Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

Nongki Terus (30-01-2020)

Asik banget hidupq skrg jauh lbh bahagia krn Tuhan memberikan banyak rejeki nongki. Malem bs nongki d carrefour pasuruan sambil nungguin ank main d mimiland. Makan rujak cireng plus jeruk anget. Rasanya endes banget aplagi dtmni ma suami. Suasana sendu mendung makkn mendukung hawa nongkinya ni..

Yg lebih endes lagi, bsknya ditraktir nongki d slice pizza gwalk sby. Ditraktir bu debby yg baik hati. Makan carbonara spaghetti n american pizza.. hmmm muaknyus... apalagi gratis. Tmptny warna warni n lagi bnyk promo jg dsni. Puas de... makananya jg endes coy..

Selasa, 28 Januari 2020

Malang VS Batu (29-01-2020)

I'm so happy because i and my family went to malang.. we walked around in kawi street. We bought cake in madonna and tshirt in queen apple. I really love this street. Then, we tried ronde tempo doeloe.. I really like this taste.

Then, we had lunch innwarunh sate kelinci batu. This place was very authentic. The satay on the hotplate was very delicious and i really love it. Kalkun soup was great too.. yeah.. i really love this little free holiday.. hehehe

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020

Imlekan Di Malang (26-01-2020)

Senengnya dapet gratisan nginep d malang cos suami lagi rekreasi kantor se kab pas. N pas banget lagi imlekan. Trus qta nginep d adel guest house. Dkt situ ad supermarket yg menjual makanan import jd cucok banget bs blnj2 dsna kalo kangen makanan luar. D dpnnya juga ad bakso malang yg endes buanget. Rasanya gurih manis n harganya jg murah cuman 10rb.. hehe.. jadi puas de jln2nya.

Hbs itu malemnya lanjut jln2 k cyber mall malang. Dsna lagi ad diskonan imlek sport station. Lgsg mborong tas airwalk ya jenk... soale lagi murah buanget n barangnya juga buagus.. seneng de pokoknya.. lanjut makan malam d foodcourtnya. Milih fried chicken d dn resto. Ayamnya uenam empuk coy. Cucoklah malam itu qta berhepi2 ria d malang. Lub this city.. yeah...

Little Happiness (25-01-2020)

I'm so happy because i could visited my old project one east apartment. This place become wonderful and i was very proud about it. I walk around and my friend serviced me with great hot milo. Thanks mak ake. I love u.

Then, my boss bought me lunch. We ate in rm sederhana. I chose cow brain and vegetables. It was really delicious. Thx boss.. i really like it because i had a lot of memories here. Hehehe..

Today i was so lucky because my husband's office got recreation in Batu and i stayed in malang. I stayed in adel guest house. This guest house collaboration with airy room. Not bad and i'm ready for holiday. Thx God for this little happiness.. gong xi fa cai..

Jumat, 24 Januari 2020

Tanggal Tua (24-01-2020)

Wedehh.. tanggal tua tlah tiba. Beneran tanggal tua sampek2 minggu n senin g bs kmn2. Hari minggu dah dandan all out tpi cuman bisa k gereja n indomaret bwat top up. Wkwkwk... melazz..

Besoknya juga cuman mampir rest area buat koret2 uang d atm mandiri. Hbs tu menikmati kehangatan wedang jahe buatan pembantu baru. O ya, aq blm cerita ya kalo pembantu baruq dah ad. Jadi skrg nerasa jd princess banget. Tinggal tunjuk sana sini kalo pengan apapun. Wkwkwkwk.. thx God..

Senin, 20 Januari 2020

My New Hair (20-01-2020)

I'm so happy that day because i will get new hair. I came to johnny andrean salon in supermall pakuwon indah sby and reserve for smoothing. They said smoothing is 500rb but definitely it was not complete. I paid 815rb for this treatment and make my wallet empty. Wkwkwkwk.. i spent 3 hours for my hair and i satisfied for the result. Hopefully it will be great hair.

After that, i had dinner with my bestie in burger king. We got peomotion in chicken packet and i was really happy to know that. The chicken was great enough. I got ice tea for drink and i felt full.. hahaha.. we start the story and forget the time.

Then, i bought maison feerie for my husband. I hope he will like this bread because he never try it. Hmmm it was delicious bread.

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2020

Ketemu Temen Lama (18-01-2020)

Puji Tuhan dpt rejeki anak soleh ya.. tiba2 dtg sekerdus roti laritta yg endes2.. mantap jaya. Thx rifan..

Eh bsknya dapet rejeki lagi dtraktir pak agus d bakso bensu. Sampek sana g beli baksonya. Cuman pentol n es campur. Tpi rasanya lumayan endes. Apalagi gratis. Wkwkwk n suasana d area gwalk citraland mendukung utk kongkow lama2.

Malemnya masih dpt rejeki lagi makan onde2 37 endes. Pas juga d ptc ad bazaar imlek jdi banyak banget masakan babi yg wenak2. Ad yen li yg nyediain nasi siobak. Trus puengen nyobain n rasanya beneran wuenake puooollll... pptongan babi n sayurnya trus dsiram saus taucoo.. wiiii mantep dah.. qta ngobrol sampek malem sama b heidy juga. Ya itung2 reuni mnc land.. hehehe

Jumat, 17 Januari 2020

PTC Again (17-01-2020)

I just need take a rest in monday but with little expense. So, i went to ptc and took out my shoes in crispbee. My shoes become pretty again and i didn't need pay because i have already pay it before. Hahaha.. just need to took a photo. But now i know a better place to cleaned my shoes. Hehehe

Then, i met up with my old bestie in mnc land. She look happy now. Not like before. We ate in hokben. Now, hokben has another menu and price. I tried hoka a. It was chicken and teriyaki beef. It was really great and i tried japanese salad. Hmmm that was so yummy guys.. we are so happy and i told about our life.

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

Gegara Lampu Mati (15-01-2020)

Kemarin minggu, lampu area beji mayi lama. Jadi qta sekeluarga jalan2 aja klr. Krn bangun kesiangan, qta g bs ikt misa d grj pandaan. Jdi lgsg cus k sby.. wkwk.. misa d tp3 sby jm 12 guys.. gitu dtgnya ngepres jg.. haha..

Hbs dr grj, lanju makan d kfc. Dah lama banget g mkn kfc. Menu n jrg agak beda ya.. hbs itu mata tertuju k menu kombo 1. Kayakbya endes.. rasa tetep memukau. Aplg paha bawahnya. Hri itu qta pakek baju pink2.. biar berasa beda aja.

Hbs puas makan lanjut belanjo d hero. Nyariin sabun johnson kesayangan yg susah dicari. Apalagi yg wrn putih.. hehehe.. untungnya hero msh pny stocknya. Luv this soap.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020

A Day In Malang (12-01-2020)

That was incredible day in malang. I just waited my friend to pick me up. Then i got luch in maxone hotel. I chose caesar chicken salad and mineral water. This food was really delicious and good for diet people. This salads were cabbage, chicken and wheat bread. Hmmm... yummy....

After that, we had enjoy shopping in donatello. I bought black wheel sandals and my daugther bought black fantovel shoes for school. I really love this shop. Tjey always have cute collection.

Then, i bought cake for my friends in queen story. This store was farah quinn's store. I chose red velvet sponge cake with chocolate. The taste was really great and i like it. The price was not expensive and this was comfortable store.

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2020

Berkat Natal (11-01-2019)

Habis puas halan2 d tp 6, ternyata berkat natal blm usai. Tuhan masih menitipkan rejeki melalui bank jatim. Jadi qta sekeluarga bs liburan d mlg. Jmt kmrn qta mengahadiri pesta natal yg diadakan bmpd malang d hotel santika malang. Acaranya mewah banget dgn santapan nikmat n banjir door prize. Selain itu, acaranya pun seru banget n slalu berbahi kasih dg sesama.

Setelah menikmati pesta natal, qta menuju maxone hotel. Tmptnya unik dg tema forest n sangat nyaman. Apalagi hotel ini memiliki kolam renang. Pasti ok bangget.. qta bs tdr2an d pinggir kolan dg tmpt duduk unik berbentuk lingkaran n berenang sepuasnya. Pemandangan yg dsuguhkan juga lumayan oke.. foto2 jg jd instagramable guys.. wkwkwk..

Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Refresh My Body (11-01-2020)

I really happy because i have much money that day.. i looked my money in bcs atm delta sari and i had big smile. I'm so happy too because i could tried the taste of ezo cheesecake.. wkwkwk..

After that, i could refresh my body in oase reflexology. I chose body spa. I could relax and enjoyed this treatmaent. I has already got body massage but i still wanted it and i loved the body mask... hmmmm.. how lucky i am. Then i drank the hot ginger with low sugar... what a miracle life right ? Wkwkwkw

I felt hungry and wanted to try shao kao. In this place, we could chose many kind of chinese satay and the waiter would grill them for you. I chose the bbq sauce and i waited for a minute. Then i could ate them.. what delicious taste guys.. i really like it.. yeah...

Hayan2 di TP 6 (10-01-2020)

Hbs puas halan2 d gresik n dpt bnyk oleh2nya di muzanah dpt ganci sego krawu n jenang jubung plus semen gresik, bsknya lgsg lanjut liburan d hotel ibis surabaya 2 hari. Pagi biasa breakfast kesukaan ma omelet n pancake ma sketsa dsna. Hbs tu nunggu suami 4 jam. Akhirnya hbs puas i ternetan d ibis lanjut hayan2 d tp 6 sby. Dsna slain nemu tmpt bagus juga nemu tmpt makan endes. Namanya pasarame. Makan dsni hrs deposit dlu minim 300rb. Mata tertuju sma sate ayam crispy n sate ayamnya. Dsni bnyk jajanan n masakan indonesia yg maknyus n menggiurkan.. tpi harganya mehong ya guys.. meskipun porsinya lumayan tetep aj krasa mehong banget.. wkwkwk... sketsa jg sng makan dsni.. cos interiornya lucu

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

Meet Up Sohib n Anak (08-01-2020)

Galuh ngajak jalan k ptc bwat ngemil. Akhirnya aq nemenin dya. Kebetulan hri itu ankq ikt k kantor jd skalian tak ajak aj k ptc. Sampek ptc ktmu tante harong, anknya lgsg nempel n g mau lepas. Qta halan k laundry sepatu n lgsg dtariki 150rb boo... mehong jg ternyata. Trus hns itu nganterin princess sketsa main2 d amazon. Anknua sng buanget. Krn lapar qta ngemil d fc nya. Aq pengen nyobain dear sweet. Trnyata bkn es krim guys. Tpi cheese cake lumer yg dbaluk coklat dll.. wkwkwk.. dsr ndeso. Meskipun mehong tpi endes guys.. wenak pol pokoke.. hbs itu lnjt bli camilan part 2 d cakue peneleh. Cakuenya wuenak pol guys.. panjang, endws n hrgny standar. Bs dmakan lgsg ato bawa plg. N yh jls antriannya pankang ya. Tpi untung pelayananny cpt.. malming suiiippp...

Senin, 06 Januari 2020

Ibis Hotel (06-01-2020)

We was so happy because we got free voucher hotel from my husband's office in ibis hotel Surabaya.
He got socialization in bj sby and we could stayed in ibis hotel. yeah.., we are so lucky. I really liked breakfast in ibis. There were so delicious and I liked the omelet. And I got new favorite, that was pancake. I got great room for bed and really really great food.

In the night, ibis hotel has angkringan and it has great food and view too. We are so happy.. Thank for bj.. I tried the fried rice and I really like the fried egg. Yummy dish

Minggu, 05 Januari 2020

Ritual Tahun Baru (05-12-2019)

Senengnya dah taun 2020.. smg taun ni aq bs pny ank cowok. Kebiasaan tiap taun naru adlh potong rambut. Tapi pas halan2 d icon mall gresik ternyata g ad salon. Drpd nggak ngapa2in, qta akhirnya pijet d sae reflexology. Pijetanny su enk cuman kok ya pas dpt kmr yg sprei n bantalnya bau. Trus kembenny jg bsh. Smbl nunggu giliran pijet, aq n suami nongki dlu d vertical cafe n menikmati oreo frappe yg cucok banget. Hehehe.. puas de pacarannya.

Pulangnya dr mall baru mnj salon young fa bwat potong. Krn g ad conyoh potongan rambutnya, aq liat aj gmbr iklan trus potong segi n poni. Hasilnya lumayan kok.. jadi makin mirip bcl. Wkwkwkw

Sesampainya d pandaan n sketsa msh dbw org gresik, qta masih suasana pacaran dong n akirnya dinner d zaco. Makan mie rebus andalan plus cookies n menikmati jus mangga... widiiii nikmat banget de taun baruannya.. thx God sdh dkasi banyak rejeki.

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2020

"Kampung Kemasan" (05-01-2020)

Kampung kemasan is the one of unique place in gresik. That's has many old buildings and it's really antiwues because they have tionghoa-holland-india-yropical concept for their house. I was so so happy to walked around in this place. I'm so adorable with nyai ageng arem2's house. Thx for my husband to bring me here.

I was so lucky too. I could ate bonggolan. Bonggolan is like cireng but it more delicious than cireng..wkwkwk... we could friy it and enjoy the taste. Thx for my ma and sis in law to bought me it in gresik market. Hehehe..

That was nice holiday right..

Wisata Bangunan Tua (05-01-2019)

Asyik banget bs halan2 d gresik. Tujuan kali ni adalah k gresik kota lama. Dsna ad kampung yg penuh dg bangunan tua n sdh mnjd cagar budaya. Yaitu kampung kemasan. Cukup menarik bangunan tua d gresik ini berasa campuran belanda-tionghoa-india. Bangunan yg dtampilkan pun keren2.

Salah satu bangunan yg paling tua dsni adalah bangunan yg djadikan galeri batik gajah mungkur. Batik khas gresik ini diusung dg motif khas gresik spt bandeng, jenang jubung n damar kurung. Warnanya juga kalem2. Asik banget dibuat koleksi. Selain bangunannya, furniture nya juga modrl lawas yg menarik n instagramable banget.  Cucoklah liburan kali ni puas banget keliling2 gresik.

Jumat, 03 Januari 2020

Nu Year 2020 (03-12-2020)

We were so excited to got holiday in Gresik. We had event with my paremt in law. We had dinner in pongangan. We ate grill corn and chicken barbeque. We danced with javanese music and wait the firework. We were so so happy. Happy nu year 2020.

Before that, we ate in warsa bangil. Sketsa love this place and we tried the packet. The packet were chicken and vegetables. That was delicious and cheap.

We had party in wok lippo plaza.. we ate with my husbands family and the food was great. Thx God for this fortune.

Kamis, 02 Januari 2020

Makan Malam Natal Bersama Keluarga (02-01-2020)

Puas buanget lo liburan d lombok tengahnya. Berasa liburan ala2 artis.. wkwkwk.. pas plg tak lp foto d bandaranya. Plg k sidoarjo pesawat lion. N biasalah delay air. Wkwk.. penerbangan jm 7.40 malah jafi jm 8.20 mlm.

Hbs itu lanjut makan malam d mcd sedati. Aplgi yg msh buka n dkt bandara kalo bkn mcd sedati. Skalian ngasi tau suami gmn caranya psn d mcd skrg.. wkwk.. maklum skrg dah jd org desa. Lgsg pilih pamer alias paket rame2 mcd. 5 aym, 3 nasi n 3 mnm.. krn berlima tgl nambah nasi 1, bubur 1 n mnm 1 aja cos d pkt ni dpt mnm yg bsr. Enak cucok de..

Bsknya qta christmas dinner ma klrg sidoarjo d wrg pati jtl ibis budget sby. Sng banget de bs kmpl n crt2 bareng. Lgsg pesen nasi gandul.empal n lmyn rasanya. Tmptny lagi didekor trma natal. Jafi pas.. krn ad pohon natal tema jagung. N kali ini tema baju qta adalah batik.. hehehe.. biar kompak gitu kalo dfoto. Btw, merry christmas all..