Rabu, 30 Oktober 2019

Travelling Is Over (40-10-2019)

Ayaartta hotel was 2 stars great hotel. The concept was unique with industrial interior but it was so hommy. We felt comfort after so tired with this tour in jogja. I bought a gown there. They have souvenir shop and i really like their collection.

Then we had dinner in omah djowo. We ate javanese food and dance with dangdut singer. I got door prize that night and i really happy because we had many fortune.

Travelling is over and sunday was come. We decided to go home by train. We had breakfast in ayaartta hotel and through away to lempuyangan station. We bought bakpia kukus there and wait the train. After that, the train was come and we judt happy to try economy train from.jogja to bangil. It will be great travel. We went from jogja @9 am and arrived @5 pm. It was incredible tour. We met various people and we were very happy.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2019

Halan2 Puas (29-10-2019)

Menyenangkan rasanya bs menghabiskan hari sabtu d jogja. Tepatnya kmrn yg mnjd tujuan adalah gng kidul n sleman. Ad puncak becici n pengger pinus. D puncak necici hutan2 n bunga2nya masih asri. Qta dsna skalian ngegames. Dsna dsediakan snack jajan pasar spt gatot, tiwul n teh merah. Puncak becici jg menyediakan souvenir n jajanan khas di pasarnya. D puncaknya ad spot foto utk melihat pemandangan. Syg g sempet lgsg menuju pengger pinus. Dsni yg paling oke foto d atas tgn raksasa n pemandangan sawahnya. Hbs itu lanjut maem d lemah ledok resto sleman. Makannay endes n tmptny jg asik buat klrg. Puas pokoknya hari sabtu itu. Maknyus broo

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2019

My Husband's Office Travel (27-10-2019)

I'm so happy because my husband's offive held the recreation. This year was travel to jogja and first spot went to tebing breksi sleman. We went to jogja from pasuruab @9.00 pm by bus. We arrived @4am in tebing breksi. We slept in pendopo hall and take a bath in public bathroom. Then we were so excited to take a photo in many spot of tebing breksi. That was so great.. hehehe.. we are happy family in the top of wall and many anotjer spot like sky door and the angel's wings.. yeah..

Sambang Bayi Lainnya (26-10-2019)

Senengnya akirnya pny waktu bwat njenguk bayi 1 lagi.. anaknya ismi si razan.. sdh hampir 5 bln.. baru skrg bs k rmhnya.. slain rmhnya jauh.. jg waktu nya dah hbs d jln. Secara rmhnya dah pinggir sby dkt gresik. Taman kodok. Samprk sana ktmu bayinya lucu banget.. endut n dah ngerti cerita emak2 yg ngecemes. Suguhannya jg mantap. Dr terang bulan, bakso n buah mangga.. mnmny jg maknyus ad teh n air mineral. Cucok marucok hei hei.. mkn mnm gratisan cuman bondo kado 35rb.. wkwkwk parah..

Bsknya lanjut nongki d starbucks ma org niro.. ang banget nongki gratisan dpt ice xjoco with whipped cream n smoked beef. Hbs itu bs bawa kue dark choco.. sueneng puol.. makaai bu debby.. aplg nongki nya d starbucks citraland dkt kantor. Cucok bangget.. wkwkwk

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019

Nice Sunday (22-10-2019)

I hadn't my money at all but i still need refresh my brain. I went to church and need new job. But i still have  reponsibility here. Oh God.. please refresh my brain and my heart. Then i found the old food. The market food and i love it. It Little bit can cheers up my day.

I just have money for top up my toll card and definitely fill my gasoline. Hopefully i need miracle for survive this day.

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019

Sambang Bayi (20-10-2019)

Sebenernya dah lama banget lairnya.. cuman baru sempet maen kemarin. Skalian mau cari pompa air yg rusak di toko warna warni pasuruan, skalian mampir rmh shbt kampungq yg satu ini.

Akhirnya sampek jg d perum istana bestari stlh perjalanan 1 jam.dr pandaan. Sng banget ya guys.. bisa ketemu tmn kampung.. wkwkwk. Cerita ngalor ngidul sampek lupa ktmu ma bayinya. Puji Tuhan shbtq ni dkasi ank kmbr cow. Dah mirip banget kayak upin ipin.. wkwkwk.. sng maksimal pokoknya..

Hbs itu lanjut dinner. Dinner kali ini d wrg sari laut cak no.. dah lama g mkn ikan kerapu bakar. Lgsg mata tertuju ma menu itu.. hehehe.. pas dtg agk mengecewakan se.. cos ikan bkrnya bumbu kuning. Tpi gak apalah.. buat ngobati kangen. Tmptny jg krg oke krn kotor. Tpi yg penting muraahh.. wkwkwk

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019

Finally It's Friday (19-10-2019)

Friday was coming and I really happy. I just went to church and had fun to see my daugther's photo. She looked beautiful.on her ballerina dress. She acted like she become famous ballerina.. wkwkwkwk

Then i feel so hungry and i visited cak cuk cafe. I chose rujak cingur and i feel great. This taste waa delicious and i very satisfied.. wkwkwk.. nice friday guys. The place amd price waa standart. I really like my dish.

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019

Nonton Brooo (18-10-2019)

Bosen ma kehidupan jd pengen ngrasain nonton kayak jaman baheula.. tiap senin pasti nonton.. wkwk.. akirnya bs nntn joker jg.. sng banget.. jam 5 teg lgsg plg n menuju sutos. Lucunya hari itu lp bawa hp...jadi ngehub tmn lwt laptop. Laptop aq tinggal d parkiran. Lgsg beli tiket tpi tmn g dtg2.. lgsg deh tinggalin aj.. titip psn ma mbak2 yg lrj.. wkwkwk.. untung msh ad telepati.. jd aq msh bertemu dg mama teles. Sebenernya mnrtq filmnya std.. cuman emang bnyk ug blg keren.. ya yg namany hdp gitu ituu.. wkwkwk..

Hbs nntn qta mnj ichiban sushi. Pilih tmpt paling pojok n lgsg stay tune mendengarkan cerita panjang shbtq yg satu ini ttg pcrnya.. smbl ngemil tiger roll sushi, qta menertawakan kehidupan qta yg begitu dinamis.. it's really lige brooo

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

Market Hood (15-10-2019)

Sunday was a great day with family. I was so happy to through that day. After went to church, I visited pandaan modern market. I found cilok and bought it. Wkwkwk.. it was delicious with chili peanut sauce. I really liked it. I ate rawon too here and tried oyen ice but the taste and the place were not good. But it was very cheap. Wkwkwk

Then I walked around to nirmala. We bought shoes for Sketsa and soaps. The things here were very cheap and I really satisfied.. wkwkwk.. so happy that day

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2019

Yoo Kumpul (13-10-2019)

Green Elevem skrg ad pkk nya booo.. cucok ya emak2 kumpul pas malem minggu. Arisan 100rban yg ikt 30org. Berharap acatanya hits.. ternyata garing.. wkwkwk.. pakek ad drama nangis2 jg.. haha.. unting dateng ma ank jd sbk sendiri ma ankq yg paling cntk. Stlh pkk.. emak2 masih laper dong.. apalagi dmpt msh tebel. Pengen dbelanjain muluuu.. lanjut de ke kafe baru di bangil. Namanya ubud cafe. Sekelas kafe tapi menunya ala2 warkop kok. Suasananya si cucok buat nongki.. endes.. cuman pelayanannya agak lama emang. Nungguin pesanan 1 meja komplit baru dkeluarin. Tapi yg menyenangkan dsni.. menu2nya mumer guys.. wenak pol sampek malem.netah.. es susu coklat n mi grg pun dtg. Pas utk menghilangkan rasa lapar.. haha

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

Pray and Dinner (12-10-2019)

TGIF.. I always like friday and really love it. Yesterday, I visited rest area km.753 sidoarjo and it's very crowded. I top up my flazz and ready to prayed in st theresia; pandaan church. Then i troughed to adorasi room but it was crowded to and i finished my pray.

Finally we had dinner in foodland pandaan. It's like along time ago here and many stands shut down. There was empty at night. But i still can found durian soup and village chicken crispy. The price was cheap and we can watched soccer too.. What agreat friday.. i really relax with that. We talked about poliyics in indonesia.. it was confusinh moment.. wkwkwkwk..

Odong2 Time (12-10-2019)

Sudah lama banget Sketsa gak naik odong2. Kayaknya ada setaun yg lalu. Gak tau kenapa tiba2 pengen banget nyenengin sketsa malem itu. tiba2 punya ide mbawa dya ke pasar tradisional bangil n naikin odong2. Beneran, pas naik, anaknya sumringah banget kayak org g pernah naek odong2.. wkwkwk.. lucu banget wajahnya.. dya naek lamaaaa banget.. pdhl sebenernya badannya udah gak cukup ya.. harusnya juga naek permainan lain yg lebih mencengangkan,, wkwkwkwk

Habis puas naik odong2, ortunya kelaperan kaan.. nyarilah qta makanan endes malem2. tiba2 kepikiran makanan favorit, sate.. suami juga lgsg setuju n ke daerah dkr plaza bangil. yg menurut qta sate ayam Madura terenak di bangil. Sampek sana rame banget broo.. nunggu antrian, mau mnm2 dlu juga g cucok krn adanya cuman kunir asem. Jadinya suami k indomaret. wkwkwk… akirnya hidangan dating jugaa… Emang haucek yaaa.. uenak puol sateen. Sketsa ae sampaek habis piringnya. Senin malem barokah ya jenk...

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

I'm Full (10.10.2019)

We just stuck in traffic jam and decided to ho to sby church. But my daugther was hungry and need to breakfast. Thanks God, we arrived in rest area sidoarjo. We chose AW because it was along time ago we ate in aw. We missed the rootbeer. My daugther so happy and she can played.

Then we prayed in TP and walked away. I just wanted rotiboy and tryed kariboy. It was along time ago too and i really liked it. Wkwkwk.. i'm so full but i feel great. I got milo too in packet and try the cheese pastry..

Senin, 07 Oktober 2019

Just Hang Out ( 07-10-2019)

Seneng banget akirnya ketemu hari jmt lagi n aq jg udah ada janji makan2 ama sohib smpq hbs misa jmt pertama. N lbh seneng lagi krn d mcd bs makan smbl.bli oleh2 bwat yg d rmh. Utk dine in aq pilih beef burger sma coke cola float. Trus bwat oleh2 org rmh aq bliin spicy chicken balls. Qta crita2 sampek hampir 2jam. Eee ngalor ngidul ttg keanekaragaman agama. Sampek org2 d seqtar pada noleh ndengerin bahasan qta.. wkwkwk..

Bsknya dpt foto hasil kecerdasan sketsa. Skrg dya dah bs nulis n itung2an.. trus dya jg sng banget diajakin papanya lari2 d perum.. seneng banget liat perkembangannya negitu membanggakan. Smg Tuha  selalu memberkatimu nak..

Blm slsi hang out nya.. malem minggu lanjut belanja bulanan d carrefour. Aq sbnrnya cuman butuh tmpt sbn. Tpi gakpapa kata suami skalian aj blnj bulanan. Hbs itu nongki d foodcourtnya. Beli martabak n sogem.. biar makin gembira.. trima kaaih Tuhan engkau tlh memberikanq hdp yg luar biasa bahagia.. hanya Engkau yg aq butuhkan.. amin

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Mlipir (05-10-2019)

Pengen skalian beli isi bolpen.. maen2 mlipir k spi ma adek ksygan.. nyari ini kudu d gramed guys.. d tmpt lain isi bolpen fixion wrn biru tebel 0.7 susah banget. Tapi kalo udah dpt senenglah.. wkwkwk.. hbs dpt brg kesayangan, aq nemenin adekq keliling beli baju bwat acara baby shower shbtnya..

Krn kelaparan qta menuju foodcourt spi. Aq pilih bakmi gm krn paling sepi n ad promonya. Pilihan mak nyus mi polos n pangsit goreng.. muaknyus pol.. apalagi suasananya jg oke smbl ngalor ngidul crita3 ma adek.. wkwk

Bsknya kerja di proyek ad hari batik nasional dibeliin pizza double ama bos n pastinya aq makin hits jg d proyek... kmrn udah jalan2 keliling.. happy to be an architect

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2019

Give Thanks (05-10-2019)

We just ate the ordinary food in indonesia. Meatball. But this taste was really autenthic. Bakso solo putri in pandaan was really delicious with the real cow meat. One portion for 5 meatballs. I really like it amd the price was standard. But the place not really good. But we enjoy it because we really happy.

After that, we give thanks woth celebrated it in solaria tp 1. I chose sweet sour chicken and i really loved it. The chicken was really delicious and this one have big portion. Sketsa love her french fries. The price was expensive but it was wort it with the great cozy place.

We just full and need little tak a rest with body massage in sunshine shiatsu. Really fresh weekend and i will ready for the next journey.

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2019

Happy Life (03-10-2019)

After great party, i gave my husband perfumme and we ate goat satay together. Then I and my family walk around to sandang ayu. I look for underware and my husband needed long chlotes. We found them with cheap price and we really love it. Mu daugther want new sandals and we boughted her. She chose pink sandals and she really love it. After that, she wanted to play in kidsland. Walk around in pandaan was really cheap and I really like it. Lobe it so much and we really happy.