Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

Happy Val's Day All (16-02-2020)

It was 6 days at my work project. I'm so tired and need some refresh. I drink frestea and work again. Meeting and meeting. I was so boring but thx to my boss. He gave me free meatball. I tried hot meatball and avocado milk juice in bakso boejangan. Yeah..

We were so lucky. We found money and we could val's day party in office. We bought jco and it was really delicious.. wkwkwk.. great moment

Than, my fam had great val's day party too. We went to warung lesehan teko in bangil. We enjoyed the moment and gave presents. We chose curry gurami and celebrated this moment together with my parent in law. Yeah... nice moment and i really happy. My husband gave me a lot of money.. wkwkwk

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