Senin, 31 Januari 2022

Campur2 Gaes (24-01-2022)

       Asek... semingguan dpt campur2 acarane.. mulai dr mbeliin jajan buat taamu open house taun ni d hw bakery pandaan. Buanyak banget pokoke jajane. 
       Hbs itu fitting baju seragam nikahan adek. Lumenjen jadie sekelas butik d desa santri. Thanks wardah boutique berkat anda gaunny jadi.. tak lupa soto jerohan utk menambah semangat 🤣🤣.. soto ayam lamongan abas jagonya. Haha
       Malemnya qta sukuran gajian suami yes. D bangil ajah. Spt biasa d joy coffee, aq pilih indomie goreng n sosis bakar plus mik jus alpukat. Wendes.. siap melemu.. wkwkwk

Jumat, 28 Januari 2022

Nostalgic (23-01-2021)

       I got little project from my husband to make canopy. So, i went to cito and look for the material. After that, I bought ivy donut. I miss it but i dissapointed now. They are not delicious like use to be. But, it's okay..
       Then, i nostalgic with my old friend in surabaya. We chose pizza hut darmo. I ate split pizza with americano and meat lover cheesy stuff crust. Hmm.. yummy.. i ate chicken wings too. That were great.
       For the dessert, i ate chcocomaltine dessert from my husband. Thank you... love u so much.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2022

Refresh Dlu D Kebun Pak Budi (22-01-2021)

       Aseekkk... weekend tlah tiba n mas bojo lg pengen halan2.. lanjutlah cyin qta k kebun p budi.. syeneng banget.. dnsa ad bird cage, rmh kelinci, taneman, hidroponik, ikan hias, kandang kambing n sapi, sawah, klm renang n tmpt mkn ugak. 
       Lengkap bingit. Dr siang sampek sore qta dsana.. g krasa.. nak kicik jg heboh banget ama tmptny.. cucok emang buat nak kanak..

Minggu, 23 Januari 2022

Give Thanks To God (22-01-2022)

       Gibe thanks to God.. He gave us lucky day. We can drank flores robusta single origin coffee and noodle soup in de ale sidoarjo. The coffee was so bittersweet but very delicious. We can enjoyed the moment and brought happiness for us. 
       My husband got bonus and we spent it with great dinner too. We ate margarin sauce lobster in warung teko bangil. The taste was great and we shared it. My daugther was excited to play in the playground and i and my husband were excited to feeding fish. Wkwkwk.. what a lucky day and we felt so bless all the time. 

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2022

Nepe (21-01-2021)

       Akirnyah.. bisa puas nepe.. soalny kmrn cuman mamam doang.. skrg bs halan2 sampek mrs lelah n nongki. Sampek tp 4, aq cap cus k the body shop buat nukerin poin. Lmyn dpt face wash ama sabn cair. Ntap kan.. bs lgsg cus meng-glowing kan wjh.. wkwkwk.. 
       Hbs itu lanjut nongki ma sohib d flashcom. Qta nilih djournal buat ngecemez. G krasa dah mlm. Mac&cheese pie ama ice double choco mocha skses habis mendarat d perut n terpuaskan gaes.. mamaci sdh menemani.. hahaha

Kamis, 20 Januari 2022

Growing Up (19-01-2021)

       Everything has changed and my bussines growing up too. My A Course had customers for autocad certificate and then my vestanoija consultant got a client. Give thanks to God because he always lay me in the green grass 😘😘😘
       After that, my husband got great client in bangil. He had mbonk backo cafe and we can free dinner here. I chose cheesy potato and dark choco ice. Hmm yummy. Thank you bro. Hopefully your bussines growing up too..
       Today, pandaan had rainy day. So i jist want to ate cheese milk corn. Hehe.. nice day.. give thanks to God.. 😍😍😍

Rabu, 19 Januari 2022

Mampir (16-01-2021)

       Syeneng de bs staycation n mampir2.. bisa k tp 3.. nostalgila sambil mamam babi.. emang paling cucok d yamagoya ramen. Milih menu tonkotsu ramen n lgsg slurrp.. wenak pol gaes.. wkwkwk
       Hbs tu lgsg bukak kotak ntal bank jatim ad boncafe.. ntapz.. trua bsknya lanjut ngepizza. Mampir k sidoarjo. Ad yg lagi ngidam pizza hut tuh.. lgsg cus k suncity. Dsna milih meat lover yg cheesy bite. Top dah, cucok banget... 

Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

Our Staycation (16-01-2021)

       Hurrey... my husband got bussines trip to Surabaya and we can relax for staycatin in quest hotel. We stayed in 1003 room. It was very comfortable room and we liked it. 
       We can enjoyed the swimming pool. This swimming pool had kid and adult pool. Indoor and outdoor. They had swimming bar too. Very cool and we loved it. Hehehe
       After that, we had breakfast in cafe. We ate everything what we want. Very delicious and delightful. Hahahaha..

Senin, 17 Januari 2022

Syeneng... (15-01-2021)

       Syeneng banget sdh melewati seminggu yg unik. Mulai dr nak kicik ketiduran sambil mkn, nak kicik bikin diriny sendiri dr playdoh n  nak kicik yg heboh banget maen d sidoarjo.
       Hbs tu, qta mamam ciang d burger king y sis.. aq milihnya kings deal 1. Enyak kok.. krispi banget.. n tak lupa ritual wajib poto2. Wkwkwwk

Jumat, 14 Januari 2022

Daily Activity (14-01-2021)

       Hello daily activity, thanks to be great. I and my daugther just fitted the gown and we looked so beautiful. Thanks wardah boutique, can't wait to see the final fitting. 
       After that, my daigther drew a flower and it look so beautiful too.. i thank her practice grow quickly.
       Give thanks to God, because He gave me delicious food. I still can ate fried nila in warung sambal bangil. I felt so great this week. Hehehe

Rabu, 12 Januari 2022

Pesta Marathon Tlah Usai (13-01-2021)

       Setelah maraton pesta usai, waktunya kembali k kehidupan nyata n cari uang. Tapi sebelum macul lagi, n cuaca jg lagi ujan2ny. marilah qta mamam yg anget kayak bakso ceker n bantu nglarisi jualan tetangga. Enyak banget, d taman mindhie bangil komplit sis.
       Selamat jg buat ponakan yg hbs tedhak siten n ankq yg sdh slsi vaksin covid 19 yg pertama.. semoga smua sehat2 n jd org yg sukses..

Selasa, 11 Januari 2022

Basri Group (08-01-2021)

       Finally, basri group held gala dinner.. we celebrated mather day, christmas eve, new year breeze and anniversary party.. ye ye ye.. we just got the party.. we celebrated them in aurabaya. We chose supermall and we walk around to breadtalk and lc waikiki. Give thanks to God.. i missed choco pastry so much and i got sale belt.. ye ye ye
        After that, we had dinner in kitchennete. I chose tuna oglio olio spaghetti and ice tea. Nice but i don't really like it. Hehehe.. great dinner and can't wait for another dinner.

Senin, 10 Januari 2022

Mampir (08-01-2021)

       Hari sabtu kemarin ckp padat apalagi setelah Sketsa kena gabaken gegara hbs maen d playground food veranda taman dayu pandaan. Trus sabtuny hrs show tukwr kado brsm teman2 balet. Dya seneng banget.. dpt cat air n alt tls.
       Hbs itu, mak n bpkny pgn ngadem. Qta mkn d picnic. Kali ni aq nyobak chicken primigili n ice chocolate. Lumayanlah utk menghilangkan lapar... plus bs poto2 nih dsni.. biar makin cantik sosmednya..

Minggu, 09 Januari 2022

Meet Up (97-01-2021)

       After big holidays, finally we must work again and give thanks to God, i can meet up with many friends. We meet in galaxy mall 3 and we walk around this place. We start shopping in the body shop. I bought shea shampoo and water facial foam. After that, we tried bath&body work sale. I bought body cream and fragrance mist. Wow.. i spent a lot of money.. wkwkwk
       Then, we had lunch in chop buntut. I chose tail curry. The taste was really really great and i like it. Give thanks to God for many blesse.. 😋😋😋 

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2022

Waktuny Istirohat (04-01-2022)

       Syeneng banget hbs liburan panjang. Bye2 gresik family.. c u when i c u. Hbs itu, bakny bs ngafe d pandaan lagi. Waktunya istirohat n menikmati hdp. Aq ngafe d taman dayu. Dsna ad area food veranda n yg buka pagi cuman clbk. Untung minum n mknanny udah ready. Aq pilih nutela ice ama cumi crispy.. cuminy pakek bumbu garlic n ditambahi cheese french fries. Pas pagi enak banget area itu dbuat ngafe. Wkwkwkwk. Ankq pun syenang.
       Besoknya dya ad acr natalan brsma tmn2nya.. dya tukar kado dapet alat mkn n tepak. Syeneng banget dya.. meskipun sakit tpi dya tetep semangat.. semangat y syg..

Kamis, 06 Januari 2022

Time To Go Home (03-01-2021)

       Give thanks to God.. because of Him, I can felt the great new year holiday. We just ate rw and caramel choco by among jiwo in gresik and now it's time to go home. 
       We just arrived in pandaan and cutted our hair. We went to dsalon in little shanghai taman dayu. After that, we had lunch in dear butter in little persia. The croffle was standard but pandan latte was outstanding.. cool.. give thanks to God for everything

Selasa, 04 Januari 2022

Setigi (02-01-2021)

       Holiday was still breeze. We had vacation in setigi gresik. This place was really fun and cool. We can enjoyed the white view and so many nice atea. Lake, pool, cave, cafe and sculpture. Really great. We spent a day there but the air feel so hot i think. Hahaha
       After that, we had culinary time in buk marjani. We ate belut bali rice and the taste was really really nice.. joss.. 
       And the last destination, i bought souvenirs in muzanah. Cute souvenir and definitely delicious.. 

Minggu, 02 Januari 2022

Wayae Liburan Nang Gresik (01-01-2021)

       Hehe.. nak wedok seneng banget mau liburan sampek nggambar emakny pas msh kecil buat ucapan trima kasi. Habis itu emakny jg nyiapin buat oyeh2 kakung uti ya.. mampir dlu d kampung roti.. syeneng de..
       Pestanya qta rayain d angonjiwo. Cucok banget kafenya nuanza belanda tropis arab jawa.. wkwkwk.. kuno but elegan.. makananny jg maknyus. Aq pilih fettuccini carbonara n dark oreo gelatonya.. cucok banget sis.. kakung n uti jg kliatan syeneng dirayain n dpt kdo buah.. peemulàan liburan yg epic..

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2022

Nu Year Eve (32-12-2021)

       Hey guys.. happy new year... wish u will be happy in 2022... yeyeye.... i had new year gift from my kid Sketsa.. love and love.. thank u my dear.
       After that, we had lunch before nu year. We ate rabokki in mie hot daebak pandaan. Then we drank peacj tea.. hmmmm.. yummy..  nice prepared day
       Our nu year party was so simple. We ate kn kedai dimensi and wait firework. I loved chicken feet chili soup. And hot milo. Nice nu ywar party