Senin, 30 September 2019

Perayaan Ulang Tahun Pernikahan ke 6 (30-09-2019)

Senengnya bisa samprk di umur 6th usia pernikahanku n akan slalu bertambah sampai maut memisahkan. Sebagai wanita aq sgt beruntung mempunyai suami spt dya. Yg slalu membantu pekerjaan rmh n menyayangiq apa adanya. Meskipun jmtnya aq tak mengurus dya n malah meninggalkannya hang out brsma tmn proyekq d tous les jours spi, dya tetap sabar membantu n tdk menuntutq. D cafe itu aq beli cookies n oleh2 utk klrg. Sempet jg terpikir utk bli kue ultah pernikahan disitu tapi terhenti karena pikiranq, suamiq slalu memberikan surprise roti. Tapi ternyata taun ini enggak.. wkwkwk.. trus hbs ngemil aw jg beli caffe latte n berpikir kalo malam itu paling g bs tdr bentar ternyata malah melek sampek jam stgh 5.. wassalam pas acara ultah ngantuk berat. Hehehe

Tapi tak apalah, yg penting qta slalu harmonis n yg pasti perayaan kali ini qta rayakan dg kue hw bakery n sate kambing rm cairo yg muaknyusss... slai  acara potong kue, qta pun bertukar kado n saling berverita ttg rmh tangga kami.. just sharing the another life.. hahaha

Sabtu, 28 September 2019

Little Hangout (28-09-2019)

After big private party, I got tired and nees me time. I visited cak cuk cafe and bought some food and beverages. I chose gado2 arjuna and dark hot choco. It really nice to refresh myself. I miss gado2 and dark hot choco. This place was not really crowded and really cozy. The price had standard for nice culinary in surabaya. We can took photo with i stagramable shot too.

Then, i need refresh myself too in za co. Fave place in bangil and fave food with mi kuah telur.. wkwkwk.. i chose towel juice and i really like the fresh taste from it. This place more crowded now but the prive still cheap as well as i known. Hehehe..

Last but not least, my next agenda is visited indosat ooreedoo in spi sby and fixed my number. Lost 165rb again and hope i will not forget anymore.. wkwk

Jumat, 27 September 2019

Private Party (27-09-2019)

Habis lelah melewati prosesi wisuda yg panjang, kami sekeluarga menuju steak hut utk merayakan kebahagiaan ini. Karena tempatnya g terlalu rame, qta jd bs foto2 sepuasnya dgn latar belakang yg cucok. Mulai dari foto sendiri, klrg kecil, klrg bsr, pokoknya cucoklah.. wkwkwk.. dari pakek toga n pakek gaun.. pokok cantik maksimal. Aq sng banget dpt banyak kado. Ad selempang, bunga n tas charles n keith. Sueneng maksimal lah.. wkwkwk

Hbs puas foto2, kami makan steak wenak.. aq pilih sirloin. Sng banget bs nraktir llrg meskipun mahal yg penting mrk seneng apalahi aq jg dpt bnyk hadiah n make up gratis. Suasana dsni meskopun helap tapi hnik jg. Kayak d gudang kahu gitu de..

Rabu, 25 September 2019

Graduation Ceremony (25-09-2019)

I really really happy to show this moment. Finally i was graduated from my magister program in urban design ITS. I'm so glad to weared my costume and had make up my face. My young sister make me like bcl.. wkwkwk.. and i really excited to enjoy this MArs moment in graha ITS. My father and my little family came to support me and the day was coming. I became 120th graduated and I enjoued the show. Be happy with my classmate and the rector.. haha..

My name spoken and I walked with a braveful heart. I must succes and i will become great architect after this. I celebrated it in steak hut. I took picture there and it become great. My big family came and we had gun together. What a best moment like this. Wkwkwk

Senin, 23 September 2019

Clara & The Nutcracker Ballet (23-09-2019)

The day for sketsa is coming. Persiapan sampai 3 bln akirnya akan terbayar hari ini. Sketsa bakal.pentas ma org jepang. Aw seneng banget n udah g sabar. Dtg ke acara penampilan balet clara & the nutcracker dsambut dg photobooth n red carpet. Setelah puas berfoto2 qta masuk ke gedung pertunjukan ciputra hall. Gedung ini epic banget. Dah kayak gedung teatrr eksklusif cuman sayang aja layarnya jelek. Hbs itu akirnya sketsa tampil dg kostum n make kelinci lucu sama balerina dr jepang. Sketsa jg sempet berfoto sama solois n tmn2nya. Pertunjukan selama 2.5 jam sangat menarik banget. N ada break biat makan. Kebetulan dsna ad bazaar. Acara pun berlanjut n oke banget sketsa dpt bunga 2 ats pencapaiannya.. wkwk.. bravo sketsaa

Sabtu, 21 September 2019

Birthday Party Again (22-09-2019)

Last tuesday was mynpa in law birthday party. We celebtated it in arum manis bumi hotel. We can eat all the menu and i really like the dim sum. He paid all for us and the place was really cozy and romantic. After that, I accompanied my daugther to clara n the nutcracker general rehearsal in ciputra hall. She really adoreable withbher costume and rabbit make up. I waited for 3 hours and i ate nice spaghetti there. I hope it will be great show tomorrow.

Jumat, 20 September 2019

Siap2 (20-09-2019)

Senin kemarin aw n sketsa facial d rmh.. krn bakal ad pentas besar, wajah harus cling dong.. mangkane sketsa hrs siap2 maskeran.. biar bersinar d panggung.. wkwkwk

Bsknya dpt rejeki nomplok. Bs maem all u can eat d arum manis hotel bumi tp hrs tetep bondo beli kado rek. Akirnya mampir daiso tp1. Meskipu  ini accident tpi gakpapa wes.. mgkn ini nasibq.. aq pilih penutup kaca mobil bwat bpk mertua n tmpt smph bwat ponakan suamiq. Tak lupa juga selfie2.. wkwkwk

Rabu, 18 September 2019

Meet Up (18-09-2019)

I'm so sad that my parent in law got accideng again. They crash motor and fall back. But thanks God, they were okey. I came to gresik and meet with them. I'm so happy to see them otherwise they looked so tired. Then we ate together.

Sketsa had ballet practocr more and more. So we must accompanied her to surabaya. I'm so greatful to jave her in my life. I'm so proud to see her with drum.

But that's not the end and i must back to gresik. I visited door factory, multiguna and i'm so happy they gave me holland bakery and lunch in ibc. I chose iga soup and i really like it. The place not really cool and the prive was expensive but.. it's free from that company.. wkwkwk.. multiguna had great factpry in gresik from wood lodging untill packing.

Senin, 16 September 2019

Sehari Bersama Sketsa (

Jumat kemarin, sketsa ada acara blocking panggung d ciputra hall sby. Drpd berat diongkos, sketsa ikt kerja diriq seharian di proyek. Wkwkwk.. anknya sng banget bs dolan. N yg lucunya lagi dya cucok banget pake rompi n helm engineering konsultan trus maen2 n heboh d proyek.. ya bukan sketsa kalo g heboh.. trus hbs itu 3jam ya nungguin dya blocking. But i'm a proud mother. She looks great in stage. Hbs itu disempetin makan ya biar kuat menjalani hdp. Qta makan d mcd wiyung. Pilih menu doble cheese french fries n soda semangka.. biasa aja.. msh enakan punyanya richeese factory.. wkwkwk

Sabtu, 14 September 2019

Happy Bornday My Husband (14-09-2019)

Last thursday was great day for my husband. He was got birthday moment and he looks very happy. Then i gave surprise at 4am. After went to church, we celebrated this moment in golden cafe pandaan. This cafe was great and the food was delicious. I chose mi biadab and the taste was really hot but really good. He looks happy when we sang happy birthday for him and i really like it. Colorful brownie for him and we enjoy this little party. I hope you are glory in life my husband..

Jumat, 13 September 2019

Belanja Tipis2 (13-09-2019)

Senin kmrn tu benernya pengen meni-pedi tpi krn suami ngajakinnya belanja, qta mutusin bwat ngehabisin duit d carrefour pasuruan. Sampek sana dah malem banget cos hbs plg krj n sempet ist bentar d rmh. Takut tutup, qta segera menuju hypermarketnya dan mengambil segala kebutuhan. Wkwkwk

Hbs selesai, sketsa minta maen d mimi land. Drpd bengong cuman nungguin ank, qta nongki d teras carrefour. Pesen hot choco n malaroni pedez. Cucookkk... seneng banget... ngobrol ngalur ngidul dari sejarah sampek politik. Hahaha.. sampek sketsa bosen n slsi maen. I love monday de.. hehehe

Senin, 09 September 2019

My Ballerina (10-09-2019)

What a great my daughter. She's become my ballerina. She practice harder and last Sunday, she practice in belle ballet school dukuh kupang sby. I just waited for her and pray that she will be great in this show. I and my husband waited in belle café and surprisingly we met Meme from Blitar. She become guardian sister in this show. wkkwk.. world was narrow..

she told me that she want become best ballerina in the world. maybe she has great blood from my desire. I just want become best supporter for her.. good luck my daughter and become great with Japanese dancer in that stage.

Minggu, 08 September 2019

Nongki Bersama Keluarga (08-09-2019)

Akirnya malming tlah tiba.. senengnya uang jg msh ad n qta bisa seneng. Tapi sblm seneng2, harus beli nomer perdana xl lagi yg baru gegara no yg lama dah hangus. Trus qta lanjut nongki ma klrg d piknik kuliner sidoarjo. G hanya papa n sketsa, tpi grandpa n mbah uti jg ikt. Kemriyek rame utine cerewet wae. Tapi untung tmptnya instagramable jd ckp membasuh drpd dgr cerewet mama di telinga terus. Hbs lelah berfoto2 saatnya makan sajian nikmat nasi rawon.. wenak n hrgnya juga gak semahal resto meskipun tampilannya resto banget.. wkwkwk.. cucoklah bwat ref baru..

Sabtu, 07 September 2019

Hangout (08-09-2019)

Happy hangout for last friday. I have met with lasalle's collagues and feel great in second hand bar. I think it was great bar in surabaya with industrial concept. I chose second hand platter with corn, wedges, pizza, mushroom and mayonaise. Really great dish. We share about our job with great live music. Lasalle was more downgrade. I really surprise. The price was expensive but it really worth it to hang out there. Nice

Rehat (07-09-2019)

Telinga agak berdengung stlh dirasani. Puji Tuhan sdh sembuh dg ear candel. Lmyn ear candle d segar bugar sidoarjo enak banget. Mijetnya cucok. Jadi lgsg pengen tdr. Wkwkwk.. apalahi hbs gitu diajak suami nyusu di warba. Jadi makin merem melek mata ini. Dsna wifi jg lancar bs sambil liat foto2 jadul d facebook. Hehe

Btw, hbs ni ankq bakal pentas balet pertama.. smg sketsa makin serius apalagi infonya kostum dah jadi..

Senin, 02 September 2019

Hot Sunday (02-09-2019)

It was really hot for my last sunday. My electrical was off and we didn't want follow the carnaval. So we fix the car. We cjanged the lamp and the wheels. We ate in hisana. We chose hisa 3 and crispy french fries. My daugther was really like to play in balls pool. Then we went to sidoarjo. Look for wheel's spooring and wash the car. It still had time to relax. So i fix my ear candle that day and feel fresh in the cafe.. wkwkwk

Just wanted to run away from the home..

Minggu, 01 September 2019

Sibuk (01-09-2019)

Benernya aq g suka banyak acara fi ahri sabtu. Tpi gimana lagi.. panggilan alam sbg ibu menguak. Pagi2 nii jam 7 hrs stand by d bang kodir bwat ikutan lomba melukis di kipas ibu n anak.. pagi banget.. pdhl biasanya kalo sabtu itu baru bangun jm stgh 9.. wkwkwk.. acaranya rame banget.. se kec beji. Ad kali 200 org di acara itu n pastinya henoh banget emak2 pada senam.. hahahaha

Melukis ini pake tema kemerdekaan. Aq ma sketsa lukis love. Aku cinta indonesia. Hasilnya lumayan. Kykny si g menang tpi yg penting ankq happy.

Hbs lomba lanjut k koperasi tfus nganter sketsa balet.. sibuk banget kaaann..

Malemnya kedatangan tamu dr gresik yg nhinep mendadak. Aq jamu dgn bakso, jajan n pir. Hbs itu tak ajakin ngafe di zaco.. mnm jus buah naga n kentang.. suiplah.. menikmati malming smbl blnj ol.. yg penting wifinya jos..