya mampir rest area buat makan. ternyata dsna ad rm duta. Asik bs nostalgia masakannya. apalagi dsna jg ad wifi n toko oleh2nya kayak yg d jl propinsi. sampek sana lgsg pesen ayam geprek n es jeruk. tmptnya lumayan nyaman yg penting cari tempat dkt ac. soalnya ad area ug dmatikan acnya gegara sepi pengunjung. g lama lgsg dtg pesenan n rasanya endes banget. klrg juga pada menikmati masakan dsni, emang slalu endes. hehehe

besoknya karena uang dah habis buat ngrayain paskah, aq g bs pedi meni. k rmh ortu aj buat nyampein oleh2 dr jogjes, emang endes banget bakpia 75. hehe.. sampek d rmh emak lgsg dsuguhi bandeng tandur.

Slain itu, mbah uti jg dah nyiapin surprise paskah buat sketsa. dpt jajan n bandeng juga.. wah, pasti seneng si Sketsa.. semoga taun dpn qta bs paskah bareng lagi, smg pandemic ni cpt berlalu dan bs nyaman kumpul sama klrg. g bs kmn2 nn cumin bentar takut jd carrier juga bwat mereka. hehehe

Selasa, 21 April 2020

The Last Day In Jogja (21-04-2020)

So sadly, the holiday was end. I must looked for accesories and trafitional food for my friends.

Before it, i ate mi godog jogja. I need more suplemen for shopping.. wkwk.. this was the one of my fave food in jogja. Mi godog jogja plus rica2 balungan... beuùuuhhh... there was so so delicious.. hmmm

Then, i was ready for shopping amd i went to transmart. I bought wood colourful craft there and we walked around and saw the unique art things there.

Last, i bought tasuba. It was really delicious and i really like it. It can be recomended trad food in sleman. Another reference right ? Hmmmmm... yummyy....

Senin, 20 April 2020

Wisata Tipis2 (20-04-2020)

Senengnya masih bisa wisata guys.. nyari yg panas2 tpi adem. Emang cucok wisata alam.. panas bwat berjemurnya dapet trus adem buat matanya dapet. Wkwkwk.. qta lgsg cus k candi abang d sleman. Candi ini satu2nya candi bewrn merah d diy n berada d ats bukit. Candi ini merupakan candi peninggalan hindu yg fungsinya utk sesembahan.

Qta bs naik k atas candi yg bentuknya pun kyk bukit. D ats sana qta dsambut sg pemandangan haujek. Wiii lgsg top bgt loo..

G lama hbs itu qta kelaperan n cati yg lebih seger yaitu soto batok smbl liat sawah. Mantep dah endes n mumer. Suasananya cozy n instagramable. Hrgny jg murah.

Sblm plg pun kali ni kami merayakan paskah hanya dg nyekar krn g bs nemuin sodara. Y gakpapalah.. smg tng y mbah d surga..

Sabtu, 18 April 2020

Take A Rest (18-04-2020)

After arrived in jogja, we took a rest for a while. I met with foot reflexy. Finally i found it. In sby and sidoarjo immediately close. Dmr was save me from tired problem. Wkwkwk..

Then, we ate in bale timoho. We must checked our temperature and wash our clean to come in. The place waa cozy with gazebo and pond area. I chose gurami sambal dewa and the taste was very good. Yummy...

For next culinary, we tried mbok berek chicken. I was excited for it. The place was like ancient house. It was big restaurant and the chicken has legendary.. i love it.. what a wonderful day to take a rest... haha

Kamis, 16 April 2020

OTW Jogja (16-04-2020)

Hurray... akhirnya hari paskah datang n aq bs k jogja. Meskipun masa pandemi hini aq tetep nyekar tapi g plg k rmh mbah. Jdi kami nhinep d hotel trus nyekar n plg. G bs sesantai n sesenang dlu paskahnya.

Tapi y gakpapalah.. namany jg aturan.. yg bs diikuti y diikuti. Hari kamis pagi kami siap2 berangkat k jogja. Jalanan msh sepi tpi untungnya msh ad rest area yg buka n kami makan d km 573b. Di sana ad pujasera n ayam penyet yg pedesnya endes juga

Setelah kenyang, kami lanjutkan perjalanan n akirnya sampek hotel reddoorz alias hotel delta d sleman. Kasian htlny jd sepi gr2 xoronce. Untung qta memberikan sdkt rejeki utk mrk. Hbs itu sampek dsna ist bentar. Kamarnya gede n nyaman. Hargany juga murah banget cuman 100rb per hri.

Malemnya ngidam tongseng. Untung msh nemu tmpt mkn tongseng yg buka tpi g blh mkn d tmpt. Lgsg bungkus de n lnjt ikt misa kamis putih. Hehehe..

Selasa, 14 April 2020

Happy Moment (14-04-2020)

I'm just lucky because I got nice friend from Niro and she bought me food in kahyangan resto sby. I really liked it and i chose kul nenek. The taste is really delicious. Thx miss debby. Hopefully it will be great future for us.

Then i bought manisan. I never tasted it. And i think it's good enough. Thx for my neighbour.

And finally, it was happy moment. We celebrated purpose day. It was 7 years ago but it still feel great. We celebrated it in galbi chan korean bbq in taman dayu pandaan. Hopefully we will be ever after. The all u can eat package was cheap. Only 178rb for 2 people and the taste was good enough. Yeah..

Jumat, 10 April 2020

Lagi Kaya (10-04-2020)

Seneng banget dapet rejeki dadakan dr kontraktor jd lgsg kalap cri tmpt.pijet tpi tutup smua guys.. y udah deh.. udah sampek lippo plaza jg. Jd bli pulsa aj ama makan d aw. Dah lama g ksni trnuata skrg ad aw n mallnya makin sepi hegara corona ya guys..

Sampel d aw aq plh zest fries, choco milksgake n semacam twister gitu. Endes si.. cuman aq kekenyangan. Sok2an aj bs nhehabjsin. Wkwkwkwk.. smg aq nemu tmpt pijet guys.. amin..

Kamis, 09 April 2020

Stay Safe (09-04-2020)

Thanks God.. we still safe so we can felt  the fresh air. I washed my car in aulia carwash and top up mu flazz.. we still can ate in bakso sopan. I chose grill.meatball and crackers. I drank teler ice with durian.. hmmm yummy... thx God.. thx for everything..

Rabu, 08 April 2020

Ngehabisin Duit (08-04-2020)

Senengnya tanggal muda tu bs sesuka hayi bli n makan.. wkwkwk.. aplg tanggungan dah slsi dbyr.. pas mlm.minggu lagi. Jd lgsg cus k apotek beli obat yg dah lama g kebeli. Smg hbs pake obat ini lhsh bs hamil lagi. Trus bli pasta gigi ap 24 ex nu skin. Emang paling cucok sma pasta gigi ini. Gigi jg lgsg nyes g ngrasain sakit.

Hri msh pjg, jd lanjut mkn mlm d warunk upnormal. Nyobain mie santiy n green tea latte. Lgsg fresh pikiran. N jd makin sng meskipun ngeluarin uang bnyk. Aplg tmptny cozy banget.

Uang jg msh banyak dbuat persiapan liburan k jogja. Hrs ttp sht n move on guys..

Minggu, 05 April 2020

Simple Life (05-04-2020)

Everybody don't want to die and they have own standart life. Really hard time. But i need to live my life and took a risk.

I took my shoes in pakuwon mall with my best bestie. Then i looked for dettol. I finished it and took a rest in texas chicken. It was lomg time i ate in this place. The place was cozy but it looked like really hard. Everybody didn't ate there.

I ate stick rice chicken and butter cookies. They was great and delicious. Then i drank melon milk. Really nice moment in this situation. My bestie told about everything she wanted. I hope she will get happiness..

O ya, i bought sushi in whizz hotel and i like it. Thx, i can found something like that inthis town.

Sabtu, 04 April 2020

Darurat (04-04-2020)

Akhir2 ini emang suasana mencekam n darurat gr2 corona d sby. Tapi ap daya.. yg pny toko nyariin eyke gt2 pernah masukin tas bwat dreparasi n g diambil2 gr2 isu corona.

G wfh n dr kntr dkasi jahe, vit c, semprot disinfektan n masker. Komplit. Smg aj tetap setrong selamanya. Plg krj akirny k pakuwon mall ambl tas d stop n go. Meskipun hslny mengecewakan, untunglah ad pelipur lara. Msh ad tmp makam buka n bs kuliner d es teler 77. Lgsg pilih paket ayam sambal bawang yg endes..smg makin kuat yaaa.. tetap smgt meskipun suasana mencekam. Btw.. paketannya murah n sbnrny tmptny cozy kol guys..