Selasa, 29 November 2022
With Mak (29-10-2022)
Minggu, 27 November 2022
Pizza... (28-10-2022)
Sabtu, 26 November 2022
Ghibah Time (265-10-2022)
Jumat, 25 November 2022
East Java Birthday (24-10-2022)
happy birthday east java.. land where i born and live untill now. Hope east java become wealthy and prosperity.. hehehe.. we celebrated it with dinner in taman mindie bangil. otherwise i sick, i must be taft. I ate meatballs and i hope i will be better. nice dinner with my family but i was so so lazy to took a photo because i felt so tired. Give thanks to God, i can stand by me untill now.
Taman mindie can be alternative place to healing because the place was so cozy, they have many menus and the price was cheap.
Kamis, 24 November 2022
After Healing (23-10-2022)
Wes wayahe back to reality gaes.. pulang k pandaan dlu. naek bus bisnis dari bantul turun gempol. Pengalamanny luar biasa y gaes.. perjalanan hampir 9 jam. berhenti2 d beberapa terminal, nungguin pak sopir mamam ciang sampek ngrasain pedagang asongan yg jadi pramugara d bus. akakakakak.. syeneng si cuman emang capek. Sampek gempol lgsg laper gaes.. untung ad mi goyeng telur pedes yg jd penyelamat. top dah apalagi warkop lengkap dengan charge.
Besoknya langsung ist y gaes.. biar badan jadi lebih enak qta mamam sop lele. mas bojo ngajakin d warung djadul.. wenak pol gaes.. yg penting anget jd biar badan jadi enak lagi.. semoga next recreation jg makin syip..
Minggu, 20 November 2022
Day 2 (22-10-2022)
After long journey, we started the new journey again. We bought cakes in mbak wiwit. Fried getuk, sweet tiwul and etc.. I loved the gunung kiidul's food. Unique and delicious.
Then, i had lunch in soto tan proyek. This soto was the most delicious that i have ate. Really nice taste and they had many snacks and i love it. I hope i will come here again. hehehe..
Last but not least, I had shoppping in art shop. This javanese shop style made me satisfied and definitely spent my money. Akakkakakak.. Nice holiday.. Tomorrow we must back to pandaan.
Menikmati (21-10-2022)
Jumat, 18 November 2022
Loving Gunung Kidul (17-10-20220
Holiday was start and we were very excited. We got pray time in sendang sri ningsi this mother marry cave .in the forest. This site in the mount and i really like it. We took a photo in the morning. Fresh air and fresh view from this site. Hi mother.. please listen my pray. Javanese ztyle in this walking cross and very peaceful.
After that, we visited tritis marry cave. This prayer place was really in the big cave. Very exotic and greatful. Give thanks to God that very best in my life. I really enjoyed the scenery, the mass and definitely the big black marry statue. I hope i will got boy soon. Please God.. ma,e my dream come true.
Than.. after long journey, we visited krakal beach. We spent time with play in the sea abd sand. The view was really nice and we took great picture too.fhe beautiful woman witg beautiful view.. hehehe

Selasa, 15 November 2022
Otw Gunung Kidul (16--10-2022)
Puji Tuhan.. warga veronica grj st there pandaà n punya gawe. Kali ini ada acara wisata k gunung kidul. Destinasiny k sendang sri ningsih n goa maria tritis. Syeneng banget gaes... q qta berangkat naik bis.. ad 2 bis lo, kebetulan qts bus 1. Poto dlu biar kliatan kompak. Akakakak.. hbs itu ngemil dku ama arem2, roti n cincau.. yee akirny sampek jg d gunu g kidul. Lgsg cus kulineran. Ad pentol bwkar, sego tiwul, tempe benguk n tahu bacem.. hehehe.. wareg pol2wn.. WALOPUN G TERLALU COCOK YG PENTing dah pernah ngrasain ya.. apalagi enak banget pentol bakare.,
Minggu, 13 November 2022
Dealing (14-10-2022)
Sabtu, 12 November 2022
Minggyu (11-10-2022)
Selasa, 08 November 2022
My Night (10-10-2022)
We were so tired guys.. So we need took a rest in the coffee shop. I stopped in Dimensi Kopi, Trawas. We had listen to the live music and we enjoyed the night. This place has good corner and very cozy. I love the occasion. Definitely become new idol place. My daugther love this place too because she could played card with her daddy.
I order seblak and mineral water.. Hmmm yummy... I really love the food and beverage. feel so great with fresh air and nice music. The price was not expensive and they had fast service. Nice moment in my night. Must back here again.
But unfotunately, my car must be repaired. my wheel broken and I must went to service this. Give thanks to God, still service centre open for my car.
Sabtu, 05 November 2022
Kamis, 03 November 2022
Jumat Ceria (08-10-20220
Hari jumat ceria kali ini diisi dgn makan kuenyang gaes.. siang dibayari pak bos d lontong mi kutisari sby. Jos banget rasa n porsinya.. Cucok marucok.. Endes n mengenyangkan. meski tmptny yg panas, yg penting puas n mumer.. aplagi es tehny jumbo juga.
Habis maksi, lanjut dinner d alltime buns. Seneng banget gaes, ad resto buns yg konsepnya 80's begini. jadi inget jaman dlu klo nntn pilm2 amrik. hehehe.. suasanany instagramable banget.. jalanan tunjungan skrg jg rame.. klo harga emang mehong ya.. tapi worth it lah buat makanan selezat ini. wenak pol2an.. apalagi bs kongkow ma tmn2 ngakak sna-sni..
Besoknya lanjut makan ketroprak. Pokoknya penuh dgn nutrisi y gaes.. yg pasti memontok dan imut.. akakakakak
Selasa, 01 November 2022
Ultah Pernikahan (07-10-2022)
Gak kerasa.. pernikahan kami sdh menginjak tahun k 9 n sampai saat ini kami blm dkaruniai ank lagi. Mungkin memang dbuat seperti ini tapi ya Tuhan.. kami sangat ingin memiliki 1 ank lagi. Tapi y sudahlah, mari qta tetap jalani hidup. Kali ini kami merayakan ultah pernikahan di d'gunungan garden, prigen. Semoga dgn perayaan ini, keluarga kami makin diberkati Tuhan dan langgeng sampai maut memisahkan.
Dinner romantis kali ini kami rayakan dg tart from hw bakery. Acara tiup lilin sampek potong kue meriah banget. Sampek acara tuker kado.. yayang mbeliin aq sprei ama karangan bunga uang.. buat nak kicik jg ad karangan bunganya.. Aq ckp atu aja ya.. ngasik tv android 32inch.. akakakak.. semoga makin semarak lah rumah tangga qta.. i luv u 3000
Cus lah lanjut dinner ama chicken grill n mushroom grill. Wuenak oll meskipunmahal tapi porsinya besar kok. Terus air mineralny jg aestetik bangetzz.. spot fotonya jg banyak yg ucul2 buat konten. Wes.. pokoke terpuaskan ngerayain dsni.. hehehe