Rabu, 16 Oktober 2024

Meet Up (06-09-2024)

     Yeee.. hello family from jogjes.. nice to see you again and nice to celebrated birthday party with elza.. i hope she like the gift and enjoy this lunch. we had lunch in lavender surabaya. purple place with unique decoration. really stunning and the have delicious food. cozy place and price. hehehe.. Enjoy surabaya all and i will give you some snack like hello panda to accompany all of you. 

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024

Puji Tuhan Semua Sembuh (01-09-2024)

     Cobaan ya.. penyakit sariawan dateng lagi. Untung badan ini masih kuat. Dibuat santai aja yg penting masih bisa makan mi ayam ceker enak d paguyuban pkl hero, sidoarjo. 

    Lanjut kontrol nak kicik ya.. trus makan margarita pizza d francoville taman dayu pandaan. nice dinner with live music. I really like it. 

    And then, papaq kena stroke. Puji Tuhan cpt dibawa k akupuntur dan semuanya sembuh. termasuk penyakitq dan ankq.. semua sdh kembali normal. semoga kami makin bahagia. Amin,,

Senin, 14 Oktober 2024

Thank You (31-08-2024)

     Really nice memory when i see this photo. Nice feel happen and thank you for this dinner. refli was so good for spent ayce time. G walk and surabaya would be keep our memories.
    Thank yot too for vision bali property who helped me through this chaos moment in my carrier day. nice teamwork and i love it. hopefully i would be good in another job. 
    And congratulation for parama elementary school. thank you to teach my little daugther, hehehehe

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2024

Pesta Tok (30-08-2024)

     Happy birthday my bestie.. we just had dinner in sorento to celebrated it. we ate kebuli and briyani rice with goat meat.. hmm... yummy.. standard price and place to hang out. And then, i got job in bali. i hope balangan and pererenan villa will be stunning and sold out. Nice adventure.. 

    Thank you very much for the unique farewell gift. Hello Kitty Gundam will be so nice and thank you who managed it. Everything will be remembered.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2024

Holiday Is Over (26-08-2024)

     Hi the day.. I was so confused about this end of holiday but finally God gave me better better place. Nice life journey but I must handle all of it. Bye two.. i must be brave with my decision of course. I bought sidoarjo crackers and the taste was great in putra tanjung. And then, we had dinner in puri surya jaya. There was toys cafe and i tried spaghetti carbonara there. Delicious food and freshly strawberry mojito. completely loved it. Give thanks to God for everything..

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2024

Yee Idul Adha (25-08-2024)

     Finally ya.. hari raya idul adha bergema. Kami sekeluarga merayakan di fajar chinese restaurant. lokasinya d manyar. tempatnya nyaman n ternyata rame banget. jelas ternyata makanan dsni enak banget. harga bersaing dan pegawainy jg ramah. pelayanan cepet. jadi puas de qta ngrayain idul adha dsni. 

    Trus lanjut nyatik lepi y.. puji Tuhan finally setelah bekerja 14th, punya laptop sendiri. emang klo g dpaksa ngutang jg g bakal kebeli ni laptop. puji Tuhan semua berjalan dg baik. n semoga segera lunas dg pembayaran pbg samarinda nih. amin amin.. 

    Plg2 haus ya.. jadi qta mampir de mandailing merr. dsna makan pancake ama rum regal. jos tenan. moga2 bb g naik ya.. foto2 dsni jg bagus banget. aq sukak.. terima kasih Tuhan atas rejeki melimpah yg telah Engkau berikan.. Luv banget..


Minggu, 06 Oktober 2024

Try and Try (24-10-2024)

     Culinary time..  i was so enthusiast with this food. Tahu Telor Cak Sodiq in Sidoarjo.. Lovely taste, big portion and standard price. hehehehe.. and then we had relax in unimas district. I bought tissue in mini so. Cute tissue and nice nu place in sidoaejo too. Love it