Sabtu, 29 Februari 2020

Foody (29-02-2020)

My last week was full with food. I just want goat satay and my husband bought it for me. Yeee.... it was so yummy....

Then my boss bought me cheese meatball in bakso boedjangan. I'm so happy and it was delicious. But, the cheese meatball just little beat cheese. I think the chef forgot the cheese. Fortunately, my boss paid it. Hehehe

After ash wednesday, my husband took us to foodland pandaan. I chose duck geprek and it was enough for me. Thanks God.. i really feel your bless otherwise i didn't have any money.

I thubk will got salary but there was trouble in mandiri and i through the weekend with no money. But i promise with my parent to boght them solaria. I just chose sweet chickrn and i really satisfied. What lucky i am in this foody weekend.. hahaha.. but i just sad because my bag broken. Hopefully stop and go will repaired it soon.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2020

Senengnyaaa (28-02-2020)

Krn musim hujan, jadi minim.sohib jln ya.. hrs cri tmn yg mau naik mobil.. wkwkwk.. akhirny halan2 ma b heidy d supermall. Aq k gramed dlu bwat cri buku baca sketsa.

Habis itu lanjut nongki d tiger sugar. Barian minuman boba yg lagi jits n lgsg nyonai brown sugar milk boba. Lumayan si rasanya. Trus lanjut mkn gado2 d pasarame. Endes banget kalo ini. Wkwkwk

Then, tak lp bli oleh2 bwat yg d rmh.. sebungkus pop corn nya manise.. g terlalu enk ternyata tpi lmyn bwat oleh2.. hehehe...

Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

Full Sunday (25-02-2020)

I was so busy last sunday. After went to church i must went to kurnia restaurant. We ate rawon fried rice. The most delicious fried rice in pasuruan. You must try it but the restaurant was not really cozy and had expensive menu. I accompanied my daugther to follwed the colouring championship.

She was late but she still cheered up. She had not talent in colouring but her hobby is colouring. She was lose but she looked happy. Hehehe..

After that, we went to nirmala and bought some bath thing. I bought my fave soap and another thinh for my servant. Hopefully she like it and use it. Hehe

Minggu, 23 Februari 2020

Nyenengno Anak Wedok (23-02-2020)

Habis sakit seminggu, kayakny ank wedok butuh refresh.. lgsg d diajak papanya k lippo plaza. Seneng banget wjhny bs maen sepuasnya di sana.. mandi bola, sekuter n flying fox dhajar ma dya. Lgsg auto waras seger.. wkwkwk

Maknya g mau kalah dong.. nyusulin ksna mnt ngafe. Dsna ad kafe yg dah lm banget g ddatengi. Scr skrg dah jd warga pandaan. Nmany dbalcone. Dsna lgsg milih menu blue saphire n roti bakar coklat keju. Dsna jg ad wifi. Meskipun tmptny krg instagramable, yg pntg menunya endes. Blue saphirenya cucok banget soda, sirup n susuny pas.. endes.. roti bakarnya juga juara.. coklat keju ama rotinya muantep empuk enak.. suka suka.. wkwkwk..

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020

Mix Event (22-02-2020)

I'm so happy because i feel so greatful.. my husband's cousin had come to my house and had fun with sketsa. My daugther had sick and finally she heal and they could had fun.

After that, i got fortune from kagat interindo. They gave us entertained in vertical coffee bar in icon mall gresik after visited their project. We are so lucky and i chose nutela frappe. The taste was really hood and i like the cozy place. We can enjoyed the wifi while we waited our food.i chose japanese chicken winhs amd i very satisfied for the menu.

Then, i enjoyed the tahwa in pandaan. I need that for refresh my body and warmed my mind. Definitely succes and i liked it.

I promised to my besti to visited her food truck. I came and enjoyed her milo. The banana bread was great too.. thx sis.. hopefully u will be succes.

Last but not least.. i enjoyed my samyang and guava buavita too in indomaret rest area km 753 sidoarjo. Bit yhe samyang was not really delicious again after got halal certificate. Wkwkwk..

What a mix event. I was so tired and need take a rest.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2020

Hangout With My Youngsis (21-02-2020)

Senengnya dompet kembali tebelan stlh dpt kado valentine segepok uwek. Akhirnya senin kmrn halan2 d pakuwon mall. Sbnrny niat mau doa lama d kapel. Trnyt kapelnya tutup guys kalo snin. Ni kayak bukan kapel aja yaa..

Hbs itu lanjut nyari kuliner. Nyobain aren jelly tea ny dum2. Biasa aja si.. dg hrg 30rb, rasany krg nendang. Hbs itu mknannya nyoba pork bbq nya la ribs. Endes juga. Tapi g tau knp rasanya jg krg nendang. Tpi porsinya endes coy. Wkwkwk.. yah program memontokkan badan.. rapopo.. hahaha

Senin, 17 Februari 2020

Wish U Healthy (17-02-2020)

We just so confused because our daugther got sick. Then we tried to make her comfort. We went to taman dayu and look for baby massage but the salon was so busy. So we ate in 57. I ate chicken noodle and she ate meatball. The taste was really delicious and i really like it. The prive was cheap but the place was not really cozy. It was have ourdoor place too. I wish she will be health soon after ate.

My car had something disturb. I brought it to wheel solution. My wheel was crack and i need to change the new one. I hope God will give me the great fprtune and i can fixed my car.

My husband got the bonus and he bought my daugther new earings. She chose flower gold earing in bangil gadjah jewellery shop. She look beautiful and happy with this val's day gift from her father. Hehehe

Minggu, 16 Februari 2020

Malmimg Happy (16-02-2020)

Senengnya dah hari sabtu. Hbs piket lgsg cus k transmart sidoarjo. Suami n ank dah meninggu. Yg ank jh dah puas maen bareng d transstudiomini. Mrk kayalnya kecapekan n ngajakin mkn d kober. Asli kangen jg ma mi iblis n nyobain avocado frappenya. Hehehe.. enak jg ternyata n ad kppinya.. siap2 ntar malem g bs tdr. Tpi gakpapa.. lagian bsk kan minggu.. hihihi..

Hbs dr transmart lgsg lanjut acara mak2 komplek alias pkk. Pengennya bln ni aq yg dpt arisan. Buat nglunasi kk. Tpi ap daya trnyata bkn aq. Gakpapalah.. toh dah dkasi rejeki ma Tuhan dr kontraktor n suami. Thx God... U r d best.. lmyn buat tambahan byr kk yg satunya.. hehe.. moga2 bln dpn ad lagi.. aaammmmiiiiinnnnnnn

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

Happy Val's Day All (16-02-2020)

It was 6 days at my work project. I'm so tired and need some refresh. I drink frestea and work again. Meeting and meeting. I was so boring but thx to my boss. He gave me free meatball. I tried hot meatball and avocado milk juice in bakso boejangan. Yeah..

We were so lucky. We found money and we could val's day party in office. We bought jco and it was really delicious.. wkwkwk.. great moment

Than, my fam had great val's day party too. We went to warung lesehan teko in bangil. We enjoyed the moment and gave presents. We chose curry gurami and celebrated this moment together with my parent in law. Yeah... nice moment and i really happy. My husband gave me a lot of money.. wkwkwk

Kamis, 13 Februari 2020

Njajan n Tirakat (14-02-2020)

Tanggal muda dah berlalu.. saatny mulai berhemat.. wkwkwk.. kemaren pas tanggal muda seneng banget njajan. Apalagi d green eleven banyak emak2 yg jualan n masakin jajan. Ad lumpia, sempol n mini pao. cucok wes pokoke sampek skrg makin ndut gr2 banyak makan. wkwkwk.. eee.. gak lama dah tanggal tua aja sampek2 g bs hangout lagi. tpi untungnya masih bs k grj buat doa d gua Maria Yakobus secara kmrn jmt lupa kalo shrsnya k grj jmt pertama. wkwkwk.. kayaknya hari ni jg g k grj lagi cos mau ngrayain valentine. bsk senin lagi aja de doa k gua Maria. semoga keinginanq buat punya ank cow segera dikabulkan sama Tuhan.. Amiiiinnn.. Dah pengen gendong bayi lagi ni. Itung2 uang d bank sebenernya masih sisa 200rb tapi ternyata jg lgsg ludes buat keperluan sketsa, dya skrg sakit n mudah2an hari ini sembuh biar bs happy2 bareng. hehehe.. tadi pagi dya g pengen tak tinggal ngantor tpi ap daya mak mu ni ad panggilan tgs neg. smg aj dya baik2 aja. amin..

Senin, 10 Februari 2020

Try Nu Place (10-02-2020)

I just so excited because my sunday will be greatful. After went to church, we hang outed to food veranda pandaan. We rnkoyed the ambience here. We tried nu place in this area. Janji jiwa. This is my first time to feel this place. I chose hougaji and lidi noodle. It was simple but really greatful. I really like the taste of this food and beverage. Really original. Hehehe

After that, my daugther wanted to play here and enjoyed with her friend. She tried blackpink too in janji jiwa and she really like it.

Then, still for my daugther, we repaired her bycycle. I hope she will happy and bikinh with her friends... nice sunday right ? Hehehe

Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

Jadwal Padat (09-02-2020)

Sabtu kmrn, jdelnya padet banget dari pagi samprk malem. Jam 10 dah kondangan d graha ykp sby. Nikahan tmn suamiq. Mewah juga pake adat bali n cateringnya endes banget. Hbs tu lanjut k proyek n hrs ganti kostum dr kostum kondangan sblmnya.

Hbs itu lanjut k ptc cos suami n ank nunggu dsna gegara sayah k proyek. Sampek d ptc, spatunya sketsa dah ngecling tuh hbs dcuci d ptc. Trus suami kelaperan. Akhirnya mampir hokben. Dsna liat ad menu set teriyaki no 1 yg menggiurkan dg daging manis. Endes banget.. makan sampek kekenyangan n yg paling ngangenin emang sayurnya ya.. hehehe..  ank pun sng dpt mainan. Suami jg kayakny lahap.. wkwkwk

Meet Up (09-02-2020)

I had so tired to work. I must went to my office by bus last week and i had work hard in project.. wkwkwk

But then i very happy because i could meet up with my old friends from lasalle. Actually i need them to give me my tax letter and sewed my pants. Hehehe.. we met in pakuwon mall. We shopping and i looked for vallentine's gift. I bought lipstick and socks in flamore and cooton on. Then we ate in pancious. I chose choco pancake and we told about everything in lasalle. I hoped they still stand up. Thx all.. i'm very happy..

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2020

Menikmati (08-01-2019)

Nikmatnya ank cew tu bs ngerjain papanya n papanya pun g bakal marah.. wkwkwk.. bs spuasnya.. mau makein bando, bunga n kacamata biar papanya kayak orgil.. tpi tetep... jadi korban kejahilan anaknya

Hbs jahilin papanya pun si ank makin bahagia. Apalagi bskny dya rng2 ma tmn2nya d sakura asri.. have fun ya nak..

Emaknya jg g mau kalah happy dong.. kalo emal2 membahagiakan dirinya pasti ngemall. Trus cari vamilan yg bermanfaat. Wkwkwk.. ad diomay hapsari n amk cream yg jadi andalan.. makin cucok kan.. sampek k tp 1 lo ini.. haha.. slain itu jg jgn lp ngecemes utk menghilangkan kepenatan. Kmpl sama tmn emang paling tokcer. Kmpl d rmh shbt yg pny gawe smbl crt ksna kmri. Tapi kok y pas jg dya lagi sakit.. tatian..

Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

God Bless Us (04-02-2020)

I really felt bless because i still can come to my neighbour's wedding. A few years ago, she helped me in my wedding.. n now i follow her wedding. This wedding held in santika premiere hotel. That was great wedding with sword parade and i really enjoyed it.

After that, i went to tp 3. We drank moru milk and talked about everything. I chose sakura and i liked it. That was great little refresh with my fam.. hehehe.. and my lovely daugther played in funworld. Very fun sunday..

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2020

Malming Melas (02-02-2020)

Sebenernya masih tanggal muda ya.. cuman kok suami moodny jlk mulu jd males ngajak malming. Diajak nongki pun kwbnny pedes. Jdi mls ngapa2in. Akhirnya cuman k gereja trus k indomaret bwat bli pulsa, etoll n jajan. Masuk indomaret pilih2 jajan yg blm prnh dcoba n g bikin gemuk. Mata lgsg tertuju k soyhoy. Ternyata skrg ad varian baru soyjoy crispy. Rasanya endes juga n g lembek. Tpi ad kriuk2nya n msh berasa kedelai si.. yah.. makanan diet emang slalu lbih mahal ya guys.. bli jajan n pls aj dah 50rb.. wkwkwk.. gpp de drpd nggambas.

Give Thanks (01-02-2020)

Thank to God for His fortune. I could celebrated st angela day in aira pujasera bangil. I chose chicken teriyaki curry rice and hot choco. That were very deliciouse and i really like it. The place was very comfortable with fun game n fun occation.

Then i work really hard this week. I very exhausted but i must smile right.. ciao you angel.. u can do it.. hehehe

But, give thanks again to Gkd and i can met with my old friend debo in ubud cafe. This place look empty and we enjoyed the occasion. We ate fries noodle and drink oreo ice blend. It was delicious enough. We talked about anything and expend the night with wifi facility.. wkwkwk.. really happy God... thanks to the max.. hehehe