Sabtu, 30 November 2019

Kepratung Maksimal (01-12-2019)

Seminggu kemaren beneran jadi minggu kepratung (keparat beruntung) maksimal. Hegara mulai kamis kemarin dpt rejeki runtuh dtraktir sate babi n uray di sateku ptc ama bu debby niro.. gilaaa.. rasanya endes bangeetttt... dagingnua hede n empuk aplgi uratnya.. ya ampuun itu kayak lemak nyess.. wkwk.. hbs itu mnmnya es cao.. mantap dah.. makasi bu debby.. skses pokoknya..

Habis itu bsknya dapet kiriman jco isi 24 dari kontraktor.. wkwkwk berasa kepratung maksimal kan.. endes buanget makan yg rasa coklat2 gitu. Puasss pokoknya

Thx god, rejekinya masih mengalir cos jmt.kmrn ad diskonan di hush puppies buy 1 free 1. Jadi bs beli kado natal buat suami tercinta d hush puppies supermall.. tas kulit kecil yg  cucok yaa.. smg seneng ya suamik jabis bongkar2 se toko.. wkwkwk

Little Fresh (30-11-2019)

It was great when your husband off and he offered to accompanied him in kampoeng roti bangil. He was looking for bread for his friends. This bread outlet is unique and i really like it. I chose melon bread and took a picture here.. wkwk.. this outlet was cheap and the taste very good.

After that we had dinner in za co cafe. I chose noodle and egg but no forget to chose jack fruit juice. It was delicious and made me feel little fresh for that monday. How great that day to feel great.

Kamis, 28 November 2019

Minggu Mantep (28-11-2019)

Hari minggu tlah tiba.. gak krasa sdh sehari d malang tapi tetep masih pengen halan2 ngehabisin hari itu. Siang qta lgsg maksi d bumblebee.. awalnya bingung mau maem dmn cos g tau slain kfc kalo d jl kawi. Ternyata ad resto oke kayaknya. Mata lgsg tertuju ama ayam kare cos kondisi laper banget. Sambil nungguin pesenan dtg, aq n ankq foto2 cucok. Dya jg sng banget bs maen2. G lama psnan dtg tpi agak mengecewakan cos asin ya.. jd curiga ni makanan kmrn ato emang kebanyakan garem. Tpi g hbs akal.. lgsg siram aj pakek air mineral.. rasanya jadi endes. Mgkn dsni lbh cocok kalo bli makanan n minuman kafe.

Habis puas makan, qta lanjut belanja di blossom. Branded outlet tpi brg2 reject ya guus.. bagus n murah kok. Beli kado bwat adek plus skalian cari hotpants ya.. seneng banget pokoknya kalo dah ke sini. Sketsa jg tak beliin kado natal. Pokoknya slalu puas kalo ke sni.

Blm.puas ngehabisin hari di malang, qta lanjut renanh d grand ketindan lawang. Maut guys.. langsung seneng ketemu air.. renang2 buat nurunin brt bdn juga. Apalagi dsni mumer.. krg apa coba.. cucok pokoknya

Selasa, 26 November 2019

Free Holiday (26-11-2019)

I and my family were very happy because we got free hpliday from bank jatim again. Actually, my husband followed the test but he got salary too for it then we can got free hotel for that. Wkwkwkwk.. we just arrived in hotel mutiara and it will be great for one night. It was old hotel but still cozy and unique. 

After that, we had dinner in pujasera dipo. This food market was small but complete. I chose cap cay and watermelon juice. They were very delicious and i really like it. Wkwkwk.. the place was very cozy for take a while for one hour. This place had wifi and instagramable view.. nice place

We were not satisfied tonight and decided to lokking for cafe. We found liberta cafe with unique garden cafe concept. They have books for lend and nice menu. I chose hot choco and french fries. This place have wifi and instagramable view too. I really like it and they have delicious menu too. They have shoes store.. what great place here.

Sabtu, 23 November 2019

Thanks Giving (24-11-2019)

Seneng banget guys dtraktir bos makan d bakso boedjangan lagi.. bakso mehong yg g terlalu enak.. jdi g sedih kalo diajak ke sni.. tapi ternyata aq sdh menemukan menu enk dsna.. namanya bakso keju.. lebih enak ini ketimbang yg mozarella.. entahlah mengapa.. pokoknya endes.. semangkok ma mie, bakso kecil n gorengannya sdh membuat org kenyang.. apalagi suasananya jg cucok dpake berlama2 ma tmn kerja.

Bsknya lanjut ngrayain thx giving.. thx for everything God.. malem2 masih ad museum bukak. D siola skrg jadi museum surabaya.. jalan2 sej kota kelahiran seru jugak.. habis itu lanjut makan yg lagi ngidam gado2.. dsni skrg jg ad tmpt nongkinya dan dapet tmn baru yg lucu buanget.. wkwkwk.. Great moment with my fam krn kebetulan suami cuti n sketsa jg ikt k sby.. pokoke seru poooll

Eat and Work (23-11-2019)

I was so hungry and turned to mcd wiyung sby.. wkwk.. i just can used my cc to eat. This restaurant has new rule to chose the food. They has machine and new promotion. It was mcspicy chicken burger packet. It was complete with french fries and bubble gum soda. It was delicious and i really like it but the chicken was not really good.

I was so tired in project amd i need little bit relax.. thanks God for this fortune.

Jumat, 22 November 2019

Puji Tuhan (23-11-2019)

Puji Tuhan yg mahaagung utk smua berkatNya padaku. Hingga hari dimana sdh g pny uang, Ia masih memberiq rezeki utk body scrub n pijat kepala. Seneng banget guys, aq bs perawatan di oase reflexology n hasilnya oke banget bs mandi skalian di sana plus menikmati hot ginger.

Sehari sebelumnya pun aq dmanjakan dg mainan make up n menyegarkan diri di es durian. Wenak banget. Cuma 10rb bs kienyang mnm es durian d kasil.pandaan. n yg lebih seru lagi aq nuobain es cendol durian. Rasa santen n duriannya gurih legit menyatu tak terkira. Tmptnya pun sdh drenov n instagramable juga. Cocok kok dbuat nongki ma klrg maupun tmn.. wkwkwk.. how lucky i am.. thx God..

Concert Time (22-11-2019)

I really love my last week. I just prayed to God and i hope i will pregnant soon.

Then, i had good dinner in foodland pandaan with solo chicken noodle. I little bit disappointed because this solo chicken noodle not like what i want. But it's okay. I really enjoyed the music that night. After that, i ready to rocked pandaan. It was great concert in pandaan. It was wilwatikta spekta concert. This event was big event and exhibition in pandaan. Sketsa had new study table and we just bought fresh milk. The sound and view was great. We really enjoyed the show. And finally sandhy sondoro was appeared. We just screamed and sang. What a wonderful voice. I really love love it.. wkwkwkwk

Senin, 18 November 2019

Happy Time Yeah (18-11-2019)

Sueneng banget pokoknya seminggu kemaren.. akirnya penyakitq sembuh total. Mgkn jg pengaruh lagi seneng2nya father's day. Aq bwat kejutan bwat suamiq. Aq beliin roti lakusa ori d wiyung sby trus aq siapin lilin bwat papa.. wkwkwk.. sng banget liat mrk bahagia dg kejutan sdrhana.

Hbs gitu bsknya aw nyobain perawatan eksklusif d martha tilaar day spa d citraland sby. Keren brooo.. tmptnya mewah satu kamar ad tmpt tdr eksklusif n bathtubnya. Perawatannya jg memiaskan. Dtg n prgi dpt minum jahe. Pokoknya cucok cin..

Trus krn bsknya macet pol area citraland, aq mampir oase reflexology. Aq nyobain totok wajah n refleksinya.. g nyangka mantap banget lgsg sembuh.. udah g berat lagi kepala. Tinggal leher bagian belakang. Tmptnya jg lmyn kok. Trus pelayanannya jg oke n yg pasti lebih murah dari martha tilaar. Cucok boo.. sht walafiat

Minggu, 17 November 2019

Free Things (17-11-2019)

I'm so so happy.. because i got free things for my weekday. First, bricon bought me iga penyet in bu kris wisata bukit mas. This food was really delicious and it' really freee.. wkwkwk.. although tje place not really comfortable but it was great... wkwk.. after that, we walk around in bricon's factory. I has already knew about this factory but it was big factory there and i hope they could fullfil my needed. Nice study tour.. wkwkwk

After that, my boss gave me big surprise. The made my salary up and bought me bakso boedjangan. I chose mozarella meatball and it was really big and deginitely it's freeee... wkwkwk... thx God, U are really great for this fortune.

Sabtu, 16 November 2019

Weekend Sederhana (16-11-2019)

Meskipun dompet masih tebal, g ad slhnya hdp berhemat. Weekend kali ini diisi ke plaza bangil aja. Nyari spatu fila kw juga ada. Murah n tetap bergaya.. wkwk.. hbs itu kelaparan n mampir k warung soto. Enk beut makan soto panas n es keyuk yg adem.. top markotop murah tapi endes. Angin semilir2 yg sejuk pun menghanyutkan. Sketsa juga makin jos.

Esoknya juga sederhana banget. Cuman dinner d warunk upnormal ug nyaman n mumer. Apalagi qta dpt voucher. Aw pilih chicken cheese. Endes tapi masih enakan richeese si.. tpi yg pntg kalo lagi d upnormal adlh gamesnya. Sketsa dsni sng banget kalo main2. Skrg malah sok2 main catur. Kalo emaknya dsni sng cos instagramable. Wkwkwk

Jumat, 15 November 2019

Short Escape (15-11-2019)

My neighbour had new business in Lawang. He build pool and villas. I and my family accompanied hin to promote his business in ketindan pool. After that, we tried fried noodle, hot milo and hot coffee. It was very authentic and the pool was nice. But it was little pool. The scenery was really great and i really like it. Nice place to feel the short escape.

Then, my husband need to cut his hair. My daugther too. So they went to bangil traditional market and cut their hair. Nice look now. They look great. Wkwkwk

Selasa, 12 November 2019

Jumat Barokah (13-11-2019)

Jumat lalu seneng banget guys cos puas halan2nnya. Pas siang diajak ketemuan ma lala di housaku. Tmptnya cucoklah bwat curhat2 ma tmn gitu.. pilihan hati tertuju ma sushi roll.. endes banget rasanya n harganya jg standar.. g krasa jg sambil ngalor ngidul ngobrol udah 1jam an aja.

Malemnya jg hepi bs misa harian d kapel baru. Smg 3 permohonanq terkabul smua.. amin.. kapel st john paul 2 keren banget d pakueon mall.. mewah pol n ad museumnya juga.. jd qta bs skalian bljr sej. Hehe.. males lgsg plg, halan2 dlu d spi.. ambil uang trus setor lagi.. gajian mah cuman lewat.. wkwkwk.. hbs itu nyoba nongki d koi the. Mengulang kenikmatan ovaltine macchiato.. emang cucok banget ngerefresh otak mnm ini.. sambil menikmati kehidupan yg berkah dr Tuhan.. mantap

Senin, 11 November 2019

Sad And Happy (10-11-2019)

I'm so sad because i hot headache and it's very hurt myself. But i'm so happy because of it, i can massage my head with creambath. It was so long to feel great in johnny andrean treatment. And i really like the dandruf treatment was back. I went to supermall pakuwon indah and got relax there. It was great. After that, i really hungry and ate roche pluche in foodcourt. Hahaha.. i feel happy in sad situation. My headache get worse and i need to take a rest. So i didn't come to office.

But it's okey because i need to come to doctor and celebrate our love anniversary.. wkwkwk.. it was romantic dinner for us in lumer dharmahusada surabaya. I ate french and friends and enjoy the cozy cafe. The price was cheap and big portion. I really love this celebration.. yeah..

Sabtu, 09 November 2019

Dari Gresik Kembali Ke Pandaan (09-11-2019)

Aq seneng banget d gresik bs maen2 k icon mall n blanja d transmartnya. Kalo blanja dsni tuu smua muanya pengen dibeli tinggal ambil aj.. byrnya bs entar2 pakek kk. Wkwkwk.. hbs capek belanja, qta la jut makn siang di ph. Soalnya mak mertua g bs mkn nasi. Jdi qta pilih paket delight yg pizza. D luar, gresik panas n sumuk.. jadi d ph rame banget. Nungguinnya lmyn lama pdhl dah pengen banget nyruput fanta ice nya.. wkwk.. akirnya dtg jg pizza chickennya.. n rasanya jg endes. Suasanany juga oke.. hrg juga lumayanlah.. cocok bgt dpake bwat kmpl ma klrg. Aplg nak kanak jg bs makan es krim sambil main balon.. haha

Hbs puas maen d gresik, saatnya qta balek lagi k pandaan. Bsknya aq makan malam d mi setan. Tmpt2 leren d pandaan kalo senin kebanyakan libur jd qta cobain yg bukak ini agak jauh yes.. tpi puas banget. Dapet juga suasana horornya disini. Krn g terlalu laper, qta pilih mie angel dan es genderuwo. Cucok banget perpaduannya dsambut juga dgn suasana dingin pandaan n yg paling endess dsni murah banget. Cucok dbuat nongki anak2 muda.. mantep..

Jumat, 08 November 2019

From Surabaya to Gresik (07-11-2019)

That day, i must visit new baby maudy in jl tembok sby. Before it, i bought parcel for her in willow citraland. I chose bottle warmer and eating set. It was so expensive but this baby shop is very lux. This shop jas two floors with elevator and playing ground for children. So, the parents can happy shopping without sad kid.. wkwkwk.. this shop is very comfortable and i really like it.

Finally, we arrived in jl tembok and meet baby maudy. She was really cute and really like sleep. Wkwkwk.. hopefully i can pregnant again and get baby boy.. i really happy met my bestie. It was along time and she look happy. I pray the best for her.

After that, we went to gresik to met another baby but she was busy. So, the next day we went to icon mall gresik and take a rest in mokko factory. I chose koko crunch donut and ice choco. It was delicious and cozy place. The price was standard and i really like the concept. Nice place for family. Wkwkwk

Rabu, 06 November 2019

Just Ate (06-11-2019)

I really happy for last week. I just have halloween party @warunk upnormal pandaan. We wear costume and play in their then ate indomie with cheese sauce. After that, we made video and share everything. So great place and the taste was amazing.

For the next day, I got fortune. The mix master company bought me starbucks. I chose spicy tuna bread and ice choco with whipped cream. I just happy with my nu friends. And it's free.. wkwkwk. It was so delicious and cozy place too.

For the last, I went to pakuwon mall and meet up with my best bestie. We ate in ichiban sushi and chose fried ramen. It's so drlicious and very cozy place. I like it. We talk for more grateful in this place. So happy.

Sabtu, 02 November 2019

Refresh (02-11-2019)

Hbs sampek d bangil, lgsg mnj pandaan bwat k grj. Plg dr grj laper dong.. jd lanjut maem d rmh mbokq pandaan. Sktg tmptnya makin lama makin sepi. Pdhl rasa n tmpt makannya enak bingit. Entahlah knp. Trus hrgnya jg murah. Pas itu aw psn ayam rrmpH. Rasanya jos dgn rempah n potongan cabe. Ayam kampungny jg empuk.

Sdh kenyang banget. Lanjur plg k rmh n bongkar muat. Trnyata bnyk juga oleh2 yg kubeli. Ad gaun, kaos, magnet, tas n bakpia kukus yg endes n lgsg dibagiin bwat org2.

Hepi plg dr jogja, bskny lgsg meet up ma tmn lawas pas d pabrik furni.. dah lama banget g ketemu. Ngecemes banyak hal mulai dr pabrik sampek urusan cinta.. wkwk.. namanya jg hdp ya gaes slalu ad aj critanya. Malam itu kami k lesehan trko d bangil. Hbs njaitin rok, langsung lanjut makan krn kelaparan. Psnnya gurami goreng. Krn tmptnh yg romantis qta g nyadar lesehan jg dah mau tutup. Wkwkwk