Besoknya gantian aq yg nraktir. Sukuran kerjaan baru drayain d waroeng pYi ibis budget sby. Nikmat banget nasi gandul n sop buntunya. Meski mhl, yg pntg tmptnya cozy punya. Puas de sukurannya
Selasa, 30 Juli 2019
Sukuran (30-07-2019)
Besoknya gantian aq yg nraktir. Sukuran kerjaan baru drayain d waroeng pYi ibis budget sby. Nikmat banget nasi gandul n sop buntunya. Meski mhl, yg pntg tmptnya cozy punya. Puas de sukurannya
Sabtu, 27 Juli 2019
Just Culinary (27-07-2019)
I just happy because i can ate delicious food. First, i ate grilled chicken in aym bkr mantap bangil. The taste was really delicious otherwise the price and the place was standard. Then, i ate big fried rice in omah mbokq pandaan. Great weekemd right ?
Btw, i'm so happy that finally i feel great in new office. Back to architect life and great food. Wkwkwkk.. lovely this place
Btw, i'm so happy that finally i feel great in new office. Back to architect life and great food. Wkwkwkk.. lovely this place
Minggu, 21 Juli 2019
Lama G Nongki (20-07-2019)
Hari jmt kmrn d rmh dhbskan dg ngerjain tesis n nongki. Qta nyoba k lapak coffee yg sejalan ma ftkp ikasah n ktp. Ternyata skrg nongki d lapak coffee ad lice musicnya jg. Tpi nuansa tempo doeloe yes.. kakek2 yg nyanyi n maen msk. Tpi tetep okelah.. wkwkwk.. pilih choco milkshake n camilan kentang goreng.. lumayan utk menghabiskan malam.. hahaha
N yg paling epic adalah dapet cemilan2 wenak dr malaysia.. trus dpt kenang2an buanyak dr miss pricil, miss mel id n full timer. Ad jg ygburunan hede sampek.mbeliin dompet mango aali. Ad jg yg kasi bantal jajan ala si mike.. sng deh pokoknya cucok..
N yg paling epic adalah dapet cemilan2 wenak dr malaysia.. trus dpt kenang2an buanyak dr miss pricil, miss mel id n full timer. Ad jg ygburunan hede sampek.mbeliin dompet mango aali. Ad jg yg kasi bantal jajan ala si mike.. sng deh pokoknya cucok..
Jumat, 19 Juli 2019
Farewell Party (19-07-2019)
Finally, my journey in lasalle was end. I'm so happy because i will not meet with incredible people. Wkwkwk..
Sketsa was so happy too with he presents and she has already held the third party in bakso sopan pandaan.
I didn't want lose with her. I made party too with my collagues in lasalle. I held farewell party in inul vizta sutos surabaya. I was so happy becahse i got many presents and they really happy to sang a song. We danced all night long.. really great. I bought food and beverage. I spend 1million rp for this party but i was not regret. I'm so greatful to have you all. Thank you.. wkwkwk
Sketsa was so happy too with he presents and she has already held the third party in bakso sopan pandaan.
I didn't want lose with her. I made party too with my collagues in lasalle. I held farewell party in inul vizta sutos surabaya. I was so happy becahse i got many presents and they really happy to sang a song. We danced all night long.. really great. I bought food and beverage. I spend 1million rp for this party but i was not regret. I'm so greatful to have you all. Thank you.. wkwkwk
Pesta Ultah Sketsa Ke 5 (19-07-2019)
Pesta ultah sketsa meriah banget.. habis nyanyi slmt ultah, bu kepsek memberikan sambutan. Setelah itu lanjut games. Ad 3 games yaitu menyebutkan hrf dr balon sketsa, menyanyi n menari. Hbs itu baru acara inti. Tiup lilin, potong kue n bagi kue. Penerimaan kado yang terakir n gantian sketsa yg bagi souvenir n makan. Smuanya paxa sng banget. Indahnya berbagi. Habis itu lanjut bagi2 mknan d kantor suami n pesta kedua brsm klrg sidoarjo. Mantep mkn siang d ami lesehan barokah. Psn aym grg 1 ekor n patin. Suiipp pokoke..
Rabu, 17 Juli 2019
HBD Sketsa (18-07-2019)
Finally.. the day was come.. we took sketsa's birthday cake in dea bakery and prepare for her party. Before that, we ate bakso beranak in foodland pandaan. The taste was so great but it's little bit expensive. Wkwk
The day was great. Sketsa become elza frozen and got the party with her friends in tk dharma wanita persatuan 8. She looked very happy and we took picture together. Than, her teacher became the MC and we sang happy birthday for her.. hehehe.. hbd sketsa.. i will always lobe you..
The day was great. Sketsa become elza frozen and got the party with her friends in tk dharma wanita persatuan 8. She looked very happy and we took picture together. Than, her teacher became the MC and we sang happy birthday for her.. hehehe.. hbd sketsa.. i will always lobe you..
Selasa, 16 Juli 2019
Makin Dekat (16-07-2019)
Hari minggu kemarin hbs plg gereja, qta lgsg mnj dea bakery bwat psn kue ultah Sketsa. Hari makin mepet utk persiapan. Untung dsna ad kue frozen n murah juga. Menurutku kue dwa ini enk jg.. lebih enk dr citra malah. Hbs itu, krn kelaperan, qta mnj omah mbokq. Ternyata nasi capjaynya oke punya. Murah n tmptny jg oke.. ad fasilitas karaoke jg.. hehehe.

Minggu, 14 Juli 2019
Nice Academic Day (14-07-2019)
Btw, this is my laat event in lcs. Finally i will work behind the scene again. I'm not comfort to work like this. I work at 9 am in saturday just for academic day. This event which is have canada day theme. But you know, it will be late event of course. I start with yves saint laurent movie screening and then canadian game, earthquake game and then quiz. For the last, it will be great to choose the best dresscode for canadian outfit. That's great event otherwise this event empty.
Then we can get sing a song along day. In noon, we had lunch in nasgor 69 transmart ngagel. I chose nasgor ikan asin and we talked everything about lasalle. As always..
After the exhausted event, I must went to fairfield to meet with robi. He get married but i can't come because my great house.. wkwkwk
Then we can get sing a song along day. In noon, we had lunch in nasgor 69 transmart ngagel. I chose nasgor ikan asin and we talked everything about lasalle. As always..
After the exhausted event, I must went to fairfield to meet with robi. He get married but i can't come because my great house.. wkwkwk
Menghitung Hari (14-07-2019)
Waktu terasa lama kalo menderita.. tpi hri itu akan tiba. Untungnya hari itu aq diajak maksi d transmart sma miss rose. Smbl memandangi gmbr ankq, aq mnju wendys. Hrpnny si bs pake kk. Tpi ternyata decline n pdhl dah psn aym plus stake burger. Wkwkwk.. gakpapalah.. skalian beli gift bwat student n mlmny jg k lapis kukus pahlawan bwat bli snack acara academic day. Smg smua cpt berlalu n aw jg bs sgr lulus s2. Amin..
Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019
Still about Sketsa (13-07-2019)
We must went to carrefour pasuruan just because of sketsa. We looked for whiteboard and snacks for her birthday. We bought everything what we need for it and really excited to prepare her birthday party. After that, i drank in coffee shop for choco milkshake.
Sketsa begun her read course. She looked happy and she really liked play and write everything.. yeah...
Sketsa begun her read course. She looked happy and she really liked play and write everything.. yeah...
Jumat, 12 Juli 2019
Persiapan Ultah Sketsa (12-07-2019)
Minggu kmrn cukup sbk y guys.. lrn jrs nyiapin ultah anlq. Qta blnj d sardo.. uah, ini swalayan paling gefe si d pandaan. Hrgnya jg mumer. Hbs puas blnj dya maen bentar rrus lanjut maem d omah mbokq. Nyoba nasgornya oke juga. Yg pasti lelah guys, melekan terus bwat rev tesis n penghabisan d lasalle. Aq wes mls d lasalle n pengen cptan keluar ajaa.. omg, great...
Kamis, 11 Juli 2019
Walking Around (11-07-2019)
After great dinner party, we went to lebun kurma and walk around. We took a picture and played air bicycle. I'm so tired but it waa great to made my daugthwr happy. Then we had lunch in wapo. I chose fried squid. We liked ate in wapo pandaan because they had live music and it was great. Good food, good price and good place. Great..
Selasa, 09 Juli 2019
Kedatangan Tamu (09-07-2019)
Senengnya kedatangan tamu dr jogja n gresik nginep d rmh pandaan.. setlh liburan banyuwangi berakir n mrk jln2 k pavet bwat berenang, mancing n makan akirnya sampek jg d pandaan. Mlmny lgs makan2 perayaan ultah pernikahan k 11 klrg jogja. Qta rayain d lesehan teko bangil. Ank2 sng si cos bs foto2 n kasi mkn ikan cos tmptny emang romantis. Cucoklah
Minggu, 07 Juli 2019
Happy Holiday 4 my daugther (07-07-2019)
Sketsa was so happy because she got what she want to sleep in hotel. She was sleeping in sby suite hotel on sunday and went to banyuwangi by train on monday. Her mother just could walk in gm 3 and ate padang rice in its canteen.
Then she arrive in sanur beach hotel and went to red island. She was painting there and played in kampung osing. After that, she played in baluran, beach n jbr. That's great to see her in happy photo. I hope u always smile girl..
Then she arrive in sanur beach hotel and went to red island. She was painting there and played in kampung osing. After that, she played in baluran, beach n jbr. That's great to see her in happy photo. I hope u always smile girl..
Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019
Senin, 01 Juli 2019
Refresh My Brain (01-07-2019)
Actually i'm sad because my test was not really good comment but life must go on right ? After ballet course, I accompany my daugther ate and played in transmart aidoarjo. She like crispy chicken in wendya but I chose dave burger. The tas was delicious and the place was really cozy. Then, we bought washinh machine and played in trans studio mini. After that, I qant say thx to God with dinner in lesehan teko bangil. We chose grilled fish, crispy tofu and tauge. It was great and the place cool. We listen live music and aketsa could play with fish. She feed the fish.. hehehehe.. just want to refreah my brain.
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