Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019
Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019
Curhat Ma Adek (30-08-2019)
Dah lama g jalan2 ma adek. Kemarin senin akirnya qta jln2 d ptc.. rencana si di ptc tpi lenyataan d pakuwon mall. Qta makn di abura soba. Yg pork dong.. ternyata enak juga. Suasanany jg nyaman. Dpt ocha gratis lagi.. tpi mehong coy.. paketannya 80rb.. wkwk.. hbs kenyang aw anterin dya cari celana. Dya crt banyak ttg rncnya mau pndh agama n tinjingan ma musa.. ya smg lancar n mmg ini jalannya.. hehehe
Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019
Minus 1 (28-08-2019)
Sunday was a relax day. I just met with my junior high school besties. I waited them in pizza hut tp 1. I ate black meat pizza and i really liked it. It was so delicious with big meat and cheesy. The taste of blacl bread was great. Then lailatuz came. We talked about our marriage life. Galuh came and we walk around. We visited daiso to look for baby's presents. We found box and milk container. I hope they will love it. Time flies and we must back home.
Sketsa need body massage and we acco.panied her in rumah sehat. I hope she hoing to better..
Sketsa need body massage and we acco.panied her in rumah sehat. I hope she hoing to better..
Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019
Reuni Nostalgia CNB (25-08-2019)
Sabtu kemarin aq seneng banget, slain bisa tdr d htl ibis budget, aw juga bakal ketemu ma tmn2 lama d cnb. Sebenernya ibis budget ckp mengecewakan krn dg hrg yv lmyn mahal cuman dpt lmr ug sangat sempit n kmr mndnya menurutq aneh.. wkwkwk.. tapi tak apalah kekecewaan itu tertutupi dgn acr reuni nostalgia cnb d sutos. Meskipun skrg sutos sepi, qta tetep bs menikmati malming.. aq belanja sejenak d primo supermarket dan lanjut makan d ichiban sushi. Milih namazu donburi n rasanya jg lmyn. Hrg makananny murah kok.. cuman minumanny yg mahal. Tmptnya juga cozy bwat curhat masalah kehidupan..
Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019
Jumat, 23 Agustus 2019
Harus Semangat (23-08-2019)
Kemarin senin sempet down gegara shock salah ngecek gmbr.. entahlah, pdhl dlu kalo ngecek gmbr paling yahud.. mgkn krn adh menua. Tapi untungnya lesumpekan itu agak mereda stlh jalan2 d matahri tp3 smbl nyari kenang2an bwat dosen pembimbing.
Habis itu lanjut mkn mlm d tokyo belly. Mkn ramrn favorit yg endes smbl curhat2 soal weton. Blm puas curhatnya, lanjut nongki d starbucks. Aq pilih mango aja yg bs bikin rileks n bobok. What a gteat monday. N aq mulai agk lega krn lerjaan mulai membaik n urusan s2q sdh slsi. Tggl utang k dosen n ttd ijasah.. smh smuanya lancar sampek wisuda. Amiiinnn...
Habis itu lanjut mkn mlm d tokyo belly. Mkn ramrn favorit yg endes smbl curhat2 soal weton. Blm puas curhatnya, lanjut nongki d starbucks. Aq pilih mango aja yg bs bikin rileks n bobok. What a gteat monday. N aq mulai agk lega krn lerjaan mulai membaik n urusan s2q sdh slsi. Tggl utang k dosen n ttd ijasah.. smh smuanya lancar sampek wisuda. Amiiinnn...
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019
Full (22-08-2019)
I'm so happy because I can see sketsa try to practice together in the big ballet stage. But, she must ate first before show. She wanted to ate crispy fried chicken in mcd amd we chose mcd plasa marina. How great.. the chicken in mcd plasa marina is more deliciouse than other. I tried apple pie and i think it's not really great like what people say.
Then, she showed and look so tired. She looked happy but then i didn't hear anything. She slept in the bagage. Wkwkwkwk
She tired and so did I. I must got body massage in rumah sehat. I think i feel great after this treatment. Wkwkwk
Then, she showed and look so tired. She looked happy but then i didn't hear anything. She slept in the bagage. Wkwkwkwk
She tired and so did I. I must got body massage in rumah sehat. I think i feel great after this treatment. Wkwkwk
Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019
Hari Kemerdekaan (20-08-2019l
Pagi2 bangun lgsg menuju tmpt lomba 17an. Yg upacara d proyek smgt ya guys.. wkwkwk.. lmb pertama topi cantol trus memasukkan paku k dlm botol. Ad kejafian lucu yaa.. sampek ad yg naikkin velana buat masukin paku.. gaya dah 100 tpi tetep aj g msk.. wkwkwkwk
Hbs itu lmb mkn krupuk. Grup balita lucu2.. g ad yg bs nyokot cos kena anhin. Apalagi sketsa. 1cokot aja g kena.. wkwkwk
Hbs lelah lomba, lanjut perayaan bonusan d ibc. Mkn nila pesmol n cah taogr. Wenak cucok cin..
Stlh kenyang lanjut pensi 17an perumahan. Puji Tuhan sketsa dpt juara 1 lmb mewarnai grup tk.. sng de liatnya.. smg skses terus ya nak
Hbs itu lmb mkn krupuk. Grup balita lucu2.. g ad yg bs nyokot cos kena anhin. Apalagi sketsa. 1cokot aja g kena.. wkwkwk
Hbs lelah lomba, lanjut perayaan bonusan d ibc. Mkn nila pesmol n cah taogr. Wenak cucok cin..
Stlh kenyang lanjut pensi 17an perumahan. Puji Tuhan sketsa dpt juara 1 lmb mewarnai grup tk.. sng de liatnya.. smg skses terus ya nak
Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2019
My Friday (17-08-2019)
Yesterday was great day. The students in ek was already finished their job. They gave us bolrn and burn brownies. There were delicious and mr kukuh receibed the spubenirs from them. Then, we ate in bakso budjangan. I try cheese fried meatball and wagyu. Great food guys.. the priece was ecpensive but the place was cozy. Nicr
Then i must come to independence night in my home. We ate sego daun and we pray for nect amazing indonesia.
Then i must come to independence night in my home. We ate sego daun and we pray for nect amazing indonesia.
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2019
Pengen ndengerin musik (16-08-2019)
3hari ni ac mbl mati. Hawanya panas banget. Aplgi dtmbh hbs makan kambing perayaan idul adha nya wika gedung. Wenak n mantap ad gule n sate kambing. Eee la kok plg ac mati guys.. sauna kringetan g tahan akirnya mampir reat area km 25 sidoarjo. Smbl ndengerin musik emang paling enak mah d starbucks. Untung pas ad promosi. Bli jajan dpt minum.. maknyus dah. Ice choco n choco browniea.. muaknyuss pol.. lgsg nyess.. lp kalo ac mati. Wkwkwkwk
Rabu, 14 Agustus 2019
The Souvenirs (15-08-2019)
I love travelling and hunting for souvenirs. Otheewise i can't take holiday again, I look for souvenirs after tired work. I visited rest area km 25 in sidoarjo. I came to corner alfamart i found mask and moved to patata. I found fish crackers. I think it can be bandeng cuisine. Wkwkwk
Not expensive and my holiday was still great. Thx God.
Not expensive and my holiday was still great. Thx God.
Mejeng (14-08-2019)
Hari senin kmrn diajak ketemuan ma tmn2 dr lasalle.. n topik utama selalu adlh principalnya yg goblok. Wkwkwk.. smbl menyantap otak2 bandeng ala sidoarjo yg lezat di ria indonesiam bistro sutos. Qta ketawa haha hihi ngehina2 dya..
Btw, otak2 bandengnya maknyus n porsinya jg bnyk. Harganya juga pas n tmpt nongkinya jg cozy. Hbs julitin prana, aq plg n pengen k tmpt baru.. terpilihlah circle k eest area km 25 sidoarjo. Ternyata meskipun tmptnya kecil, tapi pklihan jajannya banyak jg. N hatiq jth k silverqueen chunky bar almond. Cucoklah.. senin jadi smangat menjalani 1 mgg k dpn..
Btw, otak2 bandengnya maknyus n porsinya jg bnyk. Harganya juga pas n tmpt nongkinya jg cozy. Hbs julitin prana, aq plg n pengen k tmpt baru.. terpilihlah circle k eest area km 25 sidoarjo. Ternyata meskipun tmptnya kecil, tapi pklihan jajannya banyak jg. N hatiq jth k silverqueen chunky bar almond. Cucoklah.. senin jadi smangat menjalani 1 mgg k dpn..
Selasa, 13 Agustus 2019
Day 2 (13-08-2019)
My day 2 holiday in sidoarjo was great. I celebrated adha ied in leko. I ate fried iga and my family really like it. Leko was great restaurant. The taste was delicious and the price was guarantee. Otherwise the place not really good and very crowded.
Then i visited my young sis in mitra klrg hospital again. The diagnose still not appeared and i was so boring there. So i ate in cafetaria and chose chili fried chicken. The taste was delicious and the place so good. The price was expensive. Then i tried tawa singapore for the dessert.
Then i visited my young sis in mitra klrg hospital again. The diagnose still not appeared and i was so boring there. So i ate in cafetaria and chose chili fried chicken. The taste was delicious and the place so good. The price was expensive. Then i tried tawa singapore for the dessert.
Senin, 12 Agustus 2019
Liburan Idul Adha (12-08-2019)
Kebiasan gweh kalo idul adha itu kumpul ma keluarga sidoarjo. Kali ni keliling kota Sidoarjo. Berangkat sabtu pagi, sampek sidoarjo disambut dengan makan siang kakap putih buatan mamah tercinta. Habis itu lanjut njenguk adek yg tetiba msk rs mitra keluarga waru. katanya sdh 2 mgg demam n bendol d bwh rahangnya. Dokter blm tau juga dya sakit apa cos sampek hari ini baru dkasi antibiotic dan benjolan itu g kempes sepenuhnya. Semoga smua sehat2 guys.. Aq pun jg balek k dokter adrianus. Semoga cpt sembuh aja penyakit jamurq ini biar bs punya ank lagi.
Drpd sedih, aq ma klrgq renang di delta centre dsi. Dah lama g renang. Seneng banget de.. sketsa dah mulai berani ngayunkan kakinya.. aq jg bs foto2 ala garden party. wkwkwk..
Hbs renang laper dong.. kalo k sidoarjo wajib lah makan mi aym gajahmada. Maknyus n seger.. hehe,,
Back home.. liburan hari 1 di sidoarjo
Drpd sedih, aq ma klrgq renang di delta centre dsi. Dah lama g renang. Seneng banget de.. sketsa dah mulai berani ngayunkan kakinya.. aq jg bs foto2 ala garden party. wkwkwk..
Hbs renang laper dong.. kalo k sidoarjo wajib lah makan mi aym gajahmada. Maknyus n seger.. hehe,,
Back home.. liburan hari 1 di sidoarjo
Minggu, 11 Agustus 2019
New Environment (10-08-2019)
My new environment is great. With great friends and boss. But two of them like so sensitive now.. wkwk but i enjoy become back to architect engineer. I get free coco ice and american pizza.
My daugther justed happy come to her friend's birthday party. Wkwk..
I'm just happy too because the holiday will start again and back home to sidoarjo. I brought bananas and salt egg for my family. Yeah..
My daugther justed happy come to her friend's birthday party. Wkwk..
I'm just happy too because the holiday will start again and back home to sidoarjo. I brought bananas and salt egg for my family. Yeah..
Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2019
Nyari Temen (10-08-2019)
Krn d kntr baru sayah tak pnu shbt, scr tmn cee sdh terlampaui jauh umurnya n dajak hang out susah maka shbt2 lama adlh yg terbaik. Aq ktmu ma b heidy d ptc. Janjian mkn babi d dirty harry. Ad menu cucok. Nasi manado. Rasanya muaknyus guys. Hrg standar n suasana jg std. Tpi enkny cucok marucok hei hei.. hbs itu qta lanjut nongki d jco spi. Wkwkwk.. sok2 pny bnyk uang.. skrg cuman tinggal 500rb.. pilih ice choco with whipped cream.. enyak2.. wkwk..
Kamis, 08 Agustus 2019
Escape (08-08-2019)
Last sunday, the electricity i pandà an was die. I and my fam went to carrefour pasuruan and escape from reality. Before that, we had breakfast in dea bakery. I chose pizza. Then we got shopping and immediately i met with my home bestie.. puspita. She has 3 sons now. What amazing picture to take. The clock wasn't show 4 o clock. So sketsa played in mimi land and i try crispy meatball amd actually fresh orange. Otherwise i had already lunch with fried chicken and soup. Wkwkwwk
Senin, 05 Agustus 2019
Kurang Nongki (05-08-2019)
Sabtu masih belum bs dpt ttd jurnal.. g mau ambil pusing.. ug penting udah bs lls sidang aja puji Tuhan banget. Tinggal keajaiban Tuhan bsk sls msh bs ikt yudisium ap gak. Slain itu, malming enknya bwat nongki. Nongki paling murah d oandaan h di zaco. 3org cuman hbs 50rb dah kenyang n endes. Dpt mi rebus n jus jambu. Suasanany jg romantis. Aplgi ank wedok kecapekan hbs balet n naik mtr. Untung dblikan susu sgm ma papanya.. wkwkwk.. sng deh pokoknua meskipun msh galau..
Minggu, 04 Agustus 2019
Just Need To Relax (04-08-2019)
I just need to relax and take the deep breathe. I spent my timr with my best bestie and love ouselves in ptc sby. We walk around and tell our life. I with my boss and she with her nu boyfriend. Than i nought cute underware in bb. I hope i will heal from this pain. And i accompanied her to get snacks. She loves snacks. I try siomay dim dimsum mania. It's delicious and i like it. The we had dinner in spi. Wkwkwk.. just another escape..
Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2019
Sedikit Berlari (03-08-2019)
Dari pagi heboh ngurusin tesis d b ima, b nita akirnya ktmu jg n dtolak d b arina. Bela2in ngerevisi, print n jilid ternyata dnikiai slh.. zonk banget jadinya.. dblg adu domba n tdk menghargai.. blm jg jurnal.. wes pokoke drama.. wkwkwk.. y smg ae bsk sls msh bs ikt yudisium.
Kmrn lgsg cus k gm3 bwat mkn babi krn saking stressnya.. utk ad pork rice hainan.. mantep lah.. lgsg ilang stress.. aplg dpt salad n baca ramalan bhw gw bakal.kaya..kalo yg baik3 gunj mah gw percaya.. wkwkwk
Kmrn lgsg cus k gm3 bwat mkn babi krn saking stressnya.. utk ad pork rice hainan.. mantep lah.. lgsg ilang stress.. aplg dpt salad n baca ramalan bhw gw bakal.kaya..kalo yg baik3 gunj mah gw percaya.. wkwkwk
The Hard Week (03-08-2019)
This week was the hardest week. I must finish my thesis revision but everybody like doesn't want to help me out from here. My lecture was really hard to meet me and always make more complicated.. wkwkwk
Last sunday, i bought snacks for my daugther in indomaret pandaan. I saw her very like it then after that i must through amazing week in its n engineering konsultan. But i must get up and still feel relax at pizza hut merr sby. I ate lasagna after revision again.
I still can not finish the preparation for yudisium but i happy to received lapis pandan from abi beton. Hopefully got great food again.
Last sunday, i bought snacks for my daugther in indomaret pandaan. I saw her very like it then after that i must through amazing week in its n engineering konsultan. But i must get up and still feel relax at pizza hut merr sby. I ate lasagna after revision again.
I still can not finish the preparation for yudisium but i happy to received lapis pandan from abi beton. Hopefully got great food again.
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