Senin, 28 Mei 2018

IED mubbaraq preparation (28-05-2018)

I was in Pandaan and got new experience. My daughter made gradation color on paper and I remembered that my painting teacher said if there was a child make gradation when you give him paper and crayon that improve if he or she clever
 Amien... after that, she took a bath with ride a bicycle.. I think she was so funny.. wkwkwkwk

On Saturday, I and my fam went to ITV and bought ied Mubarak preparation. My servant bought grossers, my husband bought vest, my daughter bought Snow White gown and I bought underwear. Great.

After that, we got shopping in carrefour a Yani and bought needs. Last but not least, we went to angkringan Jogjakarta to spent a night. I ate fried noodle and ice Choco. And my husband dank ginger

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