Hi bestie.. we met again and we had dinner in surabaya. We chose royal plaza and try ramen 1. I loved the promo. spicy ramen was great and delicious. WE met for a long time and we chated up everything we want. After that, I need ice cream from mcd. hehehe.. mcflurry for the recue guys.. And dilan snack for the last. yummy
Senin, 30 Oktober 2023
Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2023
Pesta Rakyat (30-09-2023)
Kamis, 26 Oktober 2023
Wedding Party (29-09-2023)
My old neighbour held wedding party in lingkar timur sidoarjo. Hopefully they will live happily ever after. Nice food. Nice souvenir. Thanks for the great event and nice shanghai souvenirs from my friend.
Senin, 23 Oktober 2023
Ultah Party Vestanoija (28-09-2023)
Puji Tuhan, sdh 2 thn konsultan kami berjalan n puji Tuhan masih berjaya di dunia design and build. Semoga makin kesini makin berlimpah n makin banyak klien qta. Amin, amin.. Kali ini qta ngerayain d wee nam kee tp 6 sby. Qta pesen makanan paketan ayam hainan dan oke banget cucok banget rasa n porsinya. Kali ni qta pakek warna pastel and kue jajan pocky siap menyemarakkan. hehehehe..
Habis pesta jgn lp belanja n tetep ngopi. Guardian emang cucok buat cari2 sabun kojie san yg lengkap. flazz coffee yg charcoal latte jg cucok.. mantap lah.. mamaci Tuhan atas semuanya
Minggu, 22 Oktober 2023
Relax Time (27-09-2023)
Jumat, 20 Oktober 2023
Ekspektanica ( 25-09-2023)
Yeeee akirnya nonton juicy luicy.. mamaci ekspectanica 2023 yg mewujudkan.. tapi sayang area vip nya mengecewakan. Cuman dapet kipas lagi. asem.. tapi yg penting puas kok. Semua lagu2 fave dibyabyikan. Jadi puas pol gaes.. Slain juicy sempet nonton mahalini se.. ya lumayanlah. laper2 dsna juga ad yg jual bakso. Rame banget kodam jadinya.
Habis itu malemnya lanjut makan tahu tempe aja. Biar jmt n kuat menjalani malam. Yg penting ad isinya yes.. hidden cafe emang cucok banget d sidoarjo buat nongki sama keluarga
Kamis, 19 Oktober 2023
Love This (24-09-2023)
Hi sun day morning. I was so excited today. We started with breakfast in pandaan. We ate chicken clear soup in soto boyolali. This taste was so good and i felt so full with the side diah. hehehe.. great guys.. i took some photos and I love so much.
After this day, I got big client and I was so thankful because she gave me fruit salad and I very like it. with the taste.
Then, my high school had birthday party. I gave some money for this flower. Nive moment. Yeyeyeye
Nyonya Besar Ngidam Pizza (23-09-2023)
Siang2 panas emang enak makan d ruangan ber ac. Pas banget pengen pizza. Eee cucok banget ad menu pizza baru. pizza hut wiyung great for the rescue. Akakakakak.. Dasar emak2, lgsg foto2 dong.. hehehe
Buat besoknya ngemil pakek pork gyoza. Ya lumayanlah.. Trus perawatan pakek atomy. lengkap kan hidupq. makin bersinar n montok
Rabu, 18 Oktober 2023
Durian (22-09-2023)
Durian always make us happy. My husband went to tretes and looked for some fresh durian. Istana durian always make us interesting. We bought loca; durian and monthong durian. Hehehe.. nice taste and we loved it. My daugther bought durian ice cream. Really sweet and great. We took amazing photos and we shared it to another. I felt so hungry, so I ate meatball for warmed myself. Hehehe.. Delicious and i felt so full.
Habis puas makan2nya, nak kicik lgsg semangat ngerjain pr math nya. akakakak.. sampek diikat lo keplanya biar kuat menghadapi soal.
Besoknya, ada yg pengen makan richeese lo.. huwenak pol, akirnya ngidam keturutan. akakakaka.. kenapa keinginan makan ini muncul ketika badan sdh makin melar 😶😶
Senin, 16 Oktober 2023
Mangan Tok Gaes (18-09-2023)
Siang2 g tau kenapa kok pengen banget makan penyetan, akirnya cus k bu kris wiyung. pdhl sby lagi panas2nya lo.. y dah yg penting keturutan makan bakwan penyet ambek ayame.. cucok pol lgsg auto kenyang n nikmat gaes.. anakq n papaq juga cucok banget ama sambelnya. Untung banget favorit dari jaman baheula. wkwkwk
mlmny lanjut maem d sate pak mei. nyobain aj cos penasaran. suasanany epic tapi sayang banyak nyamuk n pas g ad angin juga. pesenny jg ugal2an ya.. ada sate buntel ama tongseng iga, wenak pol.. cuman emang mehong ya,, yah gimana g makin endut ya,, timbangan udah stuck d 56 skrg.
Minggu, 15 Oktober 2023
Indepedence Day (17-09-2023)
Nice moment in the independence day.. we wore red and white and had lunch in pandaan/ Depot makmur would been perfect lunch. We ate with tongseng and gulai/. Yummy and delicious food and fresh vanilla milk ice.
I was so happy because my daugther made nice card and write something there : bunda cantik. I was so blessed and thankful.
Then, I had dinner with gacoan noodle. hmmm.. i'm so full
Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023
Kehidupan Kantor (16-09-2023)
Puji Tuhan dapet banyak rejeki jadi bs nraktir temen2 mkn mi babi di mie palu sby. Maksii mantap n kuenyang pokoke.. Besoknya ad yg sukuran nih.. dapet ayam geprek n roti ultah.. slema ultah y pak dito smg sehat slalu. amin.. emang kepratung banget dapet oleh2 dr anak magang dari madiun.. wenak pol kripik tempe daun jeruk. hehehe.. nyes dah
Rabu, 11 Oktober 2023
Pendopo Again (15-09-2023)
Dinner time... we went to pendopo again. we ate grill rice with chicken and took great photos there. Nice place to healing and eating. I felt so great. after went there. I love the mendoan and i felt so full. pendopo has unique concept with javanese and modern.
After that, I received souvenirs from Lala. She just went to sin and malay.. Thank you so much. I felt so happy and loved it. hehehehe
Selasa, 10 Oktober 2023
Weekend Sederhana (11-09-2023)
Sabtu siang meski dompet menipis, harus tetep hepi.. qta mbakso aja yg wenak d bakso kotak remaja cak budi surabaya. porsiny mantap n rasanya endul.. cucok banget buat makan yg g kekenyangan. Hbs maksi lanjut k alfamart ngagel buat beli bawaan njenguk org skt d rs premiere. ternyata rs nya modern banget.. jadi foto2 dlu buat referensi bangunan rs..
Malemnya lanju dinner pakek mi ayam tunggal rasa.. jgn lp cekernya. pasti kenyang maksimal n aq sukak banget. Lengkap sudah weekend sedehananya dtutup dgn belanja buku d togamas sidoarjo.
Minggu, 08 Oktober 2023
Little Party (10-09-2023)
Kamis, 05 Oktober 2023
Mancing Gaes (09-09-2023)
Satu hari yg padat y gaes.. dari pagi qta dah beraktifitas k gereja pagi trus lanju tnemenin bapak mertua mancing. hehehe.. aq seneng banget bisa dapet strike pakek usahaq sendiri. hehehe. ankq juga. emang roemah panggoeng cucok banget buat healing. apalagi ad kolam koinya d atas. ankq syeneng jugak ngasik makan ikan koi nya..
Habis mancing lanjut makan siang d prigen.. suasana mantap banget emang dsini anginny semilir banget. aq pesen gurami asap dan uba rampenya ad kangkung n tahu.. wenak pol pokoke. hehehee
Malemnya eh ad tamu kesayangan dateng. aq ajakin aj makan malam d zaco. cucok pokoke..aq pengen minum jus ama indomi kuah. hehehe.. pokoke puas banget. semoga sukak ya k bangil mbak ni..
Senin, 02 Oktober 2023
My Complete Day (08-09-2023)
Love that day because I got complete day with family. I had coffee with peach choco in kanagara cafe sidoarjo. I spent my time with my husband and my parent in law. After that, I visited my husband's cousin. He wa sick and now he looked so healthy. Then I had dinner in mie mapan. We spent with my parent and young sister too. Nice moment with them and I loved it. Fried ball and noodle will be complete my day in gateway. hehehehe