Kamis, 29 Desember 2022
Ngadem (21-11-2022)
Rabu, 28 Desember 2022
Me and You (20-11-2022)
I was so confused to arrange my schedule. I tried harder to finished all my business, I had meeting in de mandailing jemur sari surabaya and had dinner with rendang spaghetti. I love the taste but not for the spaghetti. The portion was big and i thank it was not expensive.. Hehehe..
Then, i was so proud about my girl. She celebrated national teacher day. shee took photo withe her teacher. Nice moment yeah.. She looked so ready too for final exam. She had many 9 and i gave her presents. Congratulation my girl..
Hari Jadi Jadian (19-11-2022)
Yups, tgl 07 nov adalah hari jadi jadian qta. Dlu aq yg memutuskan utk menerimanya dalam hdpq. saling mengenal dan akirnya berlanjut ke pelaminan sampe sekarang. Suka duka sudah banyak dilewati dan kami terus belajar untuk saling memahami dan setia. Hari itu kami merayakanny dengan bermain domino dan makan malam bersama d cubica cafe sidoarjo. Puji Tuhan terberkati dan kenyang dengan ricebowl dan hot choco. Wenak pol.. suasanany jg nyaman.. syeneng de bs pny klrg komplit begini.. semoga qta slalu dberkati Tuhan ya..
Selasa, 27 Desember 2022
Fishing Time (18-11-2022)
Senin, 26 Desember 2022
Acara Kumpul (14-11-2022)
Yee.. finally T4 kumpul lagi dgn formasi lengkap setelah sekian lama gaes.. sebelum ketemuan isi amunisi dlu d penyetan joss surabaya. maksi pakek nasi campur babat n sayur asem. Hbs gitu, poto2 cantik biar makin hitz
Lanjut cus area bg junction buat ketemuan ama T4 sekompi.. Puji Tuhan acara traktiran ultahnya sukses n kenyang.. dtraktir nasgor ama es milo ama nona ska.. full music lagi.. semoga langgeng persahabatan qta y genkz..
Habis puas ketawa ketiwi lanjut belanja d the body shop. Kepratung lagi dpt diskonan body and hair mist. Biar makin wangi n menarik.. hehehe
Rabu, 21 Desember 2022
Give Thanks To God (13-11-2022)
That night was souls day moment and we said give thanks to God becusw He always love us in every moment. We prayed for chatolic soul. We hope they rest in peace. After pray moment we had dinner in kedai sawah bangil. We ate chili chicken and enjoyed the live music here.
After that, I got online shop needed. I bought face bar soap and I join the member of aciela. Maybe one of them wanted to be part of aciela. You can comment here.
Then, my contractor bought me dougnuts because I helped them to finished their work. Thank you Lord.. You always give me fortunes.. much fortunes..
Selasa, 20 Desember 2022
Hari Orang Kudus (12-11-2022)
Malam itu, kami merayakan hari orang kudus. Puji Tuhan sampai hari ini diberkahi banyak rejeki sehingga kami bisa merayakanny dg makan malam nikmat. Apalagi santo dan santa pelindung kami juga selalu memberikan dukungan d setiap langkah. Kami pun makan malam d warung lesehan apung sukabumi yg berlokasi d bangil. Makan cumi saus tiram yg lezat dg suasana yg sendu dan mengasyikkan. enak, mengenyangkan dan pastinya instagramable.
Esoknya, puji Tuhan bisa menikmati mi ayam jakarta sepulang dari misa jumat pertama. jos gandos lah ini.. cucok rasa, harga n porsi mantap.. sedikit mengobati kangen mi ayam jimerto
Lanjut blnj ol dlu yah.. ad diskonan dr oriflame.. semoga berkah buat yg jual.. n cucok jg d kulit.. amin..
Minggu, 18 Desember 2022
Halloween Night (11-11-2022)
That day was halloween night and my daugther wanted to feel something halloween waves. She looked so happy that day and she told me she wanted to become butterfly in this party. Then, we had dinner in nom2an cafe pandaan. Give thanks to God because this place held halloween party. We took photos in this party and ate baso aci. My daugther loved the french fries too. I drank ice choco and we spent the night with beautiful dinner. We hope all souls will rest in peace and stay in heaven. Amien..
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2022
Hadiah Nak Wedok (07-11-2022)
Happy Weekend (06-11-2022)
Kamis, 15 Desember 2022
Harus Kuat (05-11-2022)
Apapun yg terjadi harus kuat gaes.. kaget krn suami ternyata spermanya krg bagus. lalu banyak penyakit juga bertubi2 dya hadapi.. semoga smuanya baik2 aja. Puji Tuhan hari itu dsempatkan untuk doa lingkungan dan sempat healing d chatime, taman dayu, pandaan. Menikmati sejuknya teh susu nikmat gaes.. wenak pol.. apalagi udara disini juga sejuk mesra.
Besokny dapet rejeki jd bs beli notebook ama mouse logitech d bismar, bangil. mamaci Tuhan yg sdh memberikan banyak rejeki dri klien2 yg baik hati..
eee besoknya lagi ad yg menghibur.. ad ank kp tampan yg naksir jd dbeliin es krim mixue biar kuat menjalani hidup.. sukses y bro.. semoga makin sukses usahanya
Kamis, 08 Desember 2022
Flalala Sing Birthday (24-11-2022)
That dau was my company birthday.. Flalala Sing still opened and embracing. I hope i still can open family karaoke with swimming pool someday. We celebrated it in mie hot daebak pandaan. We ate teobboki and choco bananan.. It was delicious.. We played lego and my daugther looked happy..
In the morning, we prepared the day with washing the car. We had lunch in akademi kopi. I ate fried noodle and red velvet ice.. yummy things.. and this one of my wonderful weekend
Selasa, 06 Desember 2022
Pesta Simpeda (02-11-2022)
Syeneng banget cos saturdate kali ni lengkap banget. Dibiayai bj ugak.. ada gebyar simpeda d kota pasuruan. auto njoget d gedung harmonie... ni posisinya di area kota lama pasurian. a[ik banget tempatnya.. nak kicik jg syeneng bs njoget bareng n pake lampu biar kliatan hype abis.. hehehe
besokny dpt keberuntungan lagi.. dapet pengharum ruangan elktrik dari bestie.. plus wewangiannya lagi.. cucok banget biar g bikin stres n qta bs healing d rmh,,, ye ye ye ye.. mamaci y bestie..
Senin, 05 Desember 2022
Hang Out (01-11-2022)
That day was saturdate and i spent the day with my girl. We went to old town in pasuruan. We visited sugar factory. We took photos in old train. She looked so happy. nice moment with her. After that, we went shopping to elizabeth. I bought white top and shawl for my neighbourhood, I loved shopping. I felt so comfort here.
I felt hungry this night. I had dinner in Oi. I ate pizza with her and drank thai tea. Thank's for the greate saturdate with her. I can't wait another weekend again..
Minggu, 04 Desember 2022
Karaoke Gaes (31-10-2022)
Kamis, 01 Desember 2022
How Lucky I Am (30-10-2022)
Wow, that day i was so lucky.. the lift contractor bought me lunch in sri wedari surabaya. The food and beverage was so so yummy. I ate oxtail soup and kopyor juice. i really loved it. they were so delicious and i want it more and more. hehehe
After that, i had candy ice from my husband. this candy ice from ruang kosong pasuruan.. Thank you my husband, Thank you for your attention.
Then, my daugther celebrated young promise in her school. she looked cute and happy with this moment. She got first place in choir competition. yeeee... how lucky i am to have you
Selasa, 29 November 2022
With Mak (29-10-2022)
Minggu, 27 November 2022
Pizza... (28-10-2022)
Sabtu, 26 November 2022
Ghibah Time (265-10-2022)
Jumat, 25 November 2022
East Java Birthday (24-10-2022)
happy birthday east java.. land where i born and live untill now. Hope east java become wealthy and prosperity.. hehehe.. we celebrated it with dinner in taman mindie bangil. otherwise i sick, i must be taft. I ate meatballs and i hope i will be better. nice dinner with my family but i was so so lazy to took a photo because i felt so tired. Give thanks to God, i can stand by me untill now.
Taman mindie can be alternative place to healing because the place was so cozy, they have many menus and the price was cheap.
Kamis, 24 November 2022
After Healing (23-10-2022)
Wes wayahe back to reality gaes.. pulang k pandaan dlu. naek bus bisnis dari bantul turun gempol. Pengalamanny luar biasa y gaes.. perjalanan hampir 9 jam. berhenti2 d beberapa terminal, nungguin pak sopir mamam ciang sampek ngrasain pedagang asongan yg jadi pramugara d bus. akakakakak.. syeneng si cuman emang capek. Sampek gempol lgsg laper gaes.. untung ad mi goyeng telur pedes yg jd penyelamat. top dah apalagi warkop lengkap dengan charge.
Besoknya langsung ist y gaes.. biar badan jadi lebih enak qta mamam sop lele. mas bojo ngajakin d warung djadul.. wenak pol gaes.. yg penting anget jd biar badan jadi enak lagi.. semoga next recreation jg makin syip..
Minggu, 20 November 2022
Day 2 (22-10-2022)
After long journey, we started the new journey again. We bought cakes in mbak wiwit. Fried getuk, sweet tiwul and etc.. I loved the gunung kiidul's food. Unique and delicious.
Then, i had lunch in soto tan proyek. This soto was the most delicious that i have ate. Really nice taste and they had many snacks and i love it. I hope i will come here again. hehehe..
Last but not least, I had shoppping in art shop. This javanese shop style made me satisfied and definitely spent my money. Akakkakakak.. Nice holiday.. Tomorrow we must back to pandaan.
Menikmati (21-10-2022)
Jumat, 18 November 2022
Loving Gunung Kidul (17-10-20220
Holiday was start and we were very excited. We got pray time in sendang sri ningsi this mother marry cave .in the forest. This site in the mount and i really like it. We took a photo in the morning. Fresh air and fresh view from this site. Hi mother.. please listen my pray. Javanese ztyle in this walking cross and very peaceful.
After that, we visited tritis marry cave. This prayer place was really in the big cave. Very exotic and greatful. Give thanks to God that very best in my life. I really enjoyed the scenery, the mass and definitely the big black marry statue. I hope i will got boy soon. Please God.. ma,e my dream come true.
Than.. after long journey, we visited krakal beach. We spent time with play in the sea abd sand. The view was really nice and we took great picture too.fhe beautiful woman witg beautiful view.. hehehe

Selasa, 15 November 2022
Otw Gunung Kidul (16--10-2022)
Puji Tuhan.. warga veronica grj st there pandaà n punya gawe. Kali ini ada acara wisata k gunung kidul. Destinasiny k sendang sri ningsih n goa maria tritis. Syeneng banget gaes... q qta berangkat naik bis.. ad 2 bis lo, kebetulan qts bus 1. Poto dlu biar kliatan kompak. Akakakak.. hbs itu ngemil dku ama arem2, roti n cincau.. yee akirny sampek jg d gunu g kidul. Lgsg cus kulineran. Ad pentol bwkar, sego tiwul, tempe benguk n tahu bacem.. hehehe.. wareg pol2wn.. WALOPUN G TERLALU COCOK YG PENTing dah pernah ngrasain ya.. apalagi enak banget pentol bakare.,
Minggu, 13 November 2022
Dealing (14-10-2022)
Sabtu, 12 November 2022
Minggyu (11-10-2022)
Selasa, 08 November 2022
My Night (10-10-2022)
We were so tired guys.. So we need took a rest in the coffee shop. I stopped in Dimensi Kopi, Trawas. We had listen to the live music and we enjoyed the night. This place has good corner and very cozy. I love the occasion. Definitely become new idol place. My daugther love this place too because she could played card with her daddy.
I order seblak and mineral water.. Hmmm yummy... I really love the food and beverage. feel so great with fresh air and nice music. The price was not expensive and they had fast service. Nice moment in my night. Must back here again.
But unfotunately, my car must be repaired. my wheel broken and I must went to service this. Give thanks to God, still service centre open for my car.
Sabtu, 05 November 2022
Kamis, 03 November 2022
Jumat Ceria (08-10-20220
Hari jumat ceria kali ini diisi dgn makan kuenyang gaes.. siang dibayari pak bos d lontong mi kutisari sby. Jos banget rasa n porsinya.. Cucok marucok.. Endes n mengenyangkan. meski tmptny yg panas, yg penting puas n mumer.. aplagi es tehny jumbo juga.
Habis maksi, lanjut dinner d alltime buns. Seneng banget gaes, ad resto buns yg konsepnya 80's begini. jadi inget jaman dlu klo nntn pilm2 amrik. hehehe.. suasanany instagramable banget.. jalanan tunjungan skrg jg rame.. klo harga emang mehong ya.. tapi worth it lah buat makanan selezat ini. wenak pol2an.. apalagi bs kongkow ma tmn2 ngakak sna-sni..
Besoknya lanjut makan ketroprak. Pokoknya penuh dgn nutrisi y gaes.. yg pasti memontok dan imut.. akakakakak
Selasa, 01 November 2022
Ultah Pernikahan (07-10-2022)
Gak kerasa.. pernikahan kami sdh menginjak tahun k 9 n sampai saat ini kami blm dkaruniai ank lagi. Mungkin memang dbuat seperti ini tapi ya Tuhan.. kami sangat ingin memiliki 1 ank lagi. Tapi y sudahlah, mari qta tetap jalani hidup. Kali ini kami merayakan ultah pernikahan di d'gunungan garden, prigen. Semoga dgn perayaan ini, keluarga kami makin diberkati Tuhan dan langgeng sampai maut memisahkan.
Dinner romantis kali ini kami rayakan dg tart from hw bakery. Acara tiup lilin sampek potong kue meriah banget. Sampek acara tuker kado.. yayang mbeliin aq sprei ama karangan bunga uang.. buat nak kicik jg ad karangan bunganya.. Aq ckp atu aja ya.. ngasik tv android 32inch.. akakakak.. semoga makin semarak lah rumah tangga qta.. i luv u 3000
Cus lah lanjut dinner ama chicken grill n mushroom grill. Wuenak oll meskipunmahal tapi porsinya besar kok. Terus air mineralny jg aestetik bangetzz.. spot fotonya jg banyak yg ucul2 buat konten. Wes.. pokoke terpuaskan ngerayain dsni.. hehehe
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2022
The Day ( 03-10-2022)
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022
iWayahe Mbengkelin Diri (02-10-2022)
Senin2 before ssept berakir mari qta mbengkelin diri d salon. Voucher sblm berakir hrs dtukerlah. Biar puas perawatanny.. sampek hmpir 1,5 jam lo.. krn rambutq skrg super panjang. akakakak.. Paket hair mask cucok banget dah.. jd cantik seutuhnya.. prosesny jg wenak.. pijetan ama curly nya cucok pol..
Udah jadi cantik, lanjut makan malam d bangil. Ad warsam yg slalu menemani. Pengen ayam goyeng sambal koreknya. Wenak pol gaes.. dingin2 empyuk.. sambelny jg bs nambah sepuasnya lagi.. hehehe
Besoknya langsung ad acr hari batik nasional. Nak kanak kliatan lucu2 pada pakek batik. imut2.. smoga slalu bahagia ya... makin berkembang jd ank yg cerdas..
Senin, 24 Oktober 2022
The Needs (01-10-2022)
Sunday was a lazy day.. I just want to happy moment on that day. I bought android tv and i used to not patient to see it. I really like it. I hope this will be the best gift for my husband.
After that, we had monthly shopping in Indomaret, Pandaan Modern Market. We bought everything what we need in a month and I decided to bought something urgents.
Then, I had dinner in taman dayu. I needed meats and We ate in raja sei. I chose cow sei with matah chili and I loved it. I loved the crispy leaves and original cincau. The taste was great.. Give thanks to God,,
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2022
Gajian Suamim (30-08-2022)
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2022
Boba Time (28-09-2022)
That day was friday and i pick up my daugther. She looked so happy and we had dinner in king boba pandaan. I chose cheese meatball and ice taro boba. I loved it. The taste was great.. My daugther looked great too with her games there and i took picture with nice place. hehehehe.. cheap dinner with nice occation.
After that, i bought shoes and foundation for big weekend. I bought it in matahari royal plaza surabaya. I chose revlon and connexion for this time. Give thank to God.. I got everything ehat i need. yeah,,
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022
Daebak Time (26-09-2022)
Wedee,, mamam enak emang bisa bikin mood jadi good.. pulang capek2.. sampek rmh mls masak, cus lah mlipir k rumah makan terdekat. Ada mie hott daebak yg jadi andalan. Enak, murah, porsinya jg banyak.. Sekarang ad mainanny lagi.. bisa nemenin nak kicik klo bosen. Pesenny juga menu andalan banget. Rabokki ama cheese french fries. Langsung kuenyang pol.. top lah, ngidamny jg lgsg terpenuhi.
Slain makanan, dsni minumanny jg woke banget. Ada ice creamy red velvet. Emang andalan ya... cinta mati dan emang cucok meski hanya korean food corner d pedesaan. Akakakakaak. Tempatny emang kurang instagramable. tapi masih oke kok buat mengabadikan kenangan. hehe
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022
Luttle Fortune (25-09-2022)
Senin, 17 Oktober 2022
My Saturday (23-09-2022)
Malem-Malem (24-09-2022)
Malem2 dah tiba. Pas banget cuacanya buat mbakso. Cus lah qta menuju bakso cak to pandaan. Wenak, pilih yg bakso campur. Emang rasa g bs boong. cucok marucok hey hey. Habis puas mamam, qta lanjut nyarik barang kesukaan nak wedok. dya dah lama nabung buat beli slime. Hehe, cucok kan malemnya
Besoknya, nak kicik jg lanjut beli tas gegara skrg sdh rsk smua. dya kliatan seneng banget. Apalagi tas barunya merk eiger gaes. Dasar nak kicik emang slalu nomer 1 y gaes. hehehe
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022
Mlipir Time (19-09-2022)
Senin, 10 Oktober 2022
My Husband Birthday (18-09-2022)
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2022
Cucok (17-09-2022)
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2022
Life Circle (16-09-2022)
Life was up and down. But we nust strong enogh to face it. Last week, my daugther followed sport day and she looked so happy to exercise. Just look her smile, hehehehe
But, i was so lazy, in sport day i was just ate little meatball.. akakakak,,, just made me tummy in the weakness... I must struggle to face my husband. I can do it myself.
Then, I watch the movie in theatre to made my feeling happy. I watched mencuri raden saleh in xxi transmart sidoarjo. While waiting, i bought fried shumai and milo dino ice. Hmmm... yummy.. felt so comfort and i really like it. Give thanks to God, I still can felt xxi cafe. The movie was great too.. i hope indonesian movie more grow like that.
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2022
Perayaan Ultah Samacil (12-09-2022)
Puji Tuhan, samacil sdh bertahan 15tahun n tetap konsisten membantu wong cilik dlm dunia pendidikan. kali ini saya rayakan sendiri karena memang butuh menyendiri dlu.. aq milih starbucks rest area sidoarjo ajah yg emang sepi pengunjung juga untuk nyeskan ati. ditemani tiramisu caje n double choco chips, langsung jos banget rasanya.. sambil nginet dan menikmati hidup. biar kuat menjalankan berbagai macam usaha lagi. Tempatnya nyaman, adem, bagus buat poto2.. jd g kerasa mahal.. aplagi rasanya emang jos juga..
Slain nongki, dsni jg bs cari kado krn rest areany lengkap. ad sale xone yg brg brandedny top2.. cucoklah.. lanjut ajah skip kesedihan dg perjuangan totalitas. akakakak
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2022
Work Hard (12-09-2022)
God bless me with job and i really feel lucky. I must work hard to become great architect in the world. I bought mcflurry and french fries to made me strong work in the night. hehehe. i bought it with drive thru service in mcdonald merr surabaya. I bought for my friend too. she looked happy to received it. After that, we had dinner with kebab in pakuwon city. thanks bestie.. we worked untill morning.i hope our bussiness growing up more and more. Amien..