Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2024

pentacost Day (19-07-2024)

       Pentacost day was began and i realized that i was forgot about it. The we heldmit un etc. We had kunchmwith shake durian and i really loved it. Then i got massage and pray for everything and then i want to atè ayam grpuk because the sambal very nice. 

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024

Mestakung (15-07-2024)

       Semangat y pr cee yg krj brsma cow2.. bpk2 yg slalu ngeselin n hrs dsogok dlu tpi ending elu dbuang. Akakakakak. Good luck girls.. kali ni mbeliin bpk2 kfc. Drpd cpk beliny d drjve thru aja. Trus bskny buar g mangkel liat sunset aja.. hbs tu mbeliin ank buku. Perfect lifr to be mom ya.. yg kuat bdnq biar semesta mendukung. Hehehe

With Friends (14-07-2024)

       Thank you mr yahya.. u r so kind to gjve some free food and beverage. Hmm,, yummy.. Locaahanf have great jnterior design  and we took great photo there. After that, we went to shopping. Nice shoes right ? 

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024

Sunset Cantik (13-07-2024)

       Siang tlah usai n aq memangu d balik layar. Sunsetnya cantik naq terkesima dg smua tawaran dunia. Begitu membolak balikan perasaan tpi aq bertahan. Hehehe.. semampuq ya.. sekuatq. Perlahan tpi pasti n akirnya menjadi indah ketika dttp dg mkn mlm. Pasti bisa n aq bs melewati taun ini. Hrs bisa n sebisa mgkn semua karrna Tuhan. Amin..

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024

Love Language (12-07-2024)

     Hi day,, i was excited for love language.. Really fascinating and lovely. We had lunch in sumilir and i ate cingur salad. Then, my daugther and I got treatment in hair and face, Thank u my husband. Really relaxing moment and she looked so happy. For the last moment she had fishing and she got many fish. hehehehe.. happy day my girl

Wisata Kantor (08-07-2024)

     Habis ngikutin suami wisata kantor d kota malang, lanjut wisata kantor sendiri dong.. dah kenyang breakfast d atria hotel. eh maksinya d trawas bareng temen2 kantor sambil menikmati view gunung penanggungan d estusae. beli paketan mantap berempat dan sempet juga nge es krim d pandaan. hehehe.. emang hidup bisa selompat itu..

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024

Malang At Night (07-07-2024)

       Hi night in malanb. I loved to walk around in kayu tangan street. Love the romatic place an dinner in mi godog jogja. Hmm yummy. Special event in ascessiin day and then thank u for the snacks from comtractor. We close the night with milo dinosaurs from kopken.

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2024

Wayahe Syantai (06-07-2024)

     Yee isok renang gretong nang hotel gaes.. menikmati sunset n air yg sejuk di malang kota.. apalagi habis muter2 kota malang sambil cari oleh2 n madu klanceng. akirnya belanja bateeq. d hotel lengkap banget n brgny jg bagus. trus ankq jg sneneg banget bs menikmati sore yg indah meski dya msh blm boleh renang. hehehehe

Senin, 19 Agustus 2024

Around The City (05-07-2024)

     Hi malang.. i was miss u so much.. since the day i went to colourful village.. now i walk around in singosari park. I love the breeze with beautiful garden and playground. nice lion statue and really nice breakfast in atria hotel. omelet and meatball were really delicious. And then, i had lunch in pecel kawi. signature food in malang and i love it too.. thank u God.. i through this moment with your greatful.

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024

So Cute (30-06-2024)

       Look my new style hair. It's so cute and i love the style. My daugther loved it too and she had an experiment for me. I was so tired after survey and i need some nice dinner in warung apung lesehan sukabumi, bangkl. We ate kangkung and grill chicken.. hmm.. yummy.. we liked it and we spent njcely night there.

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2024

I Hope So (29-06-2024)

       Thjs moment was so hard but finally i can handke it. After so tired from the hispital, we had dinner in cha time taman dayh oandaan. Sahabat hispital was so crowded and we wanted some relax time in the cozy night. I tried coconut tea and korean street food. Then we had some miss fried noodle too.. akakakakak

Kamis, 08 Agustus 2024

Belanjo (28-06-2024)

       Hi bangil.. lanjut shopping neh.. ad faiza bordir dg segala keunikan bordirnya dan kerajinan tas anyam yg baghs banget. Meski mahal tapi bagus kok.. 
       Trus ad jg signature kopi dr pandaan ad kopi ledug yg otentik high quality. Kopi luwakny dsangrai 70km/jam, wenak pol of course. Suasana ngopiny jg unik d rmh stgh jadi dg ghdang kopinya. 

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2024

Holiday in Pandaan (24-06-2024)

       I was so excited because that day, we will git hokiday in pandaan. First stop, we went to long sand beach and then spent the time with njce view and played with sand. We loved the sun and fjnished it becahse we got starving. 
       We went to grill fjsh central in beji. Wow.. thr place was incredible with green view. The fjsh was really fresh and i lived the taste. I just want back again and ate mujaer. Love the beverage with green lik soda. Hehehehe.. how beautiful life. 

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2024

Mangjel (23-06-2024)

       Mangkel sama diri sendiri itu amazing. Kok bs percaya sama org yg cuman mesum doang. Yah.. itu yg namanya pelajaran. Sama skalj g lerlu dperjuangkan. Hdp sendiri aj. Aplg suami jg jauh dr hrpn. Bu thx tata yg sdh sdkt menghubur dg halbil all u can eat n keturutan jg mkn siomay babi brsma brindies. Akakakaka.. ptc emang tmptny andalan babi ya.. terus malemnya makan ayam geprrk gag. Murah, rnak, banhak ya.. cucok pokoke.. semoga aq smakin kuat menghadapi hdp ini. 

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2024

Trying (22-06-2024)

       We had trying to through this and wepassed it. My daugther looked stronger and then we had breakfast in francoville. We love the french cuisine. Sandwich and mineral water looked so giod jn hard day. Thanks God for everythimg. My famiky met my daugther too and she looked so happy. 3 months will be hard but we stand for it. I liked to say gokd bye to endo. And it was beckme happh ending. 

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2024

Melewati ini semua (21-06-2024)

       Hari pertama konttol hbs operasi was so hard y nak.. aplgi smua ini qta lalui nerdua. Sejenak makan receh dlu tpi spedial pakek indomj gorrng sblm mewek krn darah msh berceceran. Bedokny pun udah blh dkolah pakek kruk.. smgt y nak.. kmu pasti bs melewati ini smua. Pasti bs jd cew kuat kayak bunda. Amin..

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2024

Stronger (18-06-2024)

       We had bèn through the hardest time and world day finished with my daugther surgery. And then the result wa good. My daugther went to school with things and she looked stronger. She got entrepreneur task from school but she tried harder. But i was so down and need sime beer. Thanks for the hard time God