Next day, i and my daugther want walk around to another food journey. We visited warung sambal and ate chili meat. Hmmm... it was really really delicious.. I love it. The price really standar and the place was very good spot. Thank God you give me big fortune today. Amien...
Kamis, 30 Juli 2020
Food Journey (30-07-2020)
My husband really love soto. Every week he always eat soto ayam lamongan pak de rudi in Bangil traditional market. He love this food because thi sfood very cheap, delicious and has big portion. Then, we can chose the beverage like milo, ice orange, ice tea etc. hmmmm it;s very delicious..
Rabu, 29 Juli 2020
Biar Gak Stress (29-07-2020)
Sekarang anakq sudah SD dan dia sedang semangat mengerjakan pr2nya. Tapi sayang, perkembangannya ckp lambat karena guru tk dan guru lesnya tdk mengajar secara intense karena corona ini. Saya sebagai orang tua merasa sangat prihatin. Apalagi saya bukan orang yg pandai dalam mengajar dan emosi terus kalo ank saya lama gak bisa2.
Biar ank saya g stress, saya ajak dya ikut bekerja dan makan di warung nasgor dan migor pasar bangil. sangat simpel tapi dya sangat bahagia diberlakukan seperti ini ketimbang di rumah saja. Kadang belajarnya pun diselingi sambil bermain karena setiap tidak bisa mengerjakan pr, anaknya stress dan menangis. akhirnya sedikit demi sedikit anak saya bisa mengikuti jadwal belajar sd. Bahkan ketika dya sangat cerdas menggarap PRnya, saya menghadiahi dya makan di kafe kesukaannya. Namanya joy coffee. Disana anaknya bisa makan sambil main catur sama papanya trus ad banyak pilihan makanan. Tapi emang mi rebus sayur dan telur paling menggoda. Wkwkwkwk..
Semoga pandemi ini cepat berlalu dan semuanya bisa berjalan dengan normal. Amiiinnn...
Happy Birthday My Daugther (29-07-2020)
I was so so happy because my daugther got birthday party. She was turn to 6 years old amd really happy... She is elemantary student now and got present from bu harif. We just want share with another neighbourhood. We just share our happiness.
Than the party was begun. We pray, sing happy birthday and she blow the candle for the next happier. After that, she cut the cake and gave it to us. She open the present and she laughed all the time. What a wonderful day right ?
She got roller skate, baby toys, barbie house and pool. She really look happy..
I hope she will got all the fortune in her whole life. Amien..
Rabu, 22 Juli 2020
Nak Wedok Masuk SD (22-0u-2020)
Senengnya.. nak wedok dah masuk sd. Skrg nggambarnya makin keren.. trus bangga banget pas liat dya pakek baju sd. G krasa banget y nak, slrg dah sd. Walopun msh terbata2 bacanya tpi hrs smgt yaaa... Slain itu, ntar kalo dah lancar baca, lanjut les kumon ya..
Biar ank g stres skolah tingkat selanjutnya, langsung deh aq ajakin ngafe aj d cafe corona little persia taman dayu pandaan. Tmptnya unik ya.. krn ad d tgh2 toko baju. Jd makan sambil.menikmati baju de.. hrgnya standar ya tpi kalo rasanya maknyus banget. Aq pilih ayam goreng jawa n ankq makan roti bakar. Emang nahagia itu sederhana banget. Tmptny jg cucok buat foto2.
Tiba2 ad tgs neg memanggil n hrs k sardo. Nyari sampul buku nak kicik n nyari kdo nikah buat kakak ipar. Yah.. smg seneng la.. amiinn.. komplit ni hari itu..
Minggu, 19 Juli 2020
Little Bit Busy (19-07-2020)
We had prepare everything for sketsa's birthday party.. and i really happy to fix it. It was little bit busy day and i went to mbak ana shop to bought baloons, plastic and pomp. Then i went to indomaret and bought for guest needs.
But my husband was so understand and brought us to lesehan barokah. We ate grill gurameh.. hmmm it was so so delicious and very cheap. The gurameh was frilled with ywllow and soy sauce recipe.. what a yummy dish..
But my husband was so understand and brought us to lesehan barokah. We ate grill gurameh.. hmmm it was so so delicious and very cheap. The gurameh was frilled with ywllow and soy sauce recipe.. what a yummy dish..
Nyantai Bentar (19-07-2020)
Nyiapin ultah nak wedok ni emang yg paling ribet yess.. smuanya serba banyak.. hbs dr toko jajan beli jajanan lanjut k indomaret bli jeli n siplah.. mak n bpkny kg kelaperan akirnya n bli mkn dlu d joy coffee. Tmptny nuaman y genk.. ad mainannya jg.
Mata lgsh tertuju k aym geprek karena menarik banget utk dmakan.. trus mnmny es milo.. hmmm.. nyes dah. Hrgnya mumer. Bertiga g sampek 50rb. N then lanjut ngemil roti tawar srikandi yg endes banget.. n tetep murah..
Mata lgsh tertuju k aym geprek karena menarik banget utk dmakan.. trus mnmny es milo.. hmmm.. nyes dah. Hrgnya mumer. Bertiga g sampek 50rb. N then lanjut ngemil roti tawar srikandi yg endes banget.. n tetep murah..
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020
Work Hard Play Hard (18-07-2020)
Now I enjoyed my job. I can work hard and play hard. I can sent donut and looked for my daugther birthday thing in the same time. I bought bread in haris bakery and she looked very happy.
I can got culinary time and sent donuts in the same time too. Yesterday, i sent donut to lawang and i can enjoyed the culinary in janur kuning eatery in lawang market. I really like it because i have used to be here. I chose rawon rice and ice milo.. hmmm yummy. My daugther tried joyday ice cream and she really like it. Hopefully she will happy all the time with this condition until she got birthday and forever.. haha..
I can got culinary time and sent donuts in the same time too. Yesterday, i sent donut to lawang and i can enjoyed the culinary in janur kuning eatery in lawang market. I really like it because i have used to be here. I chose rawon rice and ice milo.. hmmm yummy. My daugther tried joyday ice cream and she really like it. Hopefully she will happy all the time with this condition until she got birthday and forever.. haha..
Rabu, 15 Juli 2020
Menghabiskan Uang Rejeki (15-07-2020)
Aq adlh wanita yg pintar menghabiskan uang rejeki.. wkwkwk.. dikasi amplopan, lgsg mode on seneng2. Lgsg deh gercep k salon langsung creambath pdhl rncn mau k toko buku sampek lupa. Tapi terbayarkan kok minggu ini. Wkwkwk..
Lgsg capcus k d'salon taman dayu pandaan buat creambath. Ank jg kebagian perawatan ngerapiin poni. Hehehe.. hbs dah cantik, lanjut nongki di simangkok n kopi de journeh. Ntap dah.. tmpt makan n nkngkiny cucok.. outdoor.. jd sendu2 gmn gitu. Aq pilih menu blackpepper chic rice bowl n ice choco. Rasanyaa endeeesssss buanget.. ankq aj sampek lahap makannya. Hehehe.. seneng buanget dah..
Btw.. slain kebahagiaan, ad musibah jg gr2 ngerem ndadak, akirnya lampu rem g bs mati. Untung mbenerinnya cuman 25rb. Gakpapa wes.. pakek uang amplop jg. O ya, mamaq skrg jualam gurami pesmol loo endes rasanya. Cus cobain cuman 45rb
Lgsg capcus k d'salon taman dayu pandaan buat creambath. Ank jg kebagian perawatan ngerapiin poni. Hehehe.. hbs dah cantik, lanjut nongki di simangkok n kopi de journeh. Ntap dah.. tmpt makan n nkngkiny cucok.. outdoor.. jd sendu2 gmn gitu. Aq pilih menu blackpepper chic rice bowl n ice choco. Rasanyaa endeeesssss buanget.. ankq aj sampek lahap makannya. Hehehe.. seneng buanget dah..
Btw.. slain kebahagiaan, ad musibah jg gr2 ngerem ndadak, akirnya lampu rem g bs mati. Untung mbenerinnya cuman 25rb. Gakpapa wes.. pakek uang amplop jg. O ya, mamaq skrg jualam gurami pesmol loo endes rasanya. Cus cobain cuman 45rb
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020
Fam.In Black (11-07-2020)
Last sunday, we bought my daugther's birthday souvenirs in anna shop. Finally we found the good mini basket. Yeee... But it was not finished. We must bought birthday cake and we went to hw bakery bangil. Thanks God, tthe ckae was great and cheap. Yeeee
After thay, we felt hungry and ate in ayam bakar tulang lunak. It was so so yummu. I really like it. Hmm.. nice couple with orange ice. Wkwkwk.. we weared black tshirt and we took great picture there. Hehe
After thay, we felt hungry and ate in ayam bakar tulang lunak. It was so so yummu. I really like it. Hmm.. nice couple with orange ice. Wkwkwk.. we weared black tshirt and we took great picture there. Hehe
Diberi Rejeki Melimpah (11-07-2020)
Hari sabtu kmrn, sbnrny g pengen kmn2 ya.. tapi tiba2 dpt pesenan rogut ayam. Lgsg de qta cus brglt anterin n hbs itu kelaperan n makan d rocket chicken. Seneng banget ankq ksna cos bs skalian mandi bola. Skrg paketan rocket chiclen murah banget cuman 8rb dpt nasi ayam sayap n es teh. Cucok kaaann.. aplg skrg rocket chicken pandaan sdh ber ac jd makin betah deh makan dsni. Hehehe..
Hbs tu lanjut ambl brg belanjaan taplaknkulkas yg dbeli ol d faaza collection. Brgny lyn bgs n pastinya murah.. ee la kok dpt wa dr pak bos suruh ambil amplopan d kantor.. beeuuhh.. lgsg cus k sby.. n lgsg belanja mewah d alfamidi citraland.. y Tuhan.. Engkau sungguh baik.. trima kasih atas smua berkat n rejeki yg berlimpah ini..
Hbs tu lanjut ambl brg belanjaan taplaknkulkas yg dbeli ol d faaza collection. Brgny lyn bgs n pastinya murah.. ee la kok dpt wa dr pak bos suruh ambil amplopan d kantor.. beeuuhh.. lgsg cus k sby.. n lgsg belanja mewah d alfamidi citraland.. y Tuhan.. Engkau sungguh baik.. trima kasih atas smua berkat n rejeki yg berlimpah ini..
Kamis, 09 Juli 2020
My Daugther and Me (09-07-2020)
I was so so happy because I can accompany my daugther played all the time.. haha.. se think she can drove a car with paper and i really proud of her.
She met with her playgroup friend when i bought jambu darsono. I happy to saw her with her friend. But the jambu darsono was not really good i think.
Then, my daugther accompanied me worked. She followed me to jne and apbu bangil. It was fun work with my daugther. Tjen we had lunch in bakso h kasan pandaan. I tried big meatball and the taste was really good. I enjoyed the ricefield scenery with her and the feeling so good.. wkwkwk
She met with her playgroup friend when i bought jambu darsono. I happy to saw her with her friend. But the jambu darsono was not really good i think.
Then, my daugther accompanied me worked. She followed me to jne and apbu bangil. It was fun work with my daugther. Tjen we had lunch in bakso h kasan pandaan. I tried big meatball and the taste was really good. I enjoyed the ricefield scenery with her and the feeling so good.. wkwkwk
Senin, 06 Juli 2020
Perawatan Endes (05-06-2020)
Puji Tuhan... masih diberi kesempatan untuk mempercantik diri.. wkwk.. suami jg baik banget mau mbayarin pijet. Trus qta lgsg cus k sunshine shiatsu sidoarjo.. oily massage emang paling endes aplg d family room. Lgsg bdn krasa seger cin..
G lama hbs itu, bskny dpt promo facial d sohib baru pandaan. D marissa aesthetic. Klinik tmn sendiri coy.. jd dpt promo mak nyuss.. kulit jd makin cling. Tmptny bagus n dpt camilan hw pula.. endes maksimal lah..
Pulangnya qta jg nongki d warunk upnormal. Ank2 sng bangey main power n makan2. Aq pilih ayam rica rive bowl. Senenh banget bs ngalor ngidul ngobrol. Dah lama g ketemu.. sapa tau bs deket.. hehehe..
G lama hbs itu, bskny dpt promo facial d sohib baru pandaan. D marissa aesthetic. Klinik tmn sendiri coy.. jd dpt promo mak nyuss.. kulit jd makin cling. Tmptny bagus n dpt camilan hw pula.. endes maksimal lah..
Pulangnya qta jg nongki d warunk upnormal. Ank2 sng bangey main power n makan2. Aq pilih ayam rica rive bowl. Senenh banget bs ngalor ngidul ngobrol. Dah lama g ketemu.. sapa tau bs deket.. hehehe..
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2020
Happy Sunday (05-06-2020)
Yeee... it's time for shopping. It's new month and we can enjoyed the salary. We wwnt to transmart sidoarjo amd spent the money. We bought everything we want after my daugther got ballet course and she want to feel happy sunday in transmart.
Good news, trans studio mini is open and we can play loudly. My daugther play bowling, ticket drop and bom2 car. She looked really happy that day and i was so feel greatful. Hehehe
After that, i ate in kfc. They had promo packet for three people. There were only 95rb and i really feel blessed for it. Yeeee.... what a beautiful sunday. Hehehe
Good news, trans studio mini is open and we can play loudly. My daugther play bowling, ticket drop and bom2 car. She looked really happy that day and i was so feel greatful. Hehehe
After that, i ate in kfc. They had promo packet for three people. There were only 95rb and i really feel blessed for it. Yeeee.... what a beautiful sunday. Hehehe
Kamis, 02 Juli 2020
Gantian Sukuran Gajian (02-07-2020)
Puji Tuhan, aq masih gajian.. bnyk org d luar sana yg d phk krn pandemi. Walopun gak full tapi rasanya full krn g kmn2.. proyek lagi lockdown..
Rasanya bosan d rmh aj.. meskipun udah menata interio maksimal. Akirnya klr maksi soto ayam lamongan pak de rudi bangil. Ni soto fave suami krn rasa n porsiny yg bsr.
Habis tu lanjut k penjait. Nemenin suami ukur celana. Tak lupa juga ambl gaji yg sdh dtf pak bos. Rasanya bahagia liat saldo masih masih on.. Maturnuwun Gusti..
Malemnya lgsg cap cus k golden cafe pandaan buat sukuran gajian. Langsung pilih menu diet krn tadi dah makan banyak banget d soto. Roti bakar pisang kejunya endes.. sama es serut alpukat... wuenak poolll...
Rasanya bosan d rmh aj.. meskipun udah menata interio maksimal. Akirnya klr maksi soto ayam lamongan pak de rudi bangil. Ni soto fave suami krn rasa n porsiny yg bsr.
Habis tu lanjut k penjait. Nemenin suami ukur celana. Tak lupa juga ambl gaji yg sdh dtf pak bos. Rasanya bahagia liat saldo masih masih on.. Maturnuwun Gusti..
Malemnya lgsg cap cus k golden cafe pandaan buat sukuran gajian. Langsung pilih menu diet krn tadi dah makan banyak banget d soto. Roti bakar pisang kejunya endes.. sama es serut alpukat... wuenak poolll...
Rabu, 01 Juli 2020
Big Fortune From Husband (01-07-2020)
We are so lucky because God always gjve us big fortune. That day, my husband got pay day and i really happy with this moment. Then, Sketsa become elemantary student now. She weared her new uniform and she drank the real cow milk for great grow in elemantary. Hehehe... but she still want to be kindergarten student because she still like ride odong2.. wkwkwwk
That day, we went to alfamidi bangul and my husband took money for us. He brought us pia mangkok too.. hmmm.. yummy..
Then we went to foodland bangil to celebrated his pay day. I chose sausage, big meatball and choco milkshake... hmmmm it was so so so yummy food.... what a blessed day...
That day, we went to alfamidi bangul and my husband took money for us. He brought us pia mangkok too.. hmmm.. yummy..
Then we went to foodland bangil to celebrated his pay day. I chose sausage, big meatball and choco milkshake... hmmmm it was so so so yummy food.... what a blessed day...
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