Kamis, 04 Juni 2020

Happy In The Work Life (04-06-2020)

I just tried new meatball culinary in Surabaya. Buka Baju. Wkwkkwk… The name is so unique. I bought it with grab food and ate in the office. I bought fried meatball, cheese meatball and chili meatball. I thinked the meatballs were big but actually was small.. wakakakakak,, But, it's okay because the taste is very good and I really like it. I'm still hungry with that price.

Then, in my office held twice halal bihalal. First, with the contractor. I was really happy because I can ate chicken opor and another ied mubarraq food.. Hmmm yummy

Second, we hels halal bihalal for management construction people. we grilled gurameh and I really really satisfied with ths event, I was so so happy in the work life. Otherwise we can't went to Solo, but my office friends were so greatful. Thank's everybody. We keep this together. Everybody look happy too, right ?

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