Rabu, 03 Juli 2024

Jejak (22-05-2024)

       Tetjba papa lgi ingin mencari jejak langkah d makam mbah kakung. Krn 2 th lalu g nemu maka qta mencari di rmh istri ke2 mbah. Akirny nemu n bs nyekar. Trus malah nemu jg foto mbahq stlh sekian lama aq g tau spt ap wajahny. Hrhrhr.. ternyata aliansi oesek dr beliau. Qta jg sempatkan foto2 spy bs mnjd kenangan manis

Selasa, 02 Juli 2024

Sukoharjo I'm Coming (20-05-2024)

       Happy day. We started the journey with had lunch in rest area mojokerto. Thjs travel to sukoharjk woukd be great. We ate kudus soto and j rrally kike it. Just see my nee hat. Look jncredibke right ? And then, we arrived in my grandma's house. My aunty coked the lebaran's food. Hmm.. yunny and thanks for the dinner. Chicken opor and ketuoat was really delicious. 
       Then we had vacation in alun2 sukoharjo. Really crowded and bjg place. We played and walked around. We had snack with telo and hit milo. Nice holiday right ? Hehehe

Senin, 01 Juli 2024

Silaturahmi (19-05-2024)

     Menjelang libur lebaran, hayuk qta silaturahmi dlu k sodara d sidoarjo. wah banyak jajan n kenangan dsna. banyak obrolan yg baik.. Hbs itu malem2 makan sop kikil wenak banget pas tetes terakir. 

    Trus besoknya lanjut dibayarin pak bos dii pizza hut wiyung. wenak pol pasta carbonara ama choco milkshake. wenak pol..