Sabtu, 29 Februari 2020

Foody (29-02-2020)

My last week was full with food. I just want goat satay and my husband bought it for me. Yeee.... it was so yummy....

Then my boss bought me cheese meatball in bakso boedjangan. I'm so happy and it was delicious. But, the cheese meatball just little beat cheese. I think the chef forgot the cheese. Fortunately, my boss paid it. Hehehe

After ash wednesday, my husband took us to foodland pandaan. I chose duck geprek and it was enough for me. Thanks God.. i really feel your bless otherwise i didn't have any money.

I thubk will got salary but there was trouble in mandiri and i through the weekend with no money. But i promise with my parent to boght them solaria. I just chose sweet chickrn and i really satisfied. What lucky i am in this foody weekend.. hahaha.. but i just sad because my bag broken. Hopefully stop and go will repaired it soon.

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