Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

Prepare For Everything (31-03-2020)

I and my family jist walked to supermarket and took everything what we need to live. We went to carrefour pasuruan. Everybody used mask and took physical distancing. The supermarket gave water and soap for washed our hands. We took food and the sugar was empty. We bought in anothee shop.

We was so tired and and we had relax in the foodcourt. I bought egg waffle with ovomaltine topping. It was really delicious and always become favorit menu. Hehehe. Then i tried choco magnum. It was bog drink and i like it.. hehehe

Senin, 30 Maret 2020

Still Positive Thinking (30-03-2020)

I had payday and i needed refresh my soul. I needed cheese mix light moon from holland. I bought it in taman dayu. Then i took my family to lain hati cafe.
 I bought bucin and i liked it because it was like milk coffee. But the inhredients made me not sleep a day.. really2 bucin.

Thx God.. in pandaan still safe and i could ate with my fam until 7.30 pm. And definitely there always hand sanitizer and social distancing. I just want still positive thinking about this situation.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020

Gara2 Corona (28-03-2020)

Seminggu ni full mbahas corona. Skrg smua org sdh mulai jauh2an gr2 corona. Rapat aja aj udah pake zoom. Trus antri aj hrs ad jrk. Udah dtandai pakek garis. Masuk proyek dsemprot disinfektan n duduj ad jrknya. Yg lebih parah lagi naek lift dbatasi n hadapnya sendiri2.. wkwkwk.. y weslah.. namae peraturan.

Emak jg udah mulai khawatir n nyariin disinfektan. Lgsg de mlm kmrn k rmh n ngasii  disinfektan. Djamu kue endes n asem2 bandeng. Sukak banget. Thx ma.

Ank jg dah bosen skolah d rmh. Cuman ngerjain2 tgs.. wkwkwk

Jumat, 27 Maret 2020

Happy Syalala (28-03-2020)

Jangan lp bahagia guys.. meskipun corona merebak dmn2 tpi please qta hrs happy syalala. Kmrn qta liburan dg sgala macem protokol. Pake masker, menggunakan hand sanitizer jk menyentuh sesuatu n social dostancing.

Kami k sentra boneka d taman dayu pandaan. Namanya esbas toys. Dsna murah2 guys. Qta bli bantal mobil cm 25rb, trus guling bsr cuman 35rb n ganci boneka lumayan bsr cuman 8rb. Seneng de msh bs blnj. Blnj aj sblm dttp smua guys.

Trus qta jg foto2 d sculpture taman dayu n makan d wapo. Qta psn nasgor jawa. Endes banget guys.. tmptny jg oke buat foto2.

Hbs tu tak lp bli oyeh2 bwat tmn2 kntr. Aq bliin lupis gempol d rapi klepon. Mudah2an tmn2 suka.. stay safe and stay healthy yaaa... semangat

Rabu, 25 Maret 2020

Explore Pandaan (25-03-2020)

Finally, we got holiday... yeah.. we need to explore pandaan. We tried traditional food like kupang kraton. This like lontong kupang in sidoarjo but it hasn't lento and need fried orion. The taste was really sweet. We must add more chili. Hehehe.. the place not really good but everyone love it. The price was cheap and made us full.

Then we visited gunung gangsir temple. We learned about history but we can"t touch and just look from outside. We must still safe. Hehehe.. i like this temple. The architecture was good and the citizen take care of that. But it doean't have any explanation place where from this temple. Happy holiday and happy saka nu year for hindustan people.. still happy and guys.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2020

Thx (25-02-2020)

Trims bwat emak yg baik hati n tdk sombong . Yg ngajakin k rmhnya n dmasakin sop ceker maknyuss.. sebenernya k rmh ortu bwat ambl botol mrk lagi butuh hand sanitizer. Tapi skalian dservis loo... maka  sop ceker n dbuatin hot choco handmade.. beuuhhh wenak polll.. muantep jayaaa...

Hbs tu sampek rmh jg dbliin coklat ma suamik tercinta.. wkwkwk.. yg penting tetep hepi y guys meskipun hrs stay at home. Hehehe... yg pntg jaga kebersihan n imun tubuh..

Learn To Clean The House (25-03-2020)

My daugther was really bored. I gave her homework to learned clean the house. First she tried wash the plate and spoon. Then she washed my car and swept the floor. I'm so proud of her and she looked very happy. I thank she look clever than school in dwp 8 beji.

She sang and danced. She really liked homeschooling but she missed her friends.

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Sedikit Refresh (23-03-2020)

Gegara stay at home teruss... jadi bosen pake banget d rmh. Meskipun pas tgl tua tpi y gak gitu jugaklah.. akirnya malem k alun2 bangil aja. Kasian ank dah suntuk. Aq pun kakinya lgsg sakit krn g bs jln2 k mall. Biar kaki agak lemes, jln2 d tmn alun2 bangil aj.

Tamannya skrg sdh asri. Ad tmpt bermain, makan n yg pasti lapangan yg luas buat muter2. Slain foto2, sketsa jg bs maen spd motor roda 3 listrik. Hehehe..

Hbs itu qta mkn sate kambing.. selain gr2 drh rendah, pagi tadi jg g ad pak buk sayur yg lwt perum jd qta kelaperan malemnya. Wkwkwk.. tpi emang d desa makanan muraj.. makan sate kambing buat 4 org cuman hbs 40rb.. yeah.. asik banget.. g mslh tgl tua. Masih aman.

Hbs klr qta lgsg semprot desinfektan. Wes sht2 kabeh. Amin...

Minggu, 22 Maret 2020

Stay At Home (22-03-2020)

We just learn about corona virus and my friend stay safe with used mask and gloves in the work time.. hihihi

My daugther tried to fill her time at home with lived in tent. Her grandma.gave her in sidoarjo and shee took it to pandaan. She felt great after ate chicken and played in grandma's house.

Than she played again in pandaan. She helped her father too and we followed the vhurch live streaming.. wkwkwk.. enjoyed your life guys.. we must happy at home

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2020

Musim Penyakit (21-03-2020)

Habis pesta perayaan ultah yg sukses, kini waktunya nyenengin tmn2 kantor but ya ampun musim penyakit ni membuat banyak perubahan. Sampek2 masuk mcd garaha famili sby hrs tes suhu juga. N protokol lain d keramaian adlh menggunakan hand sanitizer. Tapi untungnya tmn2 ttp seneng. Aq bliin pamer aja. Mumer n endess.. tmn2 proyek ini mmg baik hati n tdk sombong smg proyek tamansari emerald makin joslah.. pembangunanny jg sdh mulai gesit.

G tau badan jd ikutan rada anget tapi bkn krn corona yaa... cuman gr2 kecapekan aja. Trus malah pengen duren.. krn tgl tua juga, suami cuman bs mbeliin es krim duren hula2 campina. Gakpapa deh tetep cess.. hehehe

Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Satisfied Myself (16-03-2020)

I just very happy and satisfied because i just celebrated my birthday. Then i enjoyed the town park in sidoarjo. I accompanied my daugther. She really liked play in abhirama park.

We just thirsty and tried janji jiwa. The place was really comfort with wifi. Finally i can drank coffee. I chose milk coffee ice and relax my soul there.

For my sunday, i had dinner in warunk upnormal and chose mi tek2 amang. The taste was really delicious like mi godog jogja. That's cool to fullfill jogja. Wkwkwk.. we played and laughed in upnormal. Thx God.. i really happy.. i hope i can have a little boy this year. Amien...

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2020

Pesta Ultahq Bro (15-03-2020)

Ultahq sebenerny 14 maret. Cuman baru sempet nulis blog ini sehari sesudahnya. Aq sng banget dpt surprise dr papa tercinta jm stgh 2 pagi. Lgsg make a wish n tiup lilin. Moga2 aj taun ni bs hamil ank cow.

Bangun pagi lgsg sibuk mbalesi chat slmt ultah n yg pasti siangnya lanjut pesta. Qta nntn bareng onward d xxi transmart sidoarjo. Seneng banget cos dah lama g nntn. N yg lebih seru lagi, filmnya buagus brooo... sangat pas sama tema ultah n keluarga.. luv this movie.. film wajib nonton

Sambil nunggu jam 3 utk gong acara pesta ultahq, qta maen2 dlu d trans studio mini. Sketsa kliatan sng buanget.

Akhirnya dah jam 3 n qta persiapan pesta ultahq d cfc. Spt biasa ad ritual foto, tiup lilin, potong kue n pemberian kue n kado. Sng banget deh aq. Aplgi uang msh banyak jd bs beli paketan gede d cfc.. wkwkwwk..

Kue hnw nya jg endes. Coklatnya lumer n cucok. Aq dpt kado sepatu, tas n puding. Mantep dah.. kenyang n puas.. hehehe

With My Office Bestie (14-03-2020)

Yesterday, i walked away with my office bestie. We went to foodland and had dinner. I chose lontong mie suramadu and watermelon juice. I really like it and we talked everything about our life. I and my jib and her with her boyfriend. We just want great another life.

I tried milo ice and bought phone voucher. I hrefresh muself and hope nice birthday 4 me. Hihihi..

Jumat, 13 Maret 2020

Salah Tujuan (13-03-2020)

Senin kmrn pengen banget nonton bioskop gegara uang msh banyak n ad wkt. Udah semangat plg krj sampek rmh buru2 trus cap cus pasuruan. Dsna ad satu2ny bioskop d pas. Namanya nsc. Tapi sampek sana zonk. Filmny g maen kalo yg nntn g 4. N suami g mau mbayarin org yg keempat.

Finally qta cuman nongki aj d kafe sebelah. Nonton bioskopnya dganti nntn tv kabel aj. Wkwkwk. Nama kafeny tnt. Beneran kafe kalo ni n menuny jg bkn menu warkop. Jdi aq pilih spaghetti bolognaise n ice choco. Pas dtg tampa curiga. Tpi rasa spaghettiny jauh dr harapan. Malah kayak mi ayam. Wkwkwk. Untung ice choconya enak. Y lmynlah utk menghalau kekecewaan. Wkwkwwk..

O ya.. kapan itu aq nyoba kue lumpur durian buatan tetanggaq. Rasanya lmyn lo...bolehlah dibeli lagi kapan2 kalo g ad camilan d rmh n pas pny uang. Hehe

Kamis, 12 Maret 2020

Full Version (12-03-2020)

I had try the cake from my neighbour but i don't like it and i gave it to sketsa's teachers. Hehe

Next day, i accompanied my daugther sing at the suara pasuruan rafio. She sang my village but her voice not really good. Wkwkwk..

What a full version of my life. Then i took my daugther to belle ballet school in surabaya. She had test and i hope she passed. She will be at primary class.. amien..

I really hungry and went to mcdonalds hr muh. I tried choco strawberry pie and drink lemon tea fruit tea. My daugther very happy can played in mcd and had fun together..

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

Sukuran & Cobaan (10-03-2020)

Seneng banget bs nraktir keluarga pakek uang gaji. Puji Tuhan gajiq naek tiap taun. Seneng banget bs ngajakin klrg k rolag. Sampek sana emang rame banget. Ada acara n banyak sales. Dsna emang paling enk nongki. Milih pisang goreng n es susu murni.. beuh.. nikmatnya tiada tara. Wkwkwk.. trus plgnya maem nasi babi panggang sambel cetar lagii.. enyak buanhet rasanya nuikmat pol.. jd pengen nambah pokoke. Hehehe

Tapi y gitu ad cobaan ank sakit. Sampek bdn sendiri tak terurus. Kalo dah pakek acara sakit radang tenggorokan pasti bkin repot org sekampung. Aplgi obatnya mehong coy. Hbs gitu, hrs hujan2an k atm. Makin bikin cobaan lgkp.. wkwkwk.. tpi hrs tetep semangat lah. Jdi tetep k indomaret jg bwat mbeliin ank bubur skalian nyobain cemilan rinbee n stee. Lama g njajan jadi pengen nyoba2 aja. Hihi

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

Shopping Wave (08-03-2020)

I don't know why but last friday, every shop had sale. It was shopping wave on fire.. wkwkwk..

First, my friend bought me gado2 dukuh and choco oh coffee in gwalk citraland sby. Ot was really delicious and i like it. Otherwise the place was not cozy, but this food cheap and so so great.

Second, i cleaned my shoes at etc. My chrochet and sintetic shoes must be deep cleaning and i hope will be great.

Third, my close friend took me to mark & spencer's sale. I found nice scarf and i really like it. It was cheap and softly.. yeah.. finally i can bought it.. hahaha

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2020

Endes (07-03-2020)

Senin kmrn endes banget.. bisa main sepuasnyo d amazing zone pakuwon mall plus bs maem steak. Aw dah lama g ngegame n kmrn bs nhedance, balapan dll sampek puas.

G lama adekq dtg n qta jln2 sebentar. Trus kelaperan de.. qta makn d steak 21. Ad paketan berdua. Tenderloin with mass potato.. muantep rasa n harganya.. suasananya cozy juga. Pokoknya cocok bwat pecinta steak. Pelayananny jg cpt. Cuman sayang choco milkshake nya g terlalu enak. Kayak mainan pop ice. Wkwkwwk..

Selasa, 03 Maret 2020

Happy Sunday (03-03-2020)

Yes.. i was so happy.. i had breakfast in tab hotel. It was delicious breakfast. Soup, fish and porridge... hmmmm yummy..

Then i visited my mom. My house was broken and i brought her to my house.

We had fun in bangil. I took he to teko restaurant. She looked happy and enjoy the food. The place was very cozy and i like it. I chose maryam bread and teler ice. Woahh.. my life was great.. really great..  wkwkwk..

Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Sehari Rehat (01-03-2020)

Hari sabtu kmrn seneng banget cos piket doanter ank n suami. Hbs kerja pun lgsg diservis nginep d tab hotel. Jd g cpk plg k pandaan. Hotelnya lumayan kayak bintang 3. Ad wifi n gratis air minum.

Di sebelah2ny pun bnyk tmpt makan n peremajaan tubuh. Mantep banget buat rehat sehari. Krn penasaran, qta nyoba makan d warung enak lariss.. menu babinua hauce2. Wkt itu lgsg milih babi pedas. Rasanya endes n pengen nagih... uwenak.pol pokoke.

Sorenya qta k gereja trus lanjut ke lenmarc buat belanja bulanan d transmart. Perut mulai krucuk2 n mampir k jco. Mata lhsg milih green tea donut n ice choco... omg... uenak pol.blm gajian bs makan enk terus... emanh rejeki ank soleh ya... trims God.. U always there for me..